Chereads / the temple / Chapter 3 - new name

Chapter 3 - new name

I sighed as I reach the last of the steps as I gaze around I see many people I half listen to some of their conversations "goddess I ask for my son to grow up strong and be wealthy and allow him to inherit his father's legacy" a mother spoke near me as another person teased "oh what's this" the man crooned "a simple begged, here offer this to the goddess" he finished as he carelessly tossed a bronze coin at her as it rolled in front of me. I picked it up after that it seemed that they started to argue I ignored the rest of their conversation as I sighed and headed for the entrance blocking out most next to all the conversations. I nearly run face first into an armored knight right outside my temple pardon me ma'am he spoke as he remained there annoyance filled me as I could clearly seeing what he was doing but filling his pockets I move to the side of him just outside my temple and stretch care full to keep the coin hidden and not to open my wings " but you never used to pay" I heard the exhausted females voice as I open my eyes and roll my shoulder blades seeing a mother of three talking to the unknown knight "in order to get in you have to pay the entrance fee" entrance fee? What ok I'm not standing for this "there is no entrance fee "I had said cutting into their conversation "there is a entrance fee woman" he sneered at me as I just gave him a cold look with a calm smile "there is NO entrance fee soldier " I persisted and on top of being upset with my last talk made it worse that deal I made the man- no creature want the child to remain here or at least not leave without proper educate witch I intend to give "yes there is you-" he spoke as he raised his hand to hit me as I went to defend myself Retra jumped in the way taking the hit and scaring his own wrist "what's going on? "Sanka spoke as she and the child arrived and saw me "moon heart" she growled "yes?" I as slyly clearly knowing to keep my identity hidden for the brief moment she sighed and spoke first to the knight then to me clearly annoyed "apparently the goddess is fed up with you blocking her temple Move it knight and moon heart I'm pretty sure the goddess wants to talk to you, right? " she just read me like a scroll I nod she as I first walk up to the mother and place the copper coin in her hand and as I walk away I grab the child who is stunned at first.

As I am unsure how to react the goddess pulls me as I stumble backwards for several more steps before I manage to turn around only to be grabbed once more, it seems like she's in a small hurry to me why? What is it? My mind races as we head up the stairs and onto the second staircase Sanka had told me about witch I was to bewildered to identify when I first arrived here just a few hours ago the staircase leads to the goddess chambers her bedroom and an empty room also a bath as well according to Sanka most maidens rarely come up here unless something is wrong or the situation is that serious. "Here we are" the goddess said as she let go of me as her wings quickly unfolded.

Retra came in now I can tell that the child is examining her surrounds in my chambers there is a lounge sofa a few end tables, my bed and a work bench for me next to my bed is a wooden dresser and next to that is a full sized mirror I sigh as she looks at me seeming to have the same question in her eyes that is echoed in her mind "why am I here? And am I in trouble?" I scoffed kindly as I just smiled at her and sat on the couch being careful not to mess up my wings Retra had sat next to my legs leaving an open spot next to me. She faced me after I sat down "come sit next to me" I urge as she looks strait at me with fear but nods and does what I ask. "say now" I begin as I lean forward letting my wings breath as she sits next to me "I've been thinking and I just might know what to call you" her face light up in enlightenment and fear she's nervous and scared but I have to ask this although I don't want to but I must see her reaction to be sure I sighed "I need to know more about you well about your past that is" flashes of images hit me quickly I know her name. The goddess had just asked me as it felt like my heart just sunk waves of memories flashed through my mind like second I was reliving hat happened the pain torture fear sorrow, I know I was silent as the goddess sighed as her left wing opened and it wrapped itself around me pulling me closer to her "there there I'm sorry I made you think of those things you're alright. " she comforted me as I felt a tear drop on my hand as I realized that I just started to cry I nearly slumped over "but hey "I hear the goddess start after I had cried for a little bit "I know what to call you now" she seemed to finish as I look at her my eyes still filled with tears " Ta-sheen it means survivor and young warrior to all the gods" I'm not sure why but I was filled with uncontrollable joy after hearing the name the goddess had just gave me I count help it but a smile appeared on my face "to me it means noble fighter amongst other meanings" the demon Retra spoke as I managed to sit up and Retra had laid down.

