Chereads / The Journey of Alex (A Pokemon Tale) / Chapter 3 - I am surprised I'm not getting whiplash yet. T T

Chapter 3 - I am surprised I'm not getting whiplash yet. T T

So three years had passed.

I took the time to get familiar with my environment and was attending school and making friends.

Although I said friends, they were acquaintances at best.

To prevent Nurse Joy from getting in trouble, I stayed nice and polite in public. 

I was also able to assist in the Pokémon Center.

The Job mostly consisted of sorting and reorganize and restocking the medical supplies.

it was pretty easy.

At times, I was allowed to watch as Aunty Joy took care of the Pokémon.

Nothing new really.


"Alex!!! Come Quick!! Your egg looks ready to hatch any time now!!"

Luckily, Professor Oak and Professor Elm was here.

The Professor's were astounded and excited to hear that we had an Egg and Professor Elm especially drove immediately from the Johto Region to see it.

Professor Elm was the Premier Professor from the Johto Region specializing in Pokémon Eggs.


We were all gathered around the egg watching very closely.

The cracks started small a lights started to spread from the crack until it encased the egg itself.

In a way it looked similiar to an evolution really.

The light was very bright and everyone covered there eyes.

Well, almost everybody.

I just took out a pair of shade and put them on as I stared straight into the light.

"I ain't no punk. I intimidate the sun." I said out loud.

As the light faded I took of my shades.

*twitch twitch*


What lay before me was a Mincinno.

I looked at it closely as we just stared at each other.


"Hi Mincinno, My name is Alex." 

I gave it a small and gentle pat on its head.

It's still a baby and I wanted to avoid jostling it.

Mincinno just leaned into my touch as I gently picked it up.

"Extraordinary" said Professor Oak.

"Indeed. I've never seen this Pokémon before. What is it?" asked Professor Elm.

I gently turned my body to face both professors as I gently cradled my new firend.

"This is a Mincinno." I answered softly to allow her to get some rest.

"She is really adorable" piped in Nurse Joy.


After that, it was all uphill really.

Professor Elm offered to adopt me and take me to Johto with him.

Professor Oak had a similar thought as well and offered to adopt me and live in Pallet town with his grandson.

Nurse Joy refused to let me go altogether. 

Nurse Joy was my mother figure so what could I really say.

From there, the paperwork of adoption was settled somewhat by all three.

I would be officially adopted by Nurse Joy but would stay abroad at the same time.

I am still not sure what kind of adoption process they just tried to do.

They agreed to have me split between the three of them in rotation throughout the year.

During the 1st year, I would stay with Professor Elm.

During the 2nd year, I would stay in Pallet.

During the 3rd year, I would stay in Veridian City.

The following years would be decided by me.

Professor Oak also held a Pokémon training camp every year in Pallet Town and he wanted to know if I could show the kids Pokémon from different regions.

Of course I agreed.


2 years later...

~Summer Time~

Sitting around my neck was a very soft and fluffy Mincinno.

She was very gentle and calm but at times she showed herself to be a neat freak.

In fact, whenever she saw a mess, her eyes would literally shine and start to clean everything up.

30 seconds was all it took for it to clean up my bedroom.

10 minutes was all it took to clean the house.

Seeing a Mincinno work was always a wonderous sight.

I was not a mess by any means but according to my Mincinno, it was never enough.

I didn't try to stop cleaning either.

I had a feeling that the day I let Mincinno take care of all the cleaning and become lazy about it would be the day I became a failure of a human somewhat.

I was currently on the bus on my way to Pallet Town.

I stopped by Veridian City to meet Nurse Joy.

She fed me up and gave both me and Mincinno a quick check up.

Staying in Johto was actually quite fun.

I was home schooled by Professor Elm and also helped him in his research at times.

I also started my own research on Pokémon move compatibilities and abilities.

To say my research was ground breaking, was to say the least.

The fact that I was able to isolate different kinds of unique abilities and provide a classification to them opened up a whole new field of studies to fellow researchers.

In this world, they believed that their typing was the only type of move a pokemon could utilize.

When I was able to teach Mincinno Triple Axel an Ice type move using its Legs and Tail.

I immediately got a call from an aspiring researcher named Professor Kukui.

That conversation took all night exchanging data, thoughts, conjectures, theories and general information.

I also learned to communicate with Pokémon better as well.

