Chereads / Cloven(Broken) / Chapter 1 - My broken life......


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Chapter 1 - My broken life......


I always hated the night..... The silence, the memory, and the pain it always brought with it, wasn't something I would like to feel but what can I say, I just have to deal with it.

Yay, happy me!

Note the sarcasm.

My life is filled with crazy shit.

First my sister dies, Lucy. She died a few weeks after an accident. The accident in which I caused.

It was the most painful thing in my life because she was the life of the house. Always happy and smiling to the extent that even in her last days, she still smiled.

I wonder how she pulled that through

She had hair as black as night and it reached her waist, it was really straight. She had stirking deep blue sea eyes, olive skin and fresh aura. Always happy, cheerful and ready to help. She was like my best friend (after Trish of course) and my only sister.

And she's dead...

All because of me.

If I hadn't caused that accident that killed her, she would still be alive today and keep this family together..

After Lucy died, the Colton's started falling apart. First my brother, Tyler started taking drugs and drinking and I think he and lucy were really close. After her death, my once playful and hostful brother had now turn to a cold and hostile person that I don't recognize anymore. He would go out all night partying and then come back in wee hours of morning to lock himself up in his room. That was his daily routine. Then my dad and my mum who were on edge in their marriage have finally lost it. My parents always fought alot and it always ended with my dad going out the house and not coming back home for days, even weeks.

On the outside, we were all one big happy family who, after their daughter's death, they were still trying to be happy, not knowing there is more to the eye than what it sees.

My mum always blamed me for what happened to Lucy and always curses me.

No surprise there.

She'd always make sure to let me know that I was a mistake and if I hadn't killed Lucy, her precious daughter would still be alive.

Makes me wonder if I'm her real daughter

And then me.

The cause of all this problem happening in my life right now.

Well, that's my broken life for you.



I always hated it right from the moment I stepped into it. Normally you would wonder why I hate a place where learning commenced and all that shit but not this school.

Meet my school, Standard High Private School. Yes I know what you are thinking, it's a private school. My parents are pretty well off. My dad was working as a manager at a major oil company and my mom who by the way, owns a boutique. So yes, they could pretty much afford a private school.

Back to Standard High, even the name sounds pretty lame. It's not a school of learning, no it's a school where social status mattered, where guys ditch classes to go smoke and where girls do illict things. A place where teachers only taught for the benefit of teaching, a place where girls thought being popular really mattered and where boys thought sleeping with anything that wore a skirt mattered.

Well you can picture it with me and see what I mean right?


Well there's always the good side of school right?

 I turned around and see my best friend, Trisha Lockwood running up to me with her bouncing blond curls and her green eyes shining.

I wish my own dull blue eyes could shine like that.

And her uniform, and yes, uniform was caught up in the wind.

My school's uniform was a plain white shirt with a red skirt that stopped right above the knee with a knee high white and red socks and a white and red striped tie for the girls and the same for boys only with red trousers and ankle socks.

"Hey Trish" I said as she neared me.

"Oh my God Ash, you are not going to believe what happened"

Here we go again

One thing about Trisha Lockwood is that she likes to talk. A lot. The worst case is if she's nervous, she wouldn't stop blabbering

"What happened?" I asked acting interested as we walked to my locker.

"Well..." She began, "I just heard that Mike just broke up with Lily all because and I quote ' she's not just good in bed anymore and she easily bores me' " she finished

"What???" I asked, now really interested.

" yeah and everybody and I mean everybody is talking about it. Apparently, the queen bee just got stung" Trish said.

"Wow" Lily was our school's queen bee meaning she was a bad bitchy bitch always wanting to ruin others and is quite known for sleeping around but it was the first time Lily actually got dumped by a guy before she dumped him.

"And here comes the evil bitch now " Trish said bringing me out of my thoughts as she glared behind me and I also turned to look at her.

Lily dressed in her white shirt which she currently tied above her navel, her really short skirt , socks and heels.

Like seriously who wears socks with heels?

Her hair burnt caramel hair is packed in a high ponytail with her sharp jaw, cat eyes, hazels eyes, and small but full lips , she was, no scratch that, is a definition of beauty.

