3rd person POV:
Everyone was at front of the park that had a forest in middle (I know it doesn't make any sense, but just go with it!) Aphmau was at the gates, and before her was two teams, the first one made by meif'was that have Zane, Garroth and Kawaii~chan and in the second one by wearwolfs that has Aaron, Blaze, Daniel, Dottie and Rylan. Aphmau stands in a wood log (becauz she be a smol potato) with a rainbow coloured tissue on her right hand, but before any one could move she said. "Okay before we begin we are stating some rules..." some of the wearwolfs groaned at that, but continued anyway. "Rule number uno, no biting or scratching other wearwolf or meif'wa folks. Rule number deux, if one of the team members fall then at least one has to stay back to help them. And last but not least. Rule number three, make sure to go in a staight line to end at the finish line!!! Are you ready?!" All the meif'wa went in all fours along with some wearwolfs with feet and 'paws' on the ground (cat pun intended). "Steady!!!" Now all of the meif'wa and wearwolfs were ready to take off. "GO!!!" Aphmau shouted, and all the meif'wa and wearwolf took off into the forest, were to settle memories that became in a forest.
Zane's POV:
I was in the lead along with Aaron, I was in all fours running through the forest meanwhile Aaron was running in two feet and slowly loosing his lead. "What's wrong Aaron? Feeling tired?~" I said in a cocky tone. "Now Zane don't get too cocky, don't want to loose your lead now would you?~" said Aaron in a mocking tone. "I would be devastated if that would come to be Aaron~" I responded glancing back at Garroth and Kawaii~chan that were no that far behind us, and motion them to get in all fours. They nod and do as I asked. "But..." I trailed off making him glance over at my direction. "It seems that you have forgoten that in our meif'wa form, as you are stronger..." I make sure to look at him in the eye. "....we are faster." I finished off and speeding my pace and leaving Aaron behind, letting him be out of sight. 'Who knew meif'wa could be so fast?~' I thought to myself.
Aaron's POV:
'Who knew meif'wa could be so fast?!' I thought to myself as I saw Zane, Garroth and Kawaii~chan dash out of my sight. Suddenly Blaze was by my side and asked. "After the race wanna pound 'em to the ground?" "Yea, thanks Blaze, but for now let's catch up to them, and show them how FAST we are!" "OH YEAH! A CHALLENGE! LET'S GO!!" Blaze rushed to catch up with the meifwas. 'When we catch up to them and win I will see the reaction of Zane.... OH MAN IT WOULD BE PRICELESS' I say in my thought's slightly chuckling to myself.
Kawaii~chan's POV: (HAHAHA!!!! DIDN'T EXPECT THAT DID YOU!!.... you did.....ummmm..... ok....)
Kawaii~chan has been runnig for what feels forever. *sigh* Kawaii~chan wishes Zane sempai would stay like that forever! Zane sempai looks soo KAWAII!! But Kawaii~chan thinks that if, Zane sempai wants to go back to his human form, then *sigh* Kawaii~chan guesses it's fine. Maybe before summer ends Kawaii~chan can finally confess to her sem- "OW!" Kawaii~chan screamed before Kawaii~chan fell to the ground. Kawaii~chan noticed two things. One that Kawaii~chan got her foot stuck in a tree root, and that the wearwolfs are not that far behind!!! Garroth~kun noticed this too because, next thing Kawaii~chan knows Garroth~kun is helping Kawaii~chan to get her foot free, and shouted ant Zane sempai to keep running. Zane sempai sprints to the finish line..... Kawaii~chan hopes that Zane sempai wins.