Although I don't know exactly what was being said all the time, I was able to easily determine their intentions.

This was not something I picked up in one day of course.

I've been working on it since the day I was born.

On many occasions, me and the surrounding wild Pokémon would gather by a campfire near the house and I would strum my guitar while singing. 

The Pokémon seemed to respond really well to that.

Yes, I always knew how to play the guitar.

I used to do it as an active hobby in my past life.

It took 3 months to rebuild my callouses.

Professor Elm didn't live directly in town either.

He lived more in the outskirts about 5 minute walk from the edge of town.

This was great for me as it allowed me to interact with all sorts of pokemon.

Most of them were Sentret, Hoothoot, Rattatas, and Pidgeys but on rare occasions, you would run into Hoppips too.

Lastly, I was doing a lot of studying on the creation of TM's.

Why? Because they don't exist in this world.

Why wouldn't I try to capitalize on this non existent idea.

"Hey Mincinno, It looks like we are almost here."

Mincinno who was gently cuddled around my neck looking like a fur scarf raised its head lazily and looked around.

As the Bus came to a gentle stop, I got all my luggage and headed out to see Professor Oak with a young girl beside him.

She looked about 4 or 5 years older than me.

"Hi Alex!! How was your trip here? I hope it wasn't to troublesome." Professor Oak greeted me cheerfully.

I just smiled as I gave a simple bow.

Professor Oak is no longer surprised by Mincinno.

In our long phone conversations, he had seen my Mincinno enough to be desensitized to her.

"I am doing just fine professor. Thank you for letting me stay here for the summer."

"Think nothing of it. I wanted to introduce my grand daughter. This is Daisy Oak."

Daisy Oak was a slightly older girl but had what one could call a delicate frame.

She was a slim yet young and vibrant girl.

She had a sort of gentle looking demeaner with long blonde hair, calm brown eyes and a green headband on her head.

I walked up to daisy with swift yet graceful movement as I took her hand and grazed my lips gently on the back and gently held at the waist as I stared into her eye

"Why hello. I was wondering if you had a map?"

"wha?!" Daisy seemed taken aback and surprised

I held her closer towards me.

Despite my age, I was similar in height. (What can I say? I was a tall 7 year old by now.)

"Cause I feel, I am getting lost in your eyes."


I gave her a roguish grin and a dashing wink.

"Oh my?" Daisy seemed to blush at my comment as she looked away shyly.


"Will you quit it already! I swear if it wasn't for your pranks or your constant need for the attention of the opposite gender, You would be quite the decent person!!"

I held my head where a swollen bump started to form and started to laugh.

"hahaha, why does it matter? According to my mother, I am just a natural kind hearted person." 

*sigh* he just palmed his face in tiredness.

"And modest to boot." he muttered

After straightening up, he walked over and gave me a grandfatherly head pat.

"Either way, I'm glad you were finally able to make it Alex. Come, my house is this way." as he turned to walk into town with us following.

"Daisy can show you around town later, for now lets make sure your all settled in. We already have a room ready for you." 

"Thank you Professor Oak. When do you think I will be able to go to your lab though. I need to verify some of my research while confirming some of the latest test data I have been gathering." I asked.

"We can take care of that after this years Summer Camp. There is plenty of time. For now, I want you to get familiar with your surroundings and relax. Also, I know you have great affinity with Pokémon so I wont prohibit you from going into the grass, but I do ask that you do not wander into the forest too deep. It can get easy to get lost in."

"Got it" I said.

As we walked through town, I noticed it was actually relatively peaceful. 

The farmland on the southside is easy to see as well as the coastline right after it.

The houses were well lined and the research center stood out like a sore thumb to say the least.

As we reached a large house next to the research center, I noticed that this was not a small house. It was large to say the least.

The back yard was also connected to a largely fenced off area that had a small lake and forest.

The same research center was also connected to the wooden fencing.

"That is one large back yard. How many acres is this?" I said in awe.

Professor just laughed and rubbed the back of his head.

"hahaha, I'd say about 16 acres. The land is protected by the Pokémon league. Any trainer that exceeds the allotted carry capacity is kept here." 

"I see. Well let me know if you need any help. It must be hard taking care all this yourself."

"Nonsense. I have Aides to help me in case it becomes too hard to handle." Professor Oak said while waving me off with a smile.

So I will be spending a year here.