My target was a little black-haired thing with crimson eyes thing dressed in a tight red corset. Rivets of blood-soaked steel ran across the piece's chest. Over the corset was a black gown ruffled and flowing to her feet, sleeveless, and if my eyes didn't deceive me made of silk. An aura of winter trailed from the fabric leaving the table around her frigid. Atop the gown and stylized with roses was a red coat the same color as her coreset.
Little makeup covered her face. Her lips were painted, and a little blush gave her the semblance of a warm human girl. It hardly worked with the scowl she wore. Within those eyes was a sharpness that Isla Alma hid a little better. Hunger had driven this woman to scratch four claw marks in the table beneath her hand. No man no matter how horny dared to come near her until now.
Quest: Bang A Desperate Vampire
Reward: +5 PER +5 CON +5 LUK +5lvls in Womanizer
She was alone, isolated, and reeking of desperation. A small smile appeared on my face. When the prey is desperate, they often make mistakes. They may even agree to things they wouldn't normally agree to.
"Well here I am. What are your other two wishes?" She paused in her clawing and looked up at me.
"That was terrible." She said.
"I know, my names Jacob what's yours?" I asked. This was the preliminary before the interrogation. I'm certain her next few questions would be about my job and how coin I brought in. Since this was an op and I just wanted to get laid, I'd say whatever number I needed to. After fucking then I'll come back and check the line to see Isla. That noble probably knew a thing or two about victor.
She licked her lips and stared at my throat. Something told me I had miscalculated one simple fact.
"I'm Ana Mundus and do you like blow jobs or sex on the beach? You don't have to answer right now the waitress won't be back for a few minutes. What blood type you are?" She covered her mouth. "That is so rude of me." She sighed. "I'm sorry, I'm not as smooth as others. Edwardo pulls six girls a night and Lady Alma, will be quite full come morning." She pulled out a fan and covered her face. "This is too embarrassing."
"I could go if its too much for you." I said. Her hand shot out like a viper and gripped mine from across the table. Nails sharp as glass dug and strong as steel dug into my hand.
"No!" Some of the patrons looked over quite concerned. "I mean please stay I haven't had company all night." She stared down at her nails and frowned. "Those gloves are too thin to wear this far north. What if you entered a cold spot of the city? The vent system is good, but it wasn't planned well." She shook her head.
"I get by well enough. Its still summer the days are long and warm compared to the winter months. I don't see how you can stand living in human territory." I said.
"We go where the blood is freshest." She quickly covered her face with her fan again. "I'm sorry that was insensitive of me. Everyone says I'm too honest. You probably want nothing to do with me now." Ana looked away as a small red tear rolled down her cheek.
I saw a slight twitch to her eye when I didn't reach over the table to comfort her. A small smile spread across my face. "I'm sure we can work something out. Though my place is a little far away. My landlord won't allow vampires entry." I said.
A sparkle appeared in Ana's red eyes. "Well, my place is close by. It's a little chilly compared to a human abode. Fortunately, the cold doesn't seem to bother you much." I coughed in my hand. "I'm only joking, I purchased a wood heater for human guests. With a little coaxing we'll heat my little apartment up for you." Ana said.
We stood up and she tossed some coins on the table. A patron grabbed my arm. Ana hissed immediately. "Don't go with her. My friend did and he hasn't been seen since." The teen said.
"Slander, I haven't," She paused. "Taken a good man home in nearly three weeks. You are a rumor monger and should be ashamed. Come along Jacob stay by my side and I'll keep you warm." Holding her hand did the opposite, I felt her pull the heat from my hand as we walked out.
The tavern guards waited ready to pounce if I objected until we left the tavern. One guy looked on but didn't do anything. Once we were further from the tavern she stopped.
"I don't know what to do with you. My apartment feels too far away." She rubbed her thigh's together under her dress. "I haven't had a good meal in so long. I could just suck and suck until you're a husk." I tapped under her chin. Her eyes widened in shock.