Zane's POV:
'I really hope that I win' I think meanwhile running back at the finish line. I can feel Aaron close behind me so I try to speed up as much as possible. ' UGH!! COME ON ZANE GO FASTER!!!' I say to myself in my head. 'Come On!!! HUH?' I look up to see the finish line. ' YES IT'S NOT THAT FAR!' I say in my head. I then tilt my head to the left and see Aaron who is winning by a nose... A NOSE!!!. "OH NO YOU DON'T!" I yell at him getting a head of him (horse race pun intended). "OH YES I WILL!" He yelled back. I then jump a head of him and win the race!!!!!! "YEAH!! SUCK IT AARON!!" I yell at him. He comes to my side and says. "ARRRGGGHH I WAS SOOOOO CLOOOOSEEEE!!!!" " Don't worry Aaron it's just a friendly competition. Heh" "AGH! fine....." Then I see Kawaii~chan, Garroth and Aaron's pack come out of the forest ( <-- sorry I'm lazy to write names). I rush to Kawaii~chan to see if she's okay. "Kawaii~chan are you okay?" I ask eager to know the answer. "K-kawaii~c-chan is f-fine!" Kawaii~chan stutters out. I then deside to tease her. " Kawaii~chan are you falling for my hotness?~" I ask smirking under my mask. " W-what!!?" Kawaii~chan stutters. I chuckle to myself before turning around. And I know I'll regret that all my life. When I turned around I saw, non other than the reason Aphmau and Aaron had been apart for a year... It was E-ein... 'H-how is this possible?' I said in my head, my eye widend, my face paler than usual and with no expression. Ein stood there smirking and his gaze meeting mine, wich turneed his smirk into a maniacal smile that went from ear to ear, and muttered something under his breath.
Ein's POV:
'I can't believe it... ' I said in my mind, after looking at one of my last puppets from a year ago. Zane Ro'Meave. I was waiting for the perfect moment to strike my plan on revenge on Aaron and everyone he loves and cares about.... and now.... it's a great opportunity to do so. I made sure that my high school gang couldewere the only ones that could hear what I was about to say. "Boys..." they were behind the bushes as well as me, but they made sure to stay away from the clearing in the bushes that I was in so they wouldn't get caught by anyone. "Now, strike and make sure to have ALL the meif'was and wearwolfs knocked out cold before going back to the hideout. UNDERSTAND?" they nodded their heads. "Good now go..." and with out another second to spare they attaked.
3rd person POV:
Jax and Rider (sorry if these arn't their names (T^T)) went to hold down and knock out the wearwolfs since they were the stongest and toughest. When they were finished all the wearwofls were knocked out, including Aaron. Then Ein came out of the bushes and coming to everyone's sight. All of the ones that were all still fully conscious were either trying to wake the wearwolfs up, gassped or were terrified out of their minds. "Awww, are you all happy to see me~ healthy and alive?~" Ein began keeping a smirk on his face. "GO AWAY YOU MONSTER!!!" Aphmau yelled. "YEAH WE DON'T NEED TO SEE YOU, AND YOUR STUPID FACE AROUND HERE!!" continued Garroth. "CAN'T YOU SEE THAT SOME OF US ARE STILL TRYING TO HEAL AFTER OUR LAST ENCOUNTING!!" Zane finnaly spoke up with a little bit of anger in his voice. "Oh~ finaly my first puppet, comes to speak again to his...." Ein takes a few steps towards Zane, and Zane tried to back up. "....so called....." Ein was just some steps away from Zane, and Zane couldn't back away anymore he was trapped agaist Jax, Rider and Ein. ".... brother~." Ein said as he leand in to Zane their faces almost touching, Zane stayed shocked, with his eyes wide open and no emotion visible. "Hmmmmm~" said Ein while putting a finger under Zane's chin, Zane when he noticed that Ein was making do eye contact so Zane quickly slapped his hand away. Wich made Ein put his other hand around his neck, leaving him gasping for air.Ein then leaned in to Zane's ear and wispered. "You do what I ask you when I want you to...." Tightening the grip around his neck, and lifting him off the ground. "..... so deny me what I want and there will be SEVER consequences..... UNDERSTOOD?" Zane slightly nodded gasping for air. Ein let go of his neck, making Zane go to his knees a hand holding his neck and gasping for air. Then Ein put a cloth around his nose and mouth making Zane battle against him...
Zane's POV:
As soon as Ein put a cloth around my nose and mouth, I tried to get out of his grip and see if any of my friends could save me. I looked around only to see that all were passed out... 'It can't be.... a-all hope is lost....' just as if Ein read my mind he said. "There is no hope this time, no one will come and save you...." he came near my ear, as my view started to blurr. "..... and no one will stop, what I'll try to do~" he purred (I think I just asumed something....) in my ear.... then all I saw was dark.