On the third morning of the Founding Festival, I set off to the Dwarven Kingdom
in order to exchange our star gold coins for gold coins.
Now that our problem had been resolved, we would have to see how the
conspirators would react. With this done, I had nothing else to worry about, so I
could just enjoy the celebration.
We would be starting the day with the final battle between Masayuki and
Gobta. The stands were packed with anticipation and people were all enthusiastic
about making their predictions about who would be the winner and some even
opened up a betting pool.
Myourmiles was hoping to make the most of this by making the only winning
play-be the guy running the business. No matter your prediction, you'd still make
money. This is the secret to any gambling operation.
I put my money on Gobta, mainly to make some more pocket change, not
because I expected to win, however. Yeah, nah. I only put money in due to the
enormous return in the event that he was actually successful.
*Cough*, that was irrelevant. The important thing was to give Gobta my
Souka's broadcast was on point as well.
She was praising Gobta relentlessly, making it impossible for him to escape. I
wasn't sure if Souka was aware of this herself, but pushing people like this was
truly cruel. It was then, that Diablo raised his hand and the arena fell into complete
What the? Even some female audience members looked mesmerized... It was
best to just not think about it and pretend I saw nothing. If Gobta beat Masayuki,
all the problems would be resolved.
But if Masayuki turned out to be just as strong as Hinata, Gobta would have
no chance of winning. Ultimately, no matter the outcome, I would be able to obtain
some information about that swordsman. If Masayuki fell into a hard battle against
Gobta, I could at least confirm that he was not going to pose any threat.
Moreover, Gobta's natural good luck was combined with the presence of Ranga.
This was actually quite the ideal circumstance for testing out Masayuki's strength.
Onstage, Souka finished introducing the two contestants smoothly. With that,
the match began. Alright, time to see what percentage of Masayuki's strength
Gobta was going to force him to reveal.
With that thought in mind, I watched intently-
Masayuki's head was burning with anxiety.
After watching the battle between Gozer and Mezer yesterday, and knowing
that he had to fight against the winning contestant of that match-
I'm done for. F-fighting against a monster like that. I'm gonna get slaughtered!
The very thought of the upcoming match made the blood drain from his face.
When he managed to trick Gozer with his speech and got him to give up the
match, Masayuki really wanted to praise himself. But upon seeing the match
afterward, Masayuki was plunged into despair yet again.
How am I supposed to win?! What the hell, are all the participants in this
martial tournament actual monsters?
He felt the urge to curse impulsively again. The people he would be fighting
against during the final were all monsters even stronger than Gozer. He'd lost his
appetite last night, and instead spent the night like a death row inmate awaiting
his execution.
Now that I think about it, everything went all too smoothly.
The constant praise as a hero-a 'Chosen Hero' no less-and his overconfidence
in his companions' abilities, had led him into a complacent mindset. And as a result,
Masayuki thought he could have an easy life, with minimal effort, and easily
eliminate any hurdles in his way.
To this day, he'd been able to get through all tough situations like that, giving
him no reason to question his strength.
-No, he just never bothered to put much thought into it.
Without much proof, he just went around arrogantly believing his squad was
invincible and that they could defeat whatever enemies they encountered. It was
this thought that kept Masayuki composed internally.
But...how the hell can I hold on to such an ignorant delusion now? ...I want to
run. I want to run away from this place!
The thought of making a run for it had actually crossed his mind multiple
"Yo, Masayuki-san. After winning tomorrow's tournament, are you going to
duel the demon lord right after?" Jinrai asked casually, which made Masayuki want
to argue back, "What kind of joke was that?"
It was all Demon Lord Rimuru's fault. It was all because of the demon lord's
gentle and fragile appearance, that Masayuki let his guard down. Or else he would
have acted more cautiously for the sake of self-preservation.
"It's only a matter of time. Masayuki-sama will defeat the demon lord and save
this kingdom."
"Before fighting the demon lord, should we perhaps discuss this with Yuukisan? We should, nonetheless, remain vigilant, despite the easy win today. We don't
want to lose tomorrow's match out of carelessness."