"Why don't we go to your apartment you did promise a warm room?" She blinked at me once then twice. Ana covered her face then giggled.
When she calmed down, she put her fan back but held on to her smirk. "Human men are impossible. I threaten to drain you dry but all you're thinking about is hunting me in a different way." Ana said.
She stood on her tiptoes and slid a cold finger down my neck. "So warm and fragile, I don't care about what you do in life, where you came from, or what you want. I don't have a wood heater, a bed to sleep on, or an apartment. She snatched my other hand and pressed her body against mine. But I wasn't lying about the poor planning that went into the cities heating system." She pushed me against a wall. "There is a part of the city where the heating system doesn't touch. Its where houses are abandoned and vampires like me live."
I let her back me up until we fell against a rundown shack. She reached into her corset and pulled out a key. "I'm not well off enough to afford an apartment." Ana let go of me and unlocked the door. "If you plan on running, I suggest you walk first. When I see humans running, I can't help myself."
Predators instinctively chased fleeing prey. Even a vampire might give in to instinct if their hungry enough. I walked in behind her into a chilly room. There was just enough insulation in the building to keep the heat from the vents outside from coming in. I closed the door behind us and began shivering. My aura control wasn't enough to keep the cold out without shooting sparks with my aura.
I spotted an old fireplace in the middle of the room. Some scraps of rotten wood covered the floor. After a bit of thinking I gathered them and tossed them in the fireplace. With the kindling in place, I checked the to make sure the smoke had a place to go. All I needed was a blocked chimney.
The chimney was a locking one. I flipped the latch and opened the way for smoke. Once everything was in order, I lowered the guard rail for the fireplace. Then I raised my hand and snapped my fingers. A tiny spark leapt from my hand and ignited the rotten wood. Warm orange light filled the small shack revealing a small velvet lined coffin in the center of the room.
Warmth filled the room quickly while the wood burned. I tossed a nearby log on the fire and closed the rail back. "You're a mage or a warrior skilled in magic." Ana said.
I nodded absently and pressed my hands against the rising heat before rubbing them to send some warmth to my bones. Time was ticking away but I wanted a little ambience before we got down to business.
Soft orange light from the fire helped me guide my gloves off my hand and avoid ripping more holes in them. Ms. Mundus was already removing her own clothes. She had latched the door to the outside either to make sure I wouldn't escape or to keep other predators from taking her prey. It was a coin toss.
I gently placed Diabla in a corner who appeared in astral form before sulking in her corner. My boots came next and then my coat, shirt, and pants.
I looked over in time to see Ana untie her hair. Long flowing black locked fell just below the small of her back. She was lithe, with a firm thick rear I could bounce a silver off of. Her every motion flexed powerful muscles subtly hidden beneath her skin. Ana's movements held natural acrobatics blatant to anyone who ever walked like a human. Her earlier mannerisms seemed to have been trained in.
Ana Mundus lvl32 Nosfuratu
Rank: Knight
Cultivation: Refinery Stage 3
Job: Blood Servant Mage lvl70
"Oh, you like what you see. Well let me get your heart pumping." She leaned down grabbed the side of her rear and spread her cheeks open. Her pink slit was plump and slick like a peeled peach. Ana's little flower gaped for a second before Ana cruelly let go cutting off the sight. "Sorry, only the first hit is free. You look tasty." She smiled revealing her fangs.
Her nipples were a lovely shade of pink and puffy like I liked them. Slowly, I placed a hand against her cheek, and she looked up. The girl Ana she'd shown in the tavern was gone in her place was a hungry vampire. This was going to cost a lot of HP but as I lift her to my neck and her cunt dripped all over my waiting member, I thought a little Hp was a small price to pay.
When I sat her on my member her eyes widened for a second. Juices drippled down from her cold waiting opening while drool dribbled from her chin. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pushed down impaling herself with me.
Through her flower revealed a phantasmic world of rippling flesh, juicy squelching kegel muscles, and a rhythmic tightness that wouldn't quit. I felt her cold breath on my neck as she took more of me.
