Chereads / Schaffe Fallout (Original) / Chapter 20 - An Alternative Universe

Chapter 20 - An Alternative Universe

Schaffe then says, "Jess?" she then says, "well yes thats who I am." it was Jess but something was different she had shave the side of her hair and left the top long. Jess then says, "but how can that be me when I am right here." Phil then thinks about it. Punk then confused the other Jess then says, "Let's go we need to move it be matter time to find Gula is here." Schaffe then reverts back to his human form and they all fellow The Other Jess to an old church. She then says, "we should be safe here." Schaffe then says, "so what the hell is going on here." Other Jess then says, "thats what I want to find out here." Phil then says, "I think I know what up here now." Schaffe then says, "what really." Phil then says, "well it a theory but I think we might be in another universe like this isn't our world." Schaffe then says, "in other words your portal thing sent us to another Dimension." Phil then says, " yes a paralleled from ours but the only one with the answer is her." Other Jess then say, "make sense I am seeing another me here." Schaffe then says, "so what your story then." The Other Jess then says, "well it all start when I meet our Schaffe but then again you know that story, when I was kidnap by my brother Vince but his planed fail when Schaffe turned into a deathclaw he slaughter everyone from that day my brother, Alan, Punk, Sara and Tyler only survivor was Ian But he recently disappeared I fear the worse for him, but after Schaffe or El Diablo now decide to take over the world with his deathclaw brethren an Armageddon in the Apocalypse a Nightmare we live in." Jess then says, "where were you during the battle with Vince because our story our different because I help during the battle and help Schaffe gain control." Other Jess then says, "I never help Schaffe I was Saved by Ian then find out Schaffe became a monster." Schaffe then remembers what Phantom told him saying he a true monster. Phil then says, "Schaffe are you okay." Schaffe then says, "I'm fine just think about something that happened." Other Jess then says, "if you knowtest the strange tower that "his" castle and the seven deadly sins his him and his elite Deathclaws." they see it starting to get dark. Other Jess then says, "we need to move it more dangerous at night we going to our secret hideout." Meanwhile at the Strange Tower a man in a throne made of bones and flesh says, "Gula has Fallen what a pity." another voice then says, "he was weak any way a runt in the litter." another says, "my lord the humans seem to be getting more tougher then we reliased." the man then says, "I figured as much but they are getting much of a bother they need to learn that there our live stock but soon humanity will be extinct soon enough." another voice then says, "should we send one us to deal we know there base is in a nearby area." the man then says, "no but soon my children we feast on them soon enough." they all then says, "Yes El Diablo." meanwhile in a junkyard they go down a hole to where there was hiding a vault. The Other Jess then says, "this where we are hiding for now." they open the vault a bunch of kids the see The Other Jess. They all go over to her and hug her. The Other Jess then says, "they see as a mother figure most there real parents are gone this vault here what you can say is holding the last hope for humanity." the kid from earlier then says, "hey it that guy who save me from that monster he so cool able to hurt him." Everybody then goes in but then Other Jess then says to Schaffe, "Sorry but you can't enter the vault I don't trust you the most." Schaffe then says, "fine I understand I'll just keep watch then." Phil then says, "I guess I'll join you then." they then found an old beat up camper this will be Schaffe's living quarter here. Phil then says, "well anything beats underground sanctuary any day." Schaffe then says, "the Jess here don't trust me in here vault the other me must be some asshole now huh." Phil then says, "I can't believe in a parallel universe from ours can imagine how much that blueprint gonna make us." Schaffe then says, "yeah but we just have to scratch off the part it send you a deathclaw master race world." Phil then says, "Noted so you can turn into a Deathclaw hybrid." Schaffe then says, "Yeah for some reason I can now I was able to turn into a regular one at first but then it became only that one." Phil then says, "hmm maybe you evolved from a regular deathclaw you seem pretty strong in that form when you fought that Gula thing." they then hear a knock at the door. It was Jess and Punk, She then says, "hey guys we got some food." Schaffe then lets them in. Punk then says, "nice