Chereads / Arthur x angel (oc) / Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

Chapter 6 - Chapter 5

At the entrance of the forest you are met with a cloud of smoke that brought a horrible smell with it giving you signs of a bad spirit lurking in there! Will you go? Or will you run away!?or will you DIE!?

As you were stood there looking at the smoke a deep evil chuckle cane from it as you shivered a bit not of the cold but of fear. You have no way of communicating with anyone since your phone is at home with the others that are currently sleeping not knowing that you're in danger.

"Oh, fudge biscuits" you said to yourself as the smoke slowly began to come towards you as you gulped scared not knowing what to do so out of instinct you stupidly run straight into the forest last the reddish evil smoke not stopping until you're out of breath.

As you ran deeper into the forest it got even dark as the only source of light you now have is the moon as it hovers above you watching your every move the deeper you go into the forest. The trees weren't any help either as they blocked most of the light letting small beams of light from the moon through.

As you continued to run you tripped over a out growing root causing you to graze your knee as it bled a little giving you a bit of pain. It didn't take long for you to see the red smoke catching up to you, as you quickly got up and continued to run even though your are almost out of breath and close to passing out in a life or death situation.

You began fell the pain in your leg as you are now limping not running but limping from how badly you hurt you knee not giving it enough time to heal, bringing you to a huge disadvantage to the evil smoke that was slowly approaching you with the evil spirit inside.

"What should I do?" You panick since you have to get away from that thing before it gobbles you up so you quickly hid behind a tree that was close to you giving you enough time to hide as the smoke slowly traveled past you. But as it went past you couldn't help but notice that the tree you were hiding behind had a hole in it which was luckily your size so you went inside hoping that you'll be safe in there for awhile but..... you went flying through the wood stomp floor as you slid down a huge tunnel tube. It had soft turns and bends but the ones you hated the most were the hoops that made you feel sick.

It didn't take long for the ride to come to an end as you were sent flying from the exit to a strange looking basement which you couldn't recongnise since it was dark, as you tried to find your way around to get the light switch but it couldn't be found so you used something you never thought you'll ever use. You held your hand out as a f/c lightning came from your hand as it shot up to the ceiling turning on the lights showing you a sight to remember.

You stood shocked seeing your friends trapped in cages as most of them were asleep or dead you couldn't tell as you went to vivid cage as mystery was in there with her as he popped his head up seeing you as his tail waged of excitement.

"Hey bud" you said quietly as footsteps were heard above you as you quietly but quickly hid under the stairs of the basement as the door opened as footsteps came down them as the same chuckle you heard in the woods was heard again in the same room you're in.

"Oh, don't worry I'll get her soon enough and I'll take her powers for my own too making me the strongest being on the planet!" The evil spirit said before ending it with a evil laugh like most villains do. You kept your body hidden not taking a peep at the spirit but the smell was enough to keep you away from looking as well.

"You won't hurt her!" Lewis exclaimed as something or someone was slammed against something hard as the evil ghost chuckled as it walked back up the stairs leaving your friends alone.

"Just keep it down!" It said before slamming the door and locking it as you came from under the stairs as the others were now awaken mostly form Lewis probably being slammed against the cage he was in.

"An-" vivi was quickly hushed by you as you tried to get them out with out your power since they don't know what you are yet so you sighed as you knew that it had to go the hard way.

"How are you going to get us out?" Vivi asked as you messed with ever single lock as you looked at her unpleased as you snapped your finger unlocking all of them setting them free.

"When and how?" You said with crossed arms hoping to get an answer.

"We followed you" vivi said as you finally understood about the eyes watching you which could've been them but if they were watching you it was supposed to be a good energy not bad so it couldn't have been them.

"The spirit, it's after your so called....powers?" Arthur said confused since they don't know much about you as you scratched the back of your neck.

"I'm not....umm how can I say this.... human?" You said in a weird like way confusing the bunch as you frowned not happy at all being stuck with these idiots but they're a your friends so you waited for the opportunity to show them which is probably against the spirit.

"Let's get going" Lewis said as he led the way up the stairs as he used his ghostly powers to unlock the door not making a sound as he opens it seeing the nicely done house it lives in.

The five of you were walking through the place as a couple of paintings came to your attention as you got closer to it.

"Wait! Angel is that's you" vivi pointed out as you looked at the picture confused on how this got here in the first place since it was supposed to be your mother's painting she got when your father was still around.

"How did this get here?" You said to yourself as you stepped back weirded out of the painting situation as a evil laugh filled the room.

"Finally, you're here angel! My dearest sister~" the spirit said as you looked up at the balcony behind you seeing your brother kolruin in his ghost form as he looked at you with his red eyes as they were only stuck on you giving you shivers.

"Kolruin? What are you doing?" You asked your brother as you gulped not knowing what to do in this situation since you can't show yourself to them.

"Isn't it obvious?.. I want your powers and... I'LL BE THE ONE TO AWAKEN THEM!!!" He said with a evil look since skull ghosts can't smile since all they have is a skull.

"No! I won't let you!" Lewis yelled going in front of you protecting the rest as well since they're now in a dangerous situation.

"I don't need your permission....GHOST!! I can and I want it now!" Kolruin coldly replied as he used his magic to cover Lewis in a glowing red barrier lifting him up, throwing him out of the door causing them to break as you quickly went in front of vivi and Arthur since they have nothing to do with you and your brother and you were too late to protect Lewis.

"Angel! What are you doing?" Vivi exclaimed concerned about you as you didn't want them to know about you.

"I got you into this situation so I'm getting you out of it!" You replied back as your hair glowed as it flowed in front of them a bright Scarlett red light which was beautiful but gorgeous strange things can be dangerous.

You grew scared of what he would do to these innocent lives that you brought Into this mess and you're getting them out of it. Vivi and Arthur stood shocked starring at your glowing Scarlett red hair as your eyes glowed bright as you looked at your brother with a look of no remorse, as dark red vines began to come out of the floor and your back as they quickly shot at kolruin not giving him a chance to move. You managed to wrap him up in a tight grasp as the others were behind you, sighing you knew it was time for them to know since they already seen kolruin floating and fighting and now he's just a big bad bully picking on innocent mortals.

"Get out of here! I'll hold him back!" You exclaimed as Vivi grabbed Arthur's wrist as she rushed towards the doors Lewis crashes through you watching hoping nothing will happen to them. Luckily nothing did so you turned to face your brother once more hoping to finish the job he started since it's your problem now and you have no choice but to banish him to the ghost land of the horrid (made up name lol).

But before you had to banish him you would

Need to transform or you'll be injured after it since humans can resist against high pressure because of the dense atmosphere of the underground below the surface. A swirl of orangish yellow heavenly clouds swirl around you covering your body as you transformed into a being know as a........

Shall be continued!!