Chereads / The Journey of Alex (A Pokemon Tale) / Chapter 5 - Planning and Theories

Chapter 5 - Planning and Theories

The summer camp had ended, and with it, a sense of accomplishment settled in my chest. The kids had learned, the Pokémon had bonded, and I had once again gained experience as an instructor. But as much as I enjoyed teaching, my true passion lay elsewhere—research.

Back at the lab, I was seated in front of a large holo-screen, connected to a multi-way video call. The faces of three of the most renowned Pokémon Professors filled the screen: Professor Sycamore of Kalos, Professor Magnolia of Galar, and Professor Kukui of Alola. Professor Oak sat beside me, sipping his tea as he listened to the conversation.

"Alright, Alex," Sycamore began, leaning forward slightly, his usual enthusiasm evident. "I heard from Oak about your interest in regional battle mechanics. I must say, it's quite an ambitious topic. What specifically are you looking to explore?"

I tapped the screen, pulling up a few notes. "Each region has its own unique battling techniques and enhancements—Mega Evolution in Kalos, Z-Moves in Alola, and Dynamaxing in Galar. While they seem independent, I believe they share some fundamental principles. I want to identify those commonalities and, more importantly, their limitations."

Professor Magnolia hummed in thought. "Interesting... so you're suggesting that these phenomena are not entirely separate, but part of a broader, underlying system?"

I nodded. "Exactly. My working theory is that Pokémon possess an inherent ability to access power beyond their natural state. The environment, the bond with trainers, and external catalysts like Mega Stones, Z-Crystals, and Dynamax Energy serve as conduits rather than independent systems."

Professor Kukui leaned back. "That's a real eye-opener. If that's the case, does that mean there could be undiscovered ways to bring out a Pokémon's full potential?"

I smirked. "That's what I want to find out. The problem is, while we know these mechanics work, we don't fully understand why certain regions have specific ones while others don't."

Professor Sycamore steepled his fingers. "Ah, the eternal question of why Mega Evolution originated in Kalos and is most commonly observed there, while Dynamaxing seems exclusive to Galar. Some believe it has to do with residual energy left by the Ultimate Weapon from Kalos' ancient war. Others theorize Mega Evolution is simply the most refined form of battle adaptation, meaning Pokémon capable of it might also unlock other latent transformations under the right conditions."

I leaned forward, intrigued. "What if the reason Mega Evolution was first recorded in Kalos wasn't because it was exclusive, but because Kalos' environment and history allowed the first observable transformations? It could mean that similar potential exists elsewhere, just in different forms. Perhaps Z-Moves and Dynamaxing are alternate expressions of the same untapped power, shaped by regional influences."

Professor Magnolia nodded. "That's an interesting hypothesis. We've assumed Dynamaxing is exclusive to areas infused with Galar particles, but what if they're not the source, merely a trigger? The true potential might exist in all Pokémon, and we're just looking at different keys unlocking the same door."

Professor Kukui snapped his fingers. "If Z-Moves rely on resonance between trainer and Pokémon, could Mega Evolution and Dynamaxing function similarly? What if a Pokémon trained to use one of these could adapt to another?"

I grinned. "That's what I want to explore. And that ties into move adaptability as well. We know Pokémon learn moves through training, but what if certain move combinations unlocked hidden potential?"

Professor Oak looked interested. "Like how Shock Tail was developed? A fusion of Iron Tail and Thunder Wave into a new, enhanced move?"

I nodded. "Exactly! Natural battle adaptation is already at work. Take the moves Return and Frustration—two opposites that depend entirely on the bond between a Pokémon and its trainer. A Pokémon with high affection will unleash immense power through Return, whereas a Pokémon that harbors resentment will channel that energy into Frustration. If we systematically study how emotions and experiences influence move potency, we could unlock new Pokémon growth methods."

Professor Sycamore smiled. "Move combos creating larger outcomes... It's almost like Mega Evolution, Z-Moves, and Dynamaxing are different paths leading to the same goal—unlocking a Pokémon's true potential."