"umm… goddess "Sanka's voice speaks out "yes Sanka what is it?" the goddess asked as Sanka appears from the steps a s she sighs she speaks "I hat e to bother you when you're busy but there is a person downstairs who won't accept my own warnings." The goddess seemed to chuckle as Retra had stood up half growling "finally some excitement" curiosity hit me as sighed calming myself down "say Ta-sheen would you like to see something funny" the goddess spoke to me as she offered a hand I did a slow nod as I was helped up. "Now Sanka where is this person?" the goddess seemed to ask with a sneer "this way" Sanka spoke as she led the way down the stairs. We definitely heard him before we say him as one of the other maidens almost ran into the goddess with her eyes filled with tears clearly emotionally upset "easy there" "he's a brute he's been yelling at us as soon as he came in! "she exclaimed "don't fret I'll take care of it ok" the goddess responded as the one person counted up the steps to calm herself down Retra's eyes darted toward us as she spoke "I'll look ahead" Retra then trotted down the steps only to return a few seconds later her eyes glowing red almost like they were burning "it's a target" a red streak of light seemed to pass though her eyes as after that her aura seemed almost demonic a evil grin appeared on her face as she spoke deeply "Sanka I know you don't support violence here so" her eyes seemed to lock on to where Sanka was standing Sanka did not look up "escort every one out except that person alright" she had finished as she stood strait up as Sanka only nodded averting her eyes away from the goddess gaze as she walked be the goddess and went to walk by the person he purposely moved in front of her "Move it now!" Sanka yelled loudly as other people started to see what was happing the goddess seemed to whisper Retra's name as Retra transformed into a scythe.

The person looked almost dumb founded as Sanka made her way past him when almost everyone was out he said practically yelling "that's it I'm not waiting any longer" he tried to shove past the maidens "OUT OF THE WAY!" the goddess yelled darkly as the maidens hurried to the sides and as if instinctively I plaster myself to the wall as the goddess lunges herself forward in a smooth quick motion Retra cuts though him he was clearly stunned as the goddess stood strait up lightly tapping the end of her scythe on the ground Retra. As the goddess looked back at him I saw a side of the goddess I wish I never had her eyes were black with her pupils being red her eyes seemed to soften as they slowly returned to normal "you didn't have to see that Ta-sheen--"I notice the goddess trailed off she started to fall letting go of Retra who had transformed back into a wolf her pelt is pitch black as her eyes are closed Sanka catches the goddess and in my own surprise I help catch the goddess in determination "umm Ta-sheen?" Sanka asked me as I looked at her and did a responsive grunt "can you take the up to rest" as I did a fierce nod Retra had opened her eyes and looking at the goddess then widened as she spun around and sprinted out of the temple yelping almost wildly briefly distracted was hit back into reality as Sanka said "Ta-sheen now please!" "ah um yes" I muster out of my surprise as I help the goddess up the stairs as me and another maiden I found out her name was Lilly we put the goddess on her couch she sighed and spoke "I can't believe I just let Retra do that dang it" as she finished Sanka came up "so what happened" she asked "I forced to hard Retra was able to possess me due to my emotions" the goddess admitted now weekly sitting up "Sanka" the goddess said half groggily all Sanka did was look at her "can I ask that you-"the goddess began to speak as Sanka spoke up cutting her off "say no more goddess you get some rest now don't fret two days is nothing to us get some rest." The goddess just laid down and Sanka nodded to s as Lilly had grabbed my arm as we went down the first flight of stairs as Sanka led everyone to a set of doors as she opened them a thick rope fell almost on top of all the maidens helping grab the rope we reposition it as I go to grab it again Sanka spoke to me "Ta-sheen can you grab the three smaller ropes please" feeling slightly diminished I nodded and did what I was asked I was instructed to close the worship doors I went ahead of the others first almost instinctively I notice that the goddess's 'target' had disappeared except the floor no forcing though thoughts to the back of my mind I continued with my task as I started a few people had come in since the commotion.

"who is this commoner who is touching the goddess sacred items she should" caught off guard I didn't know how to react at the time the person had walked up to me Sanka and the others had managed to make their way downstairs Sanka spoke quickly interrupting the woman "in case you're wondering woman Ta-sheen is allowed to touch those sacred items she is one of the maidens here her attire is different because she isn't staying here long so Back Off" she finished with a growl as the woman just left I did a small nod in thanks to Sanka as I hurry to finish up my task as I quickly but gently place the small trinkets in the cabinet and close it I wrap the door handled with the small braided red rope and hurry over to Sanka to see what I could do to help the larger rope was similar to the smaller ropes I just had it is a multilayered braded red velvet rope with golden rings at the end of each sides of the rope and it the middle as we all spread the rope out across I realized that it stretched out along the entire entrance. As we finished Retra had run up to the temple her pelt white now but her eyes were bright red she leapt over the thickest part of the rope in a single leap sighing Sanka shock her head as we all reentered the temple after that, once we were inside Lilly ran up the steps as Sanka stopped the rest of us from going up stairs by giving us thins to do except me dumb founded for a few minutes as Lilly ran down the stairs a few minutes later she told Sanka "the goddess is asleep and the wolf Retra is fiercely guarding her" "good she needs the rest she's been awake for over two months, she needs it" Sanka said with a sigh and smiled at me "saw umm Ta-sheen do you know how to read and write?" Sanka asked me in an almost freakily calm voice I barley respond "I know how to read not write" I manage to speak loud enough after the third time she asked me to be honest ii thought she would be mad at me that I was so quiet to respond to her but she wasn't it felt weird. I've also met another maiden here her name is Retha according to Lilly she isn't very nice but everything she speaks to me it's with kindness I wonder why. "Are you coming Ta-sheen? or are you just going to daydream" Sanka spoke getting my attention as I hurry to follow her as we head up the first flight of stairs we turn to the right to enter the library as I manage to get a better look now it looks like there is an entire documentary of scrolls of all the maidens here and of past as I continue to analyze every detail Sanka grabs a blank scroll and places it on an empty table in front of me with a wooden pencil and gestures for me to sit. It's been three weeks now and the goddess hasn't woken up yet but Sanka seems to act like clockwork and leads me to this library before guiding me into one of the beds late at night when I'm exhausted but as I sit down I start my lessons on writing , we both notice one of the scrolls are grabbed from the opposite side of the shelf curiosity hit me suddenly as we see the goddess come in to view clearly tired as she opens the scroll and sits across from me "you're up?" Sanka seems to speak coolly "only briefly" the goddess responds as her fingers trace the words on the scroll as she reads it she leans on the table. Ok no pressure the goddess is just watching means Sanka shows me some more of the basics of writing h-he no pressure. Learning to write is still hard I sigh as me and Sanka work on it for a few hours as it grew dark the demon wolf Retra had brought in two light candles as she slid them on the table from her muzzle and her head. Sanka turned to put the scrolls away I watched Retra there's just something about her that feels so nostalgic Retra looked at the goddess and sighed leaping on the table I was surprised on how fast Sanka moved Sanka had grabbed a encased scroll and hit Retra with it saying

"get down Retra" "ow goodness" Retra commented "have a look" she spoke again as Retra had slowly taken the scroll out from under the goddess's sleeping arms "she's-"Sanka sounded shocked "you didn't even notice" Retra commented half laughing Sanka let out a sigh of what seemed to be defeat "alright Ta-sheen lets get the goddess to her bed again ok, I know you're tired but I would really appreciate the help " nodding slowly exhausted being barley able to stand as the realization was starting to hit me that I didn't have to live up to anyone's real exceptions as a servant I did my best to help Sanka but I could tell that she was able to see that I was tired "hey Lilly, Retha can you two come here please" Sanka called out as we saw them "of course" Lilly spoke as they both came over and Sanka spoke again "Lilly can you take Ta-sheen to the bedrooms and Retha can you help me" I barley took my eyes off the flooring as Lilly led me to one of the beds I fell asleep almost instantly as the sheep's fur touched my face I was out after that.