Chapter 6 - Match

You are in the rest room, washing your wounds. after that, you looked at yourself in the mirror.

Y/n: "why do i need to live this kind of life?"

you stopped for a second and spoke again

Y/n: "i hurt my fellow woman" you said in a sad tone and wash your hands again

Jungkook: "do you think washing your wounds will heal immediately?" he said leaning at the door that makes youĺ startled

Y/n: "Goshhh! you scared me!"

Jungkook: "then sorry"

Y/n: "what are you doing here?"

Jungkook: "following you?"

Y/n: "and why?"

Jungkook: "Mara is so worried about you when you left her at the cafeteria, so i just followed you 'cause maybe someone will bully you again"

you smirked and come closer to him

Y/n: "thanks for your concern" you said as you pat his shoulder, smiled at him and leave

while you are walking away, he shouted

Jungkook: "i recorded your fight scaredy cat!"

he said and smirked

Y/n: "then record my next fight again!"

Jungkook giggled



The class is over and the students started to go home. You and Mara was walking and about to go to your car.

Y/n: "i'm going to drop you at your house"

Mara: "all of a sudden?"

Y/n: "yeah, dad gave his car to me"

Mara: "ohhh okay-" she stopped when someone shouted

Yerin: "Yahhh!!!! you bitch Min Y/n!!!"

it's yerin with her girls walking like a zombie, still suffering. she caught some students attention again including bts, you and mara turned around to them.

Jungkook: "that darn girl" he murmured that it's enough for bts to hear

Y/n: "what it took you so long yerin-ssi?" you said while chuckling

Yerin: "Jungkook locked the door!" she said that makes jungkook laughed

Jimin: "what? are you involved?" he asked and jungkook just nodded his head and they looked at me

Y/n: "So you really locked it?" you laughed "good to know" you continued and jungkook smirked but bts still confused

Yerin: "you will pay for this!!"

Y/n: "how much?" you said pissing her off

Jimin: "pffttt!" he said trying not to laugh same with his friends

Dahyun(yerin's friend): "you're such a big trash!!"

Y/n: "am i a mirror to you that you can see your reflection on me so you said the word 'trash'?" you said that make them angrier.

bts couldn't help their self so they laughed.

Y/n: "Girls....i felt sorry 'cause i hurt my fellow woman so i don't want to hurt a girl next time, so please leave me alone or else....i won't feel sorry anymore and can kill you all" you said and drag mara and get in to your car and leave

Yerin: "we're not done yet y/n!!!"

Yoongi: "yah yerin, do you really want to die?"

Yerin: "are you taking that bitch' side?!"

they just ignored her and leave.

*Your pov

you're quite, just focusing on driving when mara asked you

Mara: "yah y/n... how's your wounds?"

Y/n: "don't mind it, i'll gonna treat it later at home"

Mara: "what if your parents will get mad at you?

Y/n: "they already left"

Mara: "then you're alone again"

Y/n: "i'm used to it"

Mara: "i don't want to make you feel alone" she said in a sad tone

Y/n: "then think an idea as my friend"

Mara: "i'll try" she said but she already think of an idea.


you drop mara off and you reached your house.

as you reached your house you changed your uniform into your practice outfit, a black sports bra, black leggings and your hair in a messy bun. You called kai to come in your house to have a match

***in call***

Kai: "ohh why did you call?"

Y/n: "i want to have a match"

Kai: " brave huh" he chuckled

Y/n: "yes or no?" you said so serious

Kai: "yes"

Y/n: "20minutes" you said and hang up.

you went to your basement to clean it first and arranged the equipment you'll going to use