"Bonnie, my man, how is that even possible?"
"Lion-Mask might have been dangerous, but that hobgoblin named Gobta
should be a piece of cake. The match will be over before he can summon that
troublesome beast."
Easy my ass. Masayuki had absolutely no clue how to fight these enemies. All
he could think about was how he was going to get crushed. But after seeing the
faith his companions had in him, he couldn't bear to tell them his genuine thoughts.
With that being the case, he forced out a simple: "I'll just try my best."
The beginning of the final approached relentlessly. Masayuki went to the toilet
several times to avoid pissing himself during the match. He had to make sure his
bladder was empty before going on stage.
UHHHHHH, what do I do? How can I make it back alive??
The fighter in front of him was daunting. The announcer had called him Gobta
earlier. Even Kyu said that the Hobgoblin was nothing, but Masayuki begged to
Hobgoblin? That's a total lie! Aren't goblins supposed to be the weakest kind
of monster? How did he evolve to become so strong?!
"And now! We will witness the very first Tempest Martial Tournament finale!
On one side, we have the fierce warrior, lieutenant of Demon Lord Rimuru and
young captain of the goblin riders, Gobta! His opponent, the hero of the western
nations, the 'Shining Chosen Hero', Masayuki! What sort of match will they show
us-? Turn your sight to the center of the stage-what an intense staredown! The
match will begin in-"
Masayuki knew that as soon as she finished her announcement, the match
would kick off.
Damnit, I don't have much time left.
Even though Masayuki had just relieved himself, he was still on the brink of
pissing his pants out of anxiety. If he had had any nerves to spare, he would have
kept listening-mainly because he wanted to see what the announcer lady's tail
looked like. But right now, Masayuki had neither the time nor spirit.
He instead contemplated his own powers. He considered his Unique Skill
'Chosen One'-this bizarre ability. He recalled hearing a stone-cold voice ringing in
his mind, telling him of his Skill. He'd only figured it out recently, but his Skill did
seem to have a variety of effects on the people around him.
He found that people would speak in favor of him or praise him without any of
his own input, to the point that he was even worshipped as a hero. His entire
reputation and title were due to his it. But at the same time, this Skill was
completely passive and unalterable, leading him to where he was now-standing
before his inevitable doom.
-Right. Yesterday, when I talked to that monster Gozer, my power worked on
him too. Best case scenario, I just gotta make it through this match in one piece
and this one might just give up...
From Masayuki's understanding of it, his Skill made people automatically
admire him-he was so confident in this ability, that he would wager his life yet
Now having finalized his plan calmed him down a bit. Masayuki then turned
towards his opponent. One should call it a coincidence perhaps, but the two
happened to cross eyes. Upon close inspection, Masayuki found that his opponent
was also sitting anxiously.
Eh? By the looks of it, maybe I still have a chance...?
His opponents during the martial tournament held in Ingracia were also like
this. They believed that Masayuki was stronger than them, and ultimately let that
lead to their own demise. Masayuki had dueled tons of people like that.
Thinking of it that way, perhaps Masayuki had a chance to win this time as
well. Upon thinking so, his legs stopped shaking.
If things go smoothly, perhaps I can win without fighting once again.
After reclaiming some of his energy, Masayuki hatched a plan. But he would
soon realize that this thought was way too naive-
"Now then, let the match begin!"
On Souka's command, Gobta was the first one to rush forward.
"Woah-here I come!"
Earlier, I was worrying that Gobta would attempt to forfeit before getting
wounded or something, but it seemed such worries were for nothing.
The fishing pole as a reward was a great motivator to Gobta. His face-to-face
confrontation with Masayuki was more serious than ever, as he smoothly moved
towards the outskirts of the arena, almost sliding. From what I could see, he was
planning to use the same tactic from his fight with Karion yesterday, by positioning
himself near the edge of the arena.
In contrast to Gobta's extreme caution, Masayuki didn't make a single move.
He merely slowly turned towards Gobta and made a "Heh," sound, with a cold
smile on his face.
"Ho-so it's true that being more attractive also means that you're stronger!