place you got here." Phil then says, "what it like in the vault down there." Jess then says, "it like a normal vault full of people oh by the way we got cloths for you too she complain you smelt like booze." Schaffe then says, "but thats my normal smell Jess." Jess then says, "well you got a point." Schaffe then sees a vault suit and says, "man I haven't wear on of these for a while." Schaffe then rips of the sleeves and goes to bathroom and puts it on." Phil then says, "man thats nostalgic seeing you in that suit." Schaffe then says, "yeah feels like it man maybe I should more these suits they are pretty comfy in." Punk then says, "well for them living in a junk yard they ain't protected here." Schaffe then says, "lets help them out then we can probably Scavenge some stuff here to build a wall." Phil then says, "well a bet some old sentry gun parts here to build defenses." they all went to bed for the night think what they can do for the next day. The Next day they then look through the junk yard piling all the useful stuff they can use they find. Other Jess then says, "What are you up too." Schaffe then says, "well trying to help you out here by build this place up." Other Jess then says, "fine then I send some the men up here to help I guess." she then goes back to the vault. Phil then says, "she totally different from our Jess." Schaffe then says,"well she seen some shit from ours." they then start building the walls after a couple days they have the whole place clean out on there wall they got Good Sentry guns all controlled from a working terminal programmed by Phil. Schaffe went around and killed some the Deathclaws in the area he then used there blood on the outer walls and bury the limbs and body Schaffe also keep the good part of the meat for food. Schaffe then says, "there we did a lot to day." The Other Jess then Says, "Good work I guess we can stay here bit longer then." Jess then says, "you mean you been moving a lot." Other Jess then says, "yes me we been moving for a while only reason we here because we more hid but we have protection now." Schaffe then says, "so who are the seven deadly beast." Other Jess then says, "They are Deathclaws that have been Evolved they also have there on special ability they have there own territory as well as your probably have guess we are in Gula Territory he was the leader of the Nocturnal in the area the beast that hunt at night, near city hall is Acadia area she Controls of the hatchlings, Now Avarita he Control The museum he real freak about really Shiny things, Ira Controls the park he is in charge of the human slave camps or there cattle, next Luxuria He is station at the airport he control the Sky, now Invidia is set up near an old amusement park he is El Diablo Right hand man, and finally El Diablo who is in the strange tower these are seven deadly beast." Schaffe then says, "well Gula is dead now." Schaffe then decides to go explore the area. The Other Jess then says, "I won't stop you but only thing I'm going says is Beware of the King of Nothing." Schaffe then heads out he wanted get some stuff for the base and get some booze he walks around the city and finds a liquor store they were at he got there he fills a bag. Till he saw man in a cloak when he exits the man looks surprised and says, "hello young man." Schaffe then says, "who are you." the man then says, "I'm no one not anymore living for me is nothing." Schaffe then says, "I'm sorry to hear that sir." the man then says, "what do you think of your friends." Schaffe stood there for a minute and says, "well I don't know I like being with them but at same time I'm scared of what I can do to them." the man then says, "I see." he then starts to walk away and says, "I hope we meet again Schaffe Deathclaw." Schaffe then looks as man leaves and says, "I do too King Of Nothing." Schaffe then returns back to base and goes to his camper with booze. Phil then says, "finally a stiff drink." Schaffe then says, "I been thinking of something." Jess then says, "what is it." Schaffe then says, "let's help these people more by taking care of the rest of the seven deadly beast" Punk then says, "wait really but there the most violent deathclaws." Phil then says, "yeah but he got a point they control the other one." but then the other Jess then says, "that a Stupid idea." she then comes in the camper and says, "they are different then the others, I know you beat Gula but he was the runt of them." Schaffe then says, "I know but do you want to keep running from this evently your luck will run out and lose more your friends." the Other Jess then says, "... Fine go ahead but we will not get involved with this I wish you luck." Schaffe now knows what he has do he going help save humanity from extinction.