Chereads / Just a Skeleton / Chapter 19 - A Five Minute Drive

Chapter 19 - A Five Minute Drive

"Ugh" was all that was heard from Z as he stares at his newest and largest crystal to date. Of course he is happy to have it the problem is he always passes out after eating one. Combine that with his new state of homelessness and the problem of when to eat this comes in full swing.

"Whatever there is that truck stop near the highway and it was only a five minute drive I should be able to walk it though this fog is annoying."

That's right Z is following the road and a fog came from nowhere shortly after finishing the plant monster. It has been only five, I mean ten, maybe fifteen minutes since he started and the only reason he hasn't gotten lost is the fairly destroyed road under him. Yeah Z has no idea how long he has been walking but it couldn't have been that long right.

Anyways Z decided to store his new core, yeah let's call it a core, away and eat it later. Of course his mind then drifted to other thoughts. No you perverts not those thoughts, he was wondering which monster won that fight that broke his home. He was planning his vengeance after all.

"I hope it is not death bird that would be annoying since I can't fly." Z let out with a sigh. " Though why did I bother to grab my wallet? I was already broke and my id is useless now. Who will believe I'm over 200 pounds."

And with these idiotic thoughts he kept walking till even he got tired of them. Then he decided to do something else. He started pretending to be on his way to Mordor as someone with two personalities. Yeap I am not telling that conversation too cringe. Meet him yourself to find out.

This stuff continued for a while long enough for even Z to realize he isn't even to the big hill that was the only turn before and the entrance ramp.He has been walking for like 30 minutes and only danced to singing in the fog. Yeah he is way too relaxed. Can skeletons be high?

Shortly after that realization Z started to try and look through the fog for any sign of landmark. All he saw was fog, fog, and the ground. Yeah this stuff was thick enough he couldn't see his outstretched hand now. So he decided to keep marching on after all he could at least feel the concrete under him.

So he decided to go just a slightly faster by speed walking. Yeah he wasn't gonna run in case something was around cause singing would not have alerted it already.

With that Z finally started to think again and proceeded on with a brisk pace and within half an hour Z finally hit the halfway mark, literally. He ran and tripped right on the turn sign. Thankfully he only rolled to the bottom of the hill and was able to climb up. Sadly there was nothing for him to hit on the way down.He totally did not almost trip on the same railing on the run back up.

So Z decided to rest a little here not because he was hurt or tired just to calm down. Also the fog was finally letting up though it didn't change the entire time he sat there, weird. Anyways Z just ignored that and continued his journey to Mordor, I mean to the truck stop.

Z actually kept his pace up and didn't goof around and as he went further the fog got lighter. Eventually he saw a dark shadow that could be a semi in the fog further ahead. Z decided to slow down and take out his dagger to prepare for a fight just in case. After all, tree crab didn't move either so, best not to risk it.

Upon getting closer Z was able to see more of the shadow and that was definitely not a semi. It looked like a dog even bigger than the alpha. All Z could think of was one word and it was fuck. Though as he watched he noticed something its body wasn't moving at all even to breathe, but Z just stood still in the fog and watched. After a while not even Z has an idea how long he decided to risk it and move closer. After all it was blocking the entire road so he couldn't avoid it that easily, he didn't want to even risk getting lost in the fog.

So Z slowly approached and as he got closer he saw how badly wounded this corpse was and how fresh the blood was. It was fresh and the corpse was warm but it was definitely a corpse. The lifeless eyes and lack of breathing were big hints but the stab Z gave it in the neck assured him. So he sighed with relief and was just starting to investigate what could do this when one of the legs moved.

Que undead zombie dog... or not. From under the paw Z could hear a whimpering sound that he swore was what a puppy would make. Z thus decided to lift the leg and look but made sure his dagger was in his other hand ready. Yeah he somehow was lifting this one handed. Anyways under that paw was a black as night puppy with emerald eyes trying to wake his mother. Z's heart cried seeing this and decided he was gonna try and make this puppy his. Yeah he is a dog lover and forgot he was a dog's favorite chew toy right now. The puppy did not like when he was touched obviously and started growling at Z while backing up into his mother. So Z decided to do the best thing he could to get the puppy to trust him he pulled out some jerky. Now all he needs is a white van since this actually worked. The puppy came to him and he saw how scrawny it is. Maybe his mother was dead longer than he thought. Well it did take a few more pieces of jerky a head pat and a belly rub but the puppy was now in his arms as Z left. As for the mother of the pup he left it there since he couldn't bring himself to do anything to it.

"Well little guy I think I'll call you Cerberus from now on" Z said to the puppy that was being carried by him with its tail wagging. "And look the fog is finally gone and I can see the truck stop."

Though after saying that he heard something he hasn't heard since he became a skeleton. A cry of another person.