In the face of Gobta's funny antics, Masayuki proves this with his ineffable
What hurtful words. Hearing this broadcast, not just Gobta, any self-conscious
folk would start crying. Masayuki was indeed quite handsome, but she was
definitely exaggerating.
"Heh, hehe, just as I thought... From your reaction, I can tell that, no matter
what I do, it would be futile. Although I really would like to try and fight you with
my strength alone, to see how far I can go... I can see that it probably won't hurt
you. So let me try this, my newly acquired ultimate power-!"
Ah, this brat... He was about to be reckless again.
That guy was definitely going to mess things up.
At this point I'd grown tired of stopping him from doing dumb things. But
seriously, I really hoped he wouldn't mess around during such formal
Summon (Give Strength)'. Deduced reason being that the individual "Ranga"
intervened forcefully. Extra Skill 'Unification' therefore was combined, and it now
seems to be capable of summoning a Magic Wolf to perform Skill 'Unification'->>
What? So Gobta learned the Skill 'Magic Wolf Summoning' and is now capable
of merging with Ranga? How in the world...? Eh, now that I think about it, Wisdom
King Raphael-sensei seemed to be hesitant in saying something, could it have been
Regarding what matter? Raphael-sensei was stuttering, meaning things
weren't as simple as they seemed. It was already very strange that Gobta had
suddenly gained some powerful ability. It probably came to Gobta's aid and
granted him a new Skill.
Confronted with my doubts, Raphael-sensei remained silent. It wouldn't lie to
me, but this time it was also unwilling to tell the truth. I could try to force it to
answer, but there was no need to go that far.
All in all, things were going in our favor, so I decided to just quietly observe.
"Allow me to demonstrate! Magic Wolf Unification14-!"
As the space around him distorted, Ranga was summoned behind Gobta. Then,
Ranga fused with Gobta's body and "Merged" with him. The resulting creature
looked nothing like Gobta. To put it simply, they became a bipedal Ranga.
Honestly...it looked super cool.
Damnit, Gobta, of all people, actually got to transform!-I protested internally.
14 The note Fuse added states this skill is essentially へんしん/変身 (transformation)
"WOAH, WOWWW-! So cool, what is that, that's super-duper cool!" Milim
shouted next to me.
She was very excited to see Gobta's transformation. Uh, I mean, I totally
understood-I never expected someone like Gobta could look so intimidating...
"T-this-! Contestant Gobta's appearance has changed dramatically...?"
"Yes, this is a rare ability that allows one to borrow the power of a summoned
"In other words, Gobta has taken the power of the summoned beast we saw
yesterday as his own? That's one impressive skill! This is truly incredible!"
Even Souka's broadcast was full of excitement and joy. Diablo, on the other
hand, seemed extremely calm as he answered Souka's questions.
"Does that mean that Gobta can freely utilize Ranga's power?"
"If he can, I'd be impressed. Ranga seems to have handed his autonomy to
Gobta, so the two might become an incredibly strong duo."
"Ehhh, but that's Gobta we are talking about."
"Kukuku, Gobta is my disciple after all. While his physique may not be as strong
as others, he has fought against majin stronger than himself in the past. Now that
he has full reign over Ranga-san's power, he may unlock more of his potential-"
As I muttered, many lieutenants watching the match next to me made their
own comments. In addition, the audience were watching nervously.
"Hehe, my turn now!"
Weren't you the one who struck first? I thought to myself spitefully. Masayuki
didn't even get to do anything.
Before my eyes, Gobta suddenly vanished.
-Correction, I obviously saw him move, but to the eyes of the ordinary person
in the crowd, it really looked like he disappeared.
"C-contestant Gobta vanished! Where did he go-?" Souka exclaimed for the
She could see it as clearly as I could; what a drama queen. It was right in front
of her-
The battle stage exploded. The impact struck the wall right beneath the
audience's seats, the side where our VIP booth happened to be situated, which
was also why I got to see things very clearly.