She approached the hall with her minions following her. Instantly all eyes were turned to her whispering about her break up with Mike or better still, about being dumped by Mike.

She suddenly stopped and turned to the people staring at her and shouted, "Haven't you all seen a beauty early monday morning before!?"

Everybody quickly rushed back to what they were doing. She then smirked and looked at me.

" That bitch thinks she rules this school" Trish hissed and I saw Lily walk towards me

"Oops, looks like she's coming this way " Trish said again

" Hey Ashley" Lily said, the sneer heard in her words

"Hey Lily " I said back with the equal amount of sneer in my voice .

Lily scoffed and then walked away.

"I seriously don't know what kind of beef that girl has with you Ash"

"Neither do I Trish, neither do I " I replied Trish.

The bell rings at that moment signalling the start of first period

" C'mon lets get to class and see what our teachers are pretending to teach us" Trish said breaking the silence.

" Well isn't that what school is about?" I asked joking.

"Yeah this one in particular" Trish joked with me.

"C'mon let's go" I said grabbing Trish hand and walking to our first class. Luckily Trish and I had the same class today.


Lunch period in my school always consisted of stundents who come together to gossip and well maybe eat.

  My school lunch food were always good and today's food consisted of turkey sandwich, crunchy carrots and blueberries but I wasn't in the mood to eat any of that and I wonder why, oh wait I know. Its because of what happened this morning with my mom.

  * I was getting ready for school this morning, passed Tyler's room and like always it was locked. I came downstairs to eat breakfast and met my mom in the kitchen staring into the distance like her body was here but her mind was far far away. My dad and mom had their usual fight last night and it resulted in my dad slamming the door as always on his way out, so my mom was kinda on edge this morning.

 "Good morning mom" silence. I was answered with silence.

 Not the first time. I don't even know why I bother anymore.

  I took my cereal from the one of the cupboards when I heard,

  "What's good about the morning anyway" she paused. " when you just had a fight with your husband, your daughter is dead , your son is drinking himself to death and the cause of it all is greeting you 'good morning' " she said. "It's all your fault my life is like this Ashley. If you had just listened 2 years ago and not caused that accident, everything would had been okay and well but noooooo you had to just to come and ruin everything in my life Ashley. It's all your fault. You are all to blame for all this problems". She said dramatically and left me to my thoughts. She said all that just to make me feel bad and she succeeded in doing just that.*

 After all what she said, I lost my appetite for food breakfast and apparently lunch too.

 "Earth to Ashley". Trish said bringing me out of my thoughts.

 "Hey" I replied her.

  " I have been talking to you since thinking you were listening not knowing you were in la la land." She said. Then she noticed my sour mood "Hey what's got you sooo glum?" She asks.

  "Nothing really, just tired" Nobody knows about my family issues. Like I said, we were the perfect family on the outside. "So what were you saying Trish?"

 " I wanted to know if you were going to ...."

  "Hey babe". She was interrupted by a thick voice.

  We both looked back to see where the voice was coming from. It's was my one and only boyfriend Dave. Dave had curly dirty blond hair with his brown eyes, sharp jaw and kissable lips.

  "Hey Dave" I said smiling as he hugged me.

  "So are you all attending Jane's party on friday?" He asked

  "That's what I was just about to ask Ash before you came and interrupted us" Trish snapped at him. One thing about Trish is that when she doesn't like a person, she doesn't like them and currently, Dave was on her list.

 "Hey Trish. Didn't know you were there" He said.

  "Yeah don't you know I'm currently invisible" Trish said.

 "Okay cool. So babe are you going?" Dave asked again

  "Yeah I should." I muttered

  "Cool. Great. See you there" He said as he pecked my lips and walked away.

  "I don't why you are still dating that boy Ash"

   "Well that boy is my boyfriend Trish and I like him."

  "Sure. So about the party....." She started talking and from the looks of it she wasn't going to stop anytime soon.

 The bell rang signalling the end of lunch.

 Saved by the bell.

  "C'mon Trish let's get to class" I grabbed Trish by the hand and dumped my food in the trash as we walked out of the lunch room to continue our boring day of school.