Every inch brought her closer to my throat and she wasn't shy about what she wanted anymore. The sex was just incidental. When she bottomed out her lips were on my neck and she busied herself licking and sucking. I knew Ana wasn't trying to be sexual; she was looking for the right place to pierce her fangs. Every pump of mine made her growl in frustration. She clenched and squirmed until she seemed to find the right spot. Fortunately, it wasn't an artery.
Some part of her must not want to drain me dry even if she wasn't in a conversational mood. The second her fangs pierced my skin I gasped. It was weird. I was starting to feel good, more than sex. There was a euphoric feeling like finishing but I wasn't close to that yet. Was this her plan?
Did Ana mean to freeze me into place with this pleasurable feeling to keep me from fucking her. It was diabolical and might make me come back wanting more. There was no way I could allow her to win.
So instead, I placed my middle finger against the ring of her tight anus and prodded.
This was my chance. The prod surprised her. I corrected my stance and began to pull out before powering back into her. Every pump made her gasp and spill juices down my legs.
Womanizer lvl4
This was just what I needed. By fucking her till she squirted all over me I could raise my womanizer stats. With that I could increase both my endurance and my luck at the same time.
While she was distracted, I used my other hand to gather some moisture from her lips. A plan was forming, and all the pieces were falling into place. Now all I needed was the perfect window to strike.
What Ana did next, froze me to my core. Her hips moved from side to side twisting my member within her and sending jolts through my system. My balls clenched threatening to spray her full of baby batter. I knew for sure by the way her fangs twitched that she was laughing.
I couldn't let this go on, no I wouldn't let it go on. She may have had the advantage for the moment, but I wasn't finished yet. My hand was yet to be revealed.
Two could play at that game. While she had played her hand, my hand had gathered just what I needed to turn the tables. My member hadn't been idle all this time. While I have been pumping into her, I've also located her g-spot. But each time I tried to focus on it she shifted to drive me away from it.
With my other hand wet by her juices my trap had been laid. I swapped hand and prodded her pucker with my lubricated hand. My middle finger popped in with little difficulty and her whole body clenched.
My dick knew its target and charged. I directed each pump at the little pocket of nerves of her g-spot and smashed into it with abandon. Juices fired like a busted pipe.
Womanizer lvl5
Womanizer lvl6
Womanizer lvl7
Womanizer lvl8
Womanizer lvl9
Womanizer lvl10
New Perk
Jizerker β When the g-spot is targeted +25% pleasure for female partner.
I drove my middle finger deep into her ass, her pussy ejaculated, and I knew I'd beaten her. Cold fem cum squirted down my member, my thighs, and dripped off my knees. With a happy sigh I released the tension I was holding and painted her walls white.
Quest Completed: Bang A Desperate Vampire
Rewarded: +5 PER +5 CON +5 LUK +5lvls in Womanizer
Perception 368
Constitution 216
Luck 113
Womanizer lvl15
Ana went limp in my arms and spasmed for a few minutes while I laid her down in her coffin. I wiped the blood from my neck and walked over to the fire to dry the fem cum off.
After a few minutes she leaned up from her coffin. "What did you do to me I can fit both hands in now?" I rolled my shoulders feeling a little better about myself. "If I were human, I'd be dead or ruined for anything but horses and you." Ana complained.
"Sorry about that. Are you at least full?" I asked.
"How caring of you to aske after stretching me out enough to drive a carriage through? Yea, I'm full and my ass hurts." She licked her lips before moaning. "Ok that is good. You must have a lot of aura. I'm going to need to sleep this off for a few days." I raised an eyebrow.
"I'm looking for someone do you think you could help me." I asked.
"I don't think I ate any of your friends. Unlike some people I try not to kill my prey." She made a sour face. "It doesn't always work out that way though. Who are you looking for?" Ana asked.
"Victor Cross," I said.
"He was a regular, I had him once before the deal turned sour." I turned my head sharply to quiet snoring. It was something a lead but what deal.