-Gobta spared his opponent a few words before-looking mighty fine in his
new form-charging towards him. He was unstoppable-so much so that he
managed to sail past Masayuki and run straight into the wall. All of this, I saw with
my very own eyes-
It was because of this that I opposed Gobta being so reckless. Even if he hadn't
done anything yet, I knew that there was a good chance that things would go
"Ara, contestant Gobta isn't getting up, is he alright?"
Gobta was defeated by the wall and passed out instantly. Not to mention,
dashing off the stage like that was equivalent to forfeiting anyway, and so he had
lost the match.
Gobta didn't know how to control the extent of his strength. He did gain
amazing power after merging with Ranga, but he failed to manipulate it
competently. Simply speaking, Gobta's "run and stop" fighting style was based on
his old physique and didn't account for Ranga's power-up. One second to Gobta
was completely different from one second to Ranga. In other words, Gobta didn't
manage to "stop" himself before being slammed into the wall-
And just as Souka said, Gobta hadn't gotten up. It wasn't because he was
incapacitated by the physical impact, but instead he had passed out due to shock.
Not sure what I should say about him...
The handsome look he just gave off, followed by the utter embarrassment on
display now. From a certain perspective, the situation could only be described as
"A Gobta Thing".
I seriously was at a loss for words.
"That idiot..." Benimaru yawned.
"That's the Gobta I know," Shion was barely hiding her laughter.
"-" and there was Hakurou, sitting there without a word, as the veins on his
forehead were throbbing.
"Hmm-so this is what father dear's disciple is like," Momiji's words only made
Hakurou even angrier.
The situation turned super awkward.
All of this was the doing of Gobta himself. The audience in the arena seemed
to have only just realized it as well. Among them, some had no idea what had
happened and attempted to rationalize Gobta's actions. There was muttering along
the lines of:
"Was that a shadowless body slam?"
These words were extra loud in the stunned silence of the arena.
"Y-you have a point. That's the only possibility."
"He sure got some moves, as expected from Masayuki-sama!"
"WOAH, WOOOOAH, so strong, soooo strong!"
"We didn't even see a thing, that was just way too powerful!"
Everyone had praise for Masayuki, and soon the phenomenon spread across
the Colosseum. And in the end, people just seemed to take that as the truth, as
the arena was filled with thunderous cheers. Even without Souka and Diablo's
judgement, the whole place was already celebrating Masayuki's victory-
Next to me, a certain someone was furious to the point of shaking.
"T-that guy... Was he mocking me? How did this happen after he managed to
turn into something so cool!?"
For Gobta to have such a cool transformation, yet still turn out to be a major
disappointment-it turned all of Milim's previous excitement into murderous rage,
all to be unleashed on Gobta.
"C-calm down, will you. Despite how he looks, he has already worked very
hard," I offered as defense.
"Rimuru, it does him no good to keep spoiling him like this!"
"Indeed, Rimuru-sama. I have been too loose with Gobta. I shall train him
more strictly in the future," Hakurou agreed with Milim.
Maybe it was just me, but the news that Hakurou had "spoiled" Gobta was a
"Alright! I shall train him personally. Rimuru, give Gobta to me and I will make
him an incredible warrior!" Milim's eyes shone beseechingly. It honestly sounded
more like she was asking me for some rare Pokémon.
If I nodded and gave my approval, Gobta would suffer in his own brand of
hell... On that thought, I recalled something.
"I have something else to entrust you with, actually. If you are willing to
accept, I might consider your first offer."
"Okay, shoot."
"The thing is, there are ruins located beneath Clayman's base. I don't think it
should be explored in a careless manner. However, they may hold some valuable
information about the ancient times. That's why I ordered people to maintain them
in their original state."
"I want to investigate that ruin; I hope you can give us the green light."
"Why ask me for it?"
Because it's your territory now-I thought to myself.
"Milim, who exactly is running that land right now?" Frey calmly asked Milim,
before I could tease her about it.
Prompted by Frey, Milim suddenly straightened her spine and nervously said,
"O-oh yeah, that land belongs to me now. Umm, of course I remember something
like that!"
At least she remembered that the land was hers.
"Of course it's okay!" she agreed promptly.
Perhaps Milim just wanted to change the topic, but to me, verbal confirmation
was good enough; nothing else mattered that much.
