I turned my gaze to the sky and I saw a small black hole, after a while a piece of something fell on my head ... it was a piece of sky.
- What is happening to this place ?! Are pieces of the sky falling? Let's not say nonsense, there will surely be a logical explanation for this -
I ran with all my strength to the Church, I wanted to get some explanations, I wanted someone to reassure me, I just wanted someone to tell me I wasn't crazy.
- Hanna ... pant ... pant ... I have to ask you something and please answer me honestly! -
- Hisao what's going on ?! You are shocked, you seem to have seen something otherworldly, calm down and tell me. -
We sat facing each other in the light of the fireplace in the dining room and trying to stay calm I began to tell her everything ...
- I couldn't sleep, so I was taking a walk in the clearing here outside the church, when something hit me in the head, it seemed to come from the sky, so I looked up and I saw a little crack in the sky! -
... but I deliberately left out the fainting part, something inside me was saying to keep it secret for now.
- Hisao, wait a minute, what you are saying is totally impossible, the sky cannot split and much less they cannot fall apart, it must have been sleep that made you hallucinate, on the other hand you passed out, right? -
- Yeah, maybe you're right ... wait a minute how do you know- -
- Sorry, forget the last part of the sentence, you know I'm sleepy too * laughs *, I don't know where that question came from. -
- Don't worry and I'm sorry, go to sleep. -
- Yes, thank you, see you in the morning. -
From that moment nothing was the same as before, I began to not trust anyone anymore ... how did she know about my fainting ?! I vowed to investigate this and would begin the next morning.