Chereads / Just a Skeleton / Chapter 17 - No Crab For Me

Chapter 17 - No Crab For Me

"Oh fuck."

Z immediately jumps back towards where he came as something crashes into the spot where he just was. That something being a claw the size of a semi truck. Of course Z took this opportunity to prepare himself as a calm washes over him since now was gonna be a harder fight. Then came the rest of the crab out of its shell.

The crab, now a much more vibrant array of colors, legs sharp as spears and thick as an average birch tree do not lift its body but dig in the ground and start turning its massive shell. It moved slowly but Z did not let this fool him. Instead he went ahead and swung his dagger at the joint in one of the legs.

When the dagger struck the shell of the crab something that left Z speechless happened. There was a loud clang and some sparks flew but all that happened was a white mark was left on the leg right at the joint. This was followed by the leg being used like a club to hit our skeleton boy.

Thankfully Z managed to use the dagger to guard and reduce the impact but he was still sent backwards by about a yard. The downside is he touched one of the small strange plants and the crab was staring at him again. The worst part is Z swore the crab was looking at him mockingly.

Of course Z didn't even stand just a second before trying to move. Though right as he was about to, something started squeezing his leg with slight pain he instinctively swung his dagger down. After a brief resistance he was able to move but still had something on his leg. So he glanced down and saw a familiar but smaller claw dripping green blood.

As Z processed this he was still hauling ass to the rope to nope right out of here. That was also when a screech came out from the crab and all the plants began rising. His crab problem just got worse.

So now dodging the fat crab that was actually turning quite slowly a lot of small ones were coming at him. Ironically it was like turtles coming to help a snail just a lot of them. So Z did the rational thing he began to parkour the crabs. Obviously the big one wasn't going to attack the small ones right?

Yeah even Z didn't believe that but still the smaller ones did act like springboards so progress. Also the big one stopped turning for a few seconds. Of course that also meant it stopped attacking but that made him more nervous as he was just getting to the rope. Then it stood up.

Yeah the big one was slowly rising off the ground as our fearless skeleton was climbing the rope so quickly a monkey would be impressed.

So Z actually made it to the top by the time the crab was turned around and reaching for him for a definitely not hate filled embrace. Thankfully our skele-boy is a man of taste and would never embrace someone shamelessly go for a crab spreader. Thus he ran not even remembering the branches but they are high enough to not be worried about. As a loud screech filled with anger and bubbles sounded beneath him Z felt joy knowing he was likely to get away. That was until a screech from above was heard and a shadow quickly expanding arrived. Z made a quick decision and leapt for dear life off the roof.

As Z landed on the ground the cause of the shadow landed as well. It was not the death bird but a snake. Death bird was in the sky glaring down as bubbles were spreading from the rubble. Needless to say someone wasn't happy about their home being destroyed by someone else. Thus she pinched the worm as a bird was hit with bubbles causing the two to recognize the new contender. Apparently this town's apex predator was gonna be found today and Z did the most reasonable thing he ran.

As he ran he noticed a lot of destruction but found it reasonable considering what was fighting. Hopefully his home is fine. And from the lack of rabbits or anything else Z made good time. Like him nothing wanted near that brawl. As he got closer to his house there was less broken than earlier and his hopes of having an intact home grew. Sadly as he came to his house only one room was left intact, his bedroom.

Needless to say Z collapsed crab claw still wedged on his leg as his home he worked so hard on to get was gone. Funnily enough the garden was also untouched but Z couldn't really comprehend that. He felt sad and grief threatened to take him, grief and anger. Yes anger both at the dumb animals that destroyed what was his but at himself as well for being to weak to hunt them down. Yet as the emotions were about to overtake him and have him do something dumb he saw the one photo he had in his home of a young man standing with two older people that resembles him. That's when he remembered his parents were in this mess or he hoped they were. This allowed all those emotions to leave him as he remembered why he wanted, no needed to become stronger. He had to find his family or at least a way to call them. That was when he remembered his dead phone and quickly scrambled to find it right where he put it that day he woke as a skeleton all that time ago.

Then finding the broken charger and having never seen one that matches his phone in any house he went to he sighed. It was time to leave to find out what was going on. So while away from his parents he knew he needed to go to the city to the west where the company he worked for was located.

Z proceeded to go through the remains of his house gathering what he could, including from the garden. Then without looking back he left overlooking the vine red and black vine that slid underground after he left.