I pointed at the screen. "If we prove that, we might find ways to help Pokémon grow without relying on external catalysts. Imagine Pokémon Mega Evolving naturally through training, or using Z-Moves because they've refined their energy output, not because of Z-Crystals. There may even be evolutions that were never considered for Pokémon who never had any. Perhaps, through intense training and deep bonds with their trainers, Pokémon thought to have reached their final stage could unlock new forms that we have yet to discover."

Professor Magnolia's eyes widened. "That would be revolutionary. We could be on the verge of discovering the next stage of Pokémon training and redefine Pokémon potential!"

Professor Kukui laughed. "Now you got me hyped! You should come to Alola first. We'll test these theories in real battle applications."

Professor Sycamore smirked. "Not so fast. He needs to come to Kalos first to understand Mega Evolution at its core."

Professor Magnolia smiled. "And Galar will be his last stop. Dynamax Energy is unlike anything else, and if we're exploring how these mechanics interact, Alex must study it firsthand."

I leaned back in my chair, exhaling deeply. "The commonality is clear. A strong bond is always necessary to unlock these factors. Without it, the power is too chaotic to control. The bond itself may be the key to tapping into these powers effectively in the first place."

Professor Sycamore nodded. "Mega Evolution is the perfect example. A Pokémon and trainer must have a strong enough bond to channel the Mega Stone's energy effectively. Without that connection, transformation fails or puts unnecessary strain on the Pokémon."

Professor Magnolia added, "Dynamaxing may rely on environmental catalysts, but we see Pokémon who trust their trainers exhibit greater control over their Dynamax forms. Untrained Pokémon tend to act wildly when Dynamaxed, as if the power overwhelms them without their trainer's guidance."

Professor Kukui chimed in, "Z-Moves require that bond too. A trainer has to sync their energy with their Pokémon to unleash the move's full potential. Without that connection, the move might not reach its peak power or activate properly."

Professor Oak smiled. "This unifying principle of bond-driven power changes everything. If we prove that the bond is the true foundation behind these mechanics, the artificial barriers separating them might be more arbitrary than we thought. Any Pokémon could potentially Mega Evolve, use Z-Moves, or Dynamax under the right conditions."

I leaned forward, excited. "That's exactly what I want to study. If we isolate the elements that make these bonds effective, we could train Pokémon to harness these powers without external catalysts. The bond may be the only true requirement."

Professor Magnolia leaned forward. "And what of Pokémon growth? You mentioned Move Techs. How does that fit into your research?"

I glanced at my notes. "Pokémon growth ties directly to move adaptability. If we analyze how Pokémon acquire, modify, and master moves over time, we might replicate the conditions needed for regional mechanics."

Professor Oak set his tea down. "A bold proposal, but not without merit. When I first hypothesized the Pokémon classification system, people thought I was reaching. Yet, here we are. Research is about pushing boundaries."

I grinned. "Which is why I'd like to visit each of your labs and learn firsthand. The best way to understand these mechanics is to experience them in their natural environments."

Professor Sycamore clasped his hands. "I like it! Come to Kalos, and we'll study Mega Evolution in-depth. I have Pokémon capable of Mega Evolution that you can work with."

Professor Kukui laughed. "Alola's always open to visitors! In order to get a Z-Crystal, you need to get approval from the Kahuna of each island. If you're up for the challenge, we can see how you handle the island trials."

Professor Magnolia nodded. "Galar's doors are open. Another mind working on Dynamax Energy would be invaluable. My daughter left to be a trainer with that rascal Leon, and ever since, I've been left to ponder these mysteries alone. That boy has talent, no doubt, but his sense of direction is absolutely horrendous," she muttered under her breath.

Professor Oak turned to me with a knowing smile. "Looks like you've got quite the journey ahead of you, Alex. Think you're up for it?"

I leaned back in my chair, exhaling deeply. "More than ready. Let's make history."