Although I did feel a little sorry for Gobta, a good deal is a good deal, I was
very satisfied. He was completely useless. He went on to eliminate himself before
testing even a single thing on Masayuki, so at least he was useful in this regard.
Moreover, Gobta got to be trained by someone, that's one idiot goblin for the price
of two.
"By the way, Rimuru. When you go for the investigation, will you bring me
"Umm-that depends. I've actually invited an expert from the Freedom
Association. If you think it's fine, you can come along."
"Yeah, I'll look forward to it!"
"Is that so? It may be quite tedious if there turns out to be nothing of interest.
While waiting for the referee's judgement to be pronounced, I discussed the
issue with Milim.
A few minutes passed. Souka and Diablo finally finished their discussion.
"The results are in! While it is worrisome that contestant Gobta has yet to
recover, the winner of the match is-"
It was pretty obvious. I was ready for Souka to announce the outcome and for
this to be over-
"I'll give you a taste of it! Magic Wolf Unification-!" Gobta shouted to Masayuki
during the standoff.
In that instant, Masayuki realized he had been hopelessly idealistic.
Hold up! What the hell is that? I've never heard about that skill before!
With Masayuki unable to stop the summon, Gobta had already turned into a
different form.
Masayuki could not have predicted that. His opponent exuded a powerful aura.
Even an amateur such as Masayuki could tell that his opponent was the real thing.
Even though he heard that there were healing potions prepared for the
contestants, he still had no chance.
Oi! If I get scratched by giant claws like that, my garbage armor will turn
straight to scrap. If I'd known this would happen, I wouldn't have turned down
wearing that full set of heavy armor...
That being said, Masayuki was still pretty sure that wearing magisteel over his
entire body wouldn't save him anyway, even if it was appealing.
It was then that Gobta shouted, "Heh hehe, my turn now!"
Not waiting for any response from Masayuki, he began to draw energy.
Hold up, I want to forfeit-! Masayuki tried to shout. Given how things had
developed, Masayuki realized that he needed to put his dignity aside and save his
ass first and foremost. Against someone like the transformed Gobta, victory was
unimportant for Masayuki. Yet the situation just kept going downhill for him.
Masayuki didn't even get the chance to utter: "I want to forfeit"-
There was already a loud "BOOOOM!" echoing in the arena.
Gobta knocked himself out.
Masayuki didn't even have time to react. He stood there dumbfounded. There
was a massive gust of wind and the shockwave sent shrapnel from the stone walls
flying everywhere, stinging Masayuki's cheeks. The sense of pain dispelled any
illusions that this may have been a dream.
N-no way... I couldn't have dodged that hit. People seem to be explaining this
in my favor, no matter what I do, no one would believe my account of what actually
took place. What should I do...
If this were to continue, Gobta would be disqualified and Masayuki would be
the winner. He thought to himself: What's good about that though?
What good was winning in a tournament like this?
Earning the right to challenge a demon lord? Are you kidding?? That would be
Masayuki wasn't dumb. He understood that if he won, he would have to fight
Demon Lord Rimuru. Masayuki was no match for the dark wolf that just shot past
him, or Lion-Mask among the other contestants. Yet Demon Lord Rimuru was the
head of all these majins. To pick a fight with that kind of character would only
result in him getting beaten to a pulp.
Or I will most definitely get killed!
It was not a matter of whether his Skill worked or not; the two of them were
on completely different levels. How could Masayuki beat a demon lord?
Perhaps I should just admit defeat-Masayuki made up his mind, concluding
that this would be the most appropriate.
What shadowless body slam? The chatter from the crowd was really annoying.
If he did nothing, Gobta would be disqualified and lose the match.
Masayuki thought hard-it was the first time in his life that he'd used his brain
this much.
What can I do to lose the match-
"The results are in! While it is worrisome that contestant Gobta has yet to
recover, the winner of the match is-"
Shit. Masayuki immediately took action.
"-Hold on," he interrupted.
He was dying of panic inside, yet from the outside, he looked as calm and
focused as always.
"What's the matter...?"
Masayuki reached out quietly, to which Souka acquiesced and passed him the
"For this match, wasn't I the one who lost?" Masayuki posed the question while
trying his hardest to suppress his stuttering voice.
"Eh-but, Masayuki-sama," Souka implored rather confused, "no matter how
you judged that, it was contestant Gobta who knocked himself out."
"That may be the case. However, I failed to see through his attack. I feel that
I still have room for improvement. It is a bit too early for me to challenge the
demon lord now-"
Masayuki spoke slowly to avoid fumbling his words while also holding back the
nervous sweat. His tone was casual in a way that made his forceful excuse sound
natural, in order to be more convincing. Then, Masayuki handed the microphone
back and left the stage without a word. He wouldn't reply to any questions. He
simply left in silence.
My power will be at play now. No matter what I say, the audience will make
sense of it all by themselves and come up with some explanation. My priority now
is to escape the scene...
This was the first time in Masayuki's life that he focused this much on simply
moving his feet. And so, Masayuki elegantly escaped from his life's greatest crisis
Masayuki suddenly announced his own defeat after Gobta's clearly self-induced
"What's this guy thinking?"
"Uh-no idea."
"There's no way he would actually be afraid of Gobta. Could there be some
other motive?"
Benimaru and Shion were entrenched in confusion as they watched Masayuki
leave the stage.
Was this kid bluffing? Or did he have some other plan?
Alas, I wouldn't get any answers even if I used up all of my brain juice. But
since Masayuki gave up the chance to fight me, everything worked out fine in the
The spectators were also perplexed. People started speaking up in confusion:
"...Does he plan to hide his real strength in front of the demon lord?"
"No no no, he did just use the incredible shadowless body slam skill."
"Although he said that he didn't manage to see through the attack, he didn't
even get a scratch-!"
"No, he actually got a scratch on his face..."
"What did you say? Did Masayuki-sama's face get cut-!?"
The crowd erupted into discussion.
"I see, I finally got it!"
It was then that a certain man shouted and turned the situation around.
"Was Masayuki-sama giving the demon lord some time to decide?"
"What does that mean?"
"Demon Lord said that he wanted to live with us in peace, doesn't everyone
know about this?"
"That goes without saying."
"Of course!"
"With that being the case, surely Masayuki was doing it to warn Demon Lord
Rimuru," that man said smugly. His surprisingly convincing speech kinda pissed
me off. Yet probably because of that, more and more people started to support
the idea.
And in the end-
"I see, I finally understand, now that you've put it this way. Masayuki-sama
did not draw his sword this time either."
"You've got sharp eyes, that's right. Masayuki-sama must have wanted to relay
the message that he could have won this kind of tournament at any moment!"
"I see! Surely, he also made the implication to the demon lord that he wouldn't
sit idly by in the face of any wrongdoing, right?"
"That's it. However, even if he were really fighting the demon lord, he would
probably spare his life, even after defeating him."
"He doesn't even mind the impact on his reputation... H-he is truly a
magnificent man!"
"That's rad! As expected from Masayuki-sama."
"Right, he's so handsome!"
Much like this, people began to justify his actions with all these bizarre
At some point, for some reason, everyone began to praise Masayuki.
Why were they chanting? What was this? Some sort of religion?
This kind of creeped me out.
In response to their support, Masayuki raised an arm as he left. His movement
was very rigid, which caught my attention.
But honestly, this Masayuki guy was really something else. Why was he praised
by everyone like that?
effect of a Unique Skill.>>
Just as I was convinced of the fact that some unexplainable phenomenons just
happen in this world, Wisdom King Raphael-sensei proceeded to set me straight.
It was experienced enough at this point that it analyzed Masayuki for me.
Masayuki's Skill seemed to be the kind that had special effects on people.
People under its influence would be manipulated both in terms of thought process
and emotion.
The reason as to why Masayuki had given up the championship must have
been because he had witnessed Gobta's power. This was just my guess, but since
he was able to trick and convince Gozer to give up, based on that alone, it was
likely that Masayuki didn't think he was able to win against Gozer.
Based on