Chereads / the temple / Chapter 6 - dreams

Chapter 6 - dreams

I ponder for a while as I wonder what the goddess might be talking about with Sanka the others seem to leave me alone as I'm list in thought as a owl catches my attention as I look at it, it seems to chirp softly as it lands above me on the top of the chair as I gaze at is I'm suddenly aware in how ling I've been thinking its nearly midnight now and a whole different group of maidens are out as I begin to acknowledge them they just wave at me gently.

I sigh as I stand up and focus myself towards the library what could be in that small chest what is in it I wonder as I walk towards the library straining to see in the dark hallway I pass by a few rooms I pause when I hear the goddess's voice

"Sanka you don't understand I'm waiting for a reason and if that fox demon tries to attack her again I'm not sure if I can fully protect her if we aren't here I know the temple has to be repaired I'm asking you to give me a little more time" as I hurry past I hear Sanka gasp as the goddess says something to her I enter the library as the mess I made is cleaned up the box is on the table just like it was waiting for me. It's been a hour now and I've managed to open the box to my surprise it's not locked as I'm reading the first scroll I'm amazed I'm reading about Retra apparently she has been at the temple for over three hundred years!, and in service to the goddess I've read that each generation of the goddess of favor has tamed her witch is confusing but as I found out that the taming process is excruciatingly painful. so it is said when taming a demon to do it quickly although it is not mentioned on how to tame a demon of course it wouldn't be that easy I comment to myself as I read the rest of the encased scroll in the darkness.

Finally I'm done with that conversation with Sanka sighing with exhaustion I walk past the bed rooms noticing that Ta-sheen isn't there I start to worry and start to look for her immediately as I do I notice a half demon owl in the main wing of my maidens commons I approach it as it coo's I notice it has a message attached to its back as I go to grab the scroll the stupid bird bites my hand I try three more times as I start to get irritated the owl just coo's at me as if its laughing.

I come out of the library felling like I shouldn't have read the one scroll about Retra and about demons but I managed to make it look like I haven't touched it anyway felling tired its almost dawn now I notice the goddess repeatedly trying to grab a scroll that was on the owls back intrigued with knowledge and wanting to help I reach for the scroll and surprisingly the owl doesn't notice me until I pop open the dark brown satchel that held the scroll as I did it made a small popping sound the owl seemed to instantly turn its head around at me with a loud 'Who?' I fall backwards as I have managed to get the scroll the owl just ruffled its feathers and flew off I look at the scroll in my hands as I stand up I try to hand it to the goddess who seems reluctant to grab it but she does and gasps silently as she begins to read it.

I'm kind of glad I took the scroll from Ta-sheen as I read it I can tell it's from that fox demon the only reason I can tell that is that any demons handwriting is sloppy and very very misspelled and on top of that it is signed fox. 'Shinocha please I hope you can forgive me for cornering you earlier I hope you wake up soon I'm your demon sincerely fox.' At least the gods name is spelled correctly I comment to myself inwardly as Retra shows up wondering about me. Ta-sheen nods toward me as she excuses herself to the bed rooms I watch her go as I can tell that now more than one demon knows something about Ta-sheen that I fully don't understand.

'Retra?' I ask in silent conversation 'yes what is it goddess ' 'does this name mean anything special to you or is it just a name I've heard rumored of a demonic goddess' I show her the name written on the scroll as her eyes glow a small red 'that name means a lot to me that name is my creator and a guardian and death bringer to all demons goddess what if she's her it could be my worst nightmare as well as a great relief' I ponder on that thought I don't reply as Retra stares at me 'well we can't be too sure now I predict that Ta-sheen is either protection or faith so we just have to wait and see.' I finish as I reroll the scroll sealing it now knowing that it is not a message for me I head toward the library Retra follows me silently clearly thinking to herself I grab the box of scrolls I can tell witch one she read the scroll about demons I show it to Retra as her eyes get wide now knowing the fact that Ta-sheen might be Shinocha but she might not I place the message at the bottom of the scrolls and rest it back on the table tacking the one scroll out and storing it away for safe keepings I sigh as Retra's voice said to me 'we can test her' stopping mid step I turn toward her "and how do you suggest we do that Retra" I say aloud to her as I give her a strait look "well I don't really know goddess…I apologize" she said to me as I smile and turn around to see about the nightly maidens Jira greets me as I exit the library as she goes to enter it I touch her arm "the box is not to be moved for now please" she smiles "it's for the young goddess Ta-sheen right? Don't worry I won't tough it also it seems like a slow night we can handle the temple go relax we all know you need it with her here you've been busy trying to figure out how to wake her plus the fact that more demons might be attacking the temple you need to relax and rest when you can." I smile like Sanka, Jira has been here a long time but Sanka is a little different than her but she is totally responsible for the night crew of maidens.

I nod as I walk away heading up to my chambers to relax I hear a small squealing scream coming from the bedrooms quickly I turn around and dash toward the bedrooms to see the half-demon owl above Ta-sheen as it sees me the owl screeches high pitch nearly waking everyone up except Ta-sheen I observe and come to the conclusion that she, Ta-sheen is having a memory.