Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 30 - The City of Heaven

Chapter 30 - The City of Heaven

The next day they hit the road again Ian then says, "so whats the plan then." Schaffe then says, "well we need to survey the area so we can eliminate this guy." Phil then says, "well we can do this we have a Sniper in Alan but Schaffe right we have to survey the area." John then says, "there a cave near the city that should be our base of operations." Schaffe then says, "do we need to clear it out." John then says, "only full of radroachs." Ian then says, "fine by me just get a flamethrower in there." Phil then says, "good I hate those creepy crawly." Schaffe then says, "I guess we should check the city out." Phil then says, "we should only bring four people." Schaffe then says, "John, Jess and you should be good the rest should stay here." Punk then says, "alright." Schaffe, Jess ,Phil and John then make there way to the city which looked like a paradise it had tall white buildings that were made of bricks everyone was all full of smiles working hard. Schaffe then says, "wow." Phil then says, "what up." Schaffe then says, "it feels like back home before the nuke." Phil then says, "I have to admit this place is like finding a flower in wasteland." Jess then sees the giant church in the middle of the city it was the biggest building in the whole city. Jess then says, "what that." John then says, "The Church of Heaven, his castle." Schaffe then says, "oh he got a big one better then the one in the other universe." Phil then says, "yeah not creepy at all." They then head to the church the door was big. Phil then says, "man you can fit a behemoth super mutant through the door." Schaffe then says, "I bet this place gets pack on Sundays." John then says, "right now he on the upper floors with his elite guards." Schaffe then says, "I see." They then head inside the church and see the place is a giant room of the church were they see a bunch of seats. They then see a stage with a podium with a some what bible on it it was called 'The Will of Nirvana' Schaffe then says, "Nirvana?" John then says, "thats our target his name is Nirvana." Schaffe then says, "ah I see." Schaffe then opens the book and reads it. A woman then comes in and says, "hey sorry but you can't read that." Phil then stops her and says, "oh we are sorry ma'am you see my friend there is getting married to the girl over there with the silver hair and we really aren't from here." the woman says, "oh really." Jess then says, "oh wha.." Schaffe then comes over and says, "I'm so sorry honey bun I embarrassed you again." the woman then looks at them Phil then gives Jess 'to go with it gesture' when see wasn't looking. Jess then says, "for real dear maybe getting married to you was big mistake." Schaffe then says, "please don't think that." The woman then says, "I'm so sorry please it my fault." Phil then says, "don't worry my dear I will help this couple we just go back home and discus their marriage problem." They then leave the church. Schaffe then says, "sorry Jess that are marriage is over." Jess then says, "it's fine it was a short one anyway." Phil then says, "oh so cold." they then head back to the cave. Ian then says, "how did it go boss." Schaffe then says, "pretty good." Alan then says, "so what the plan." Schaffe then says, "the best time to get this bastard is to get him when he not guarded so during his Sunday morning speech." Phil then says, "yeah thats perfect there a tower where the back of podium is this will be our sniper position." Alan then says, "so tomorrow because it Saturday today." Phil then says, "thats perfect." Schaffe then says, "Alright John, Phil and I will go to his speech." John then says, "we need three white robe I'll go get some for us." John then leaves to get white robes. Schaffe then says, "Ian you be with Alan in the tower to make sure he has a get away." Ian then says, "what I'm with leather face." Alan then says, "you better have my rotten ass or I'll kill you." Ian then says, "don't you worry this job as easy as a getting a good cig in the morning." Schaffe then says, "Punk and Jess you be get away bus." Punk then says, "aye sir." Schaffe then says, "if things go wrong I'll go make sure Nirvana is eliminate." Phil then says, "so thats our plan."

Meanwhile in the city in the church of heaven a man with gold long hair with red eyes his skin was pale and was wearing a white robe over his causal cloths he was reading a book this man was Nirvana. Nirvana then closes the book and use his telekinesis to put it on the shelf. A man in Armor comes in and says, "Lord Nirvana." Nirvana then says, "come in my loyal servant how may gods messenger help you." The man then says, "well earlier a couple of unknown people came here today." Nirvana then says, "oh do we have info on them." The man then shows them pictures of Schaffe, Jess, Phil and John. Nirvana then says, "oh." The man then says, "you know them my lord." Nirvana then says, "I haven't meet him in person but this man with the eye patch he goes by Schaffe Deathclaw or goes by the name 'The Devil' and then this man in the respirator he that boy from years ago come back to avenge his master." The man then says, "avenge." Nirvana then says, "he thinks I killed his master but he lying you may go." The man then leaves the room. Nirvana then says, "but I did kill him so he must got Deathclaw to help but this one." he looks at the picture of Jess. Nirvana then says, "she just like me a Psychic probably from the little village near that factory she could be a problem for me if the people find out her powers but I should keep my eye on them."

Back at the bus Schaffe was sitting on a ledge of it starring at the city. Schaffe then says, "amazing just one person inspired this a flower in destroy world." John then comes over and says, "what wrong Deathclaw." Schaffe then says, "you think getting rid of this guy is good idea." John then says, "I know what your thinking how a guy who made all this is a true monster I saw who he really is a man who craves power and want to benefit off the weak." Schaffe then says, "what this guy do to you there must be a reason you want this guy dead." John then says, "John then says, "that was a long time ago when me and brother Jack were just mere orphans..."