Chereads / Zoes world / Chapter 2 - fire

Chapter 2 - fire

I awake in the morning, upset that I didn't dream about the doctor. I make my way into the kitchen and get sloppy porridge, I hate porridge, I eat it quickly then leave, I try to go outside for a walk, I'm allowed to do that because all the staff know I don't belong here,  but I am stopped by a guard

"Oi where do you think you're going" he shouts as he grabs my upper arm

"Outside, for a walk" I tell him as I point outside with my free arm.

"You can't, matrons orders, there was a break out last night, someone tried to escape, so no one is allowed out, until further notice" he told me calmly as he realised who I was, he walked me back towards my room, he left me outside my room then left I sighed, I can't go out? This is ridiculous, I took a book from my bedside table and read.

I read until lunch then went down for lunch, I heard screams coming from the shock room as I walked past it, this made me jump but walk faster. We always heard screams from that room, these people just didn't understand the rules, I got shock treatment once since I've been here, never again, I get shivers just thinking about it. I always behave, do as I'm told just to avoid it. I got to the dining room, which consisted of six round tables with five chairs at each table we had steak and mash today it was nice, even though my father hated me he found a really nice asylum for me to live in, the staff were nice, if you behaved, the food was great, if the staff thought you deserved it, you could go for walks, if you didn't try to escape, we even got to see movies once in a while of course the staff picked the movie and we watched, if we wanted to. I always stayed in my room, I only came out to eat. I didn't need medication, as I didn't belong here,  so I was never disturbed, I liked it here, my father didn't want me but these people were my family.

That night I went to sleep dreaming about the doctor, we went on an adventure through time, we went to ancient Egypt and met tutakamun it was amazing, until we were attacked by these monsters that were very short, they had pink skin and no hair instead they had long thick spike things coming out of the back of their heads they couldn't run fast, but us? we ran it was the doctors favourite thing, running, he called them Graske I called them pink monsters.

I awoke the next morning happier than yesterday as I had dreamt of the doctor as soon as I woke I knew this day would be good. Even the sloppy porridge tasted good today, I went to the library after breakfast to read I spent three hours in there before it was time for lunch, as we sat in the dining room eating a girl came and sat next to me, I tried to get on with eating and just ignore her I hated socialising with any of these people

"Hi, I'm Molly, I'm new here, what's your name?" The girl spoke, I just looked at her, and without saying anything went back to my food. "No talker huh, that's ok I can talk enough for the both of us" she laughed, "so how long have you been here?" Again she was met by silence "wow that long huh?, I hope I don't stay that long" she shuddered was she mad?, of course she's mad, she's here isn't she. I got up and started to leave "ok it was great talking to you" she called after me I just ignored her and walked away after noticing some of the guards smiling.

I made my way to the library and I looked around to make sure I wasn't being followed then went into the big room. The library walls were lined with shelves and shelves of books most were encyclopaedias but some were fiction, we were told we shouldn't read fiction as they were bad for us as they took us further away from reality. If you wanted a fiction book you had to really look hard, the fiction books that were in here were donated by staff who's children were too old to read these books, so yes all were children books but they were better than reading encyclopaedias.

I was half way through chapter two of 'pirates of the carrabian' when an alarm went off, I looked up instinctively and looked around 'stupid people trying to escape' I thought and went back to reading, it was raining today and there was no way I was going to go stand outside whilst the guards went in search of the escaped inmate. I heard footsteps outside they were running and heavy boots no doubt guards making their way outside,

"Hurry, we don't have much time, get outside" I heard one of the guards shouting

"Should we go back and make sure everyone's out?" Another guard asked

"No! Are you crazy, everyone knows when an alarm sounds they go outside, they're not children, they know the drill" the voices got quieter and now I couldn't here them and I got back to reading about captain Jack Sparrow and his silliness. I had barely started chapter three when I smelt smoke, I stood up slowly and sniffed the air, it was smoke, I got up slowly putting my book down on the table, I slowly walked towards the door as I got closer I noticed smoke coming in through the gap at the bottom I opened the door slowly the smoke came in faster and I started to cough, I covered my mouth with my hand as I carried on coughing, I quickly left the room trying to navigate my way to the outside, I could still hear the alarm blaring, I couldn't see anything ahead of me but I let my years of experience walking up and down this corridor to guide me. A window shattered somewhere and I turned around following the sound I turned again trying to get outside but I tripped over something and fell forward, I banged my head on the floor I groaned and tried to get up but my foot really hurt I just rolled over onto my back, I couldn't go on, my lungs were closing up and I couldn't get enough oxygen, I began to feel sleepy

"Help me doctor" I said in a raspy voice then everything went black, guess I was finally getting out of here, I was dying.

Oooo, what's going to happen next, I'm too excited, but a little clue, you might meet the doctor in the next chapter so tune in tomorrow to see if it happens see you guys.