"So she wants Ziko back at Frisco?" Milo asked after I told him about Cindy's call on our way back home.
I nodded in response.
"Why did he leave in the first place?"
"I don't know," I shrugged.
"I have no problem with him returning back to work. He is still my friend and I wish to see him happy except of course you have a problem with his return," Milo said.
"Nope," I said. Milo didn't know about the rape and I would love to keep it that way.
"Okay then. I will ask the HR manager to accept him back. Cindy could have just told me. I don't know why she thought I wouldn't have accepted."
I remained quiet and he continued, "So they are dating now?"
"Yes. That's what she said," I replied.
"And that shithead couldn't even reach out to inform me after all those years of silently rooting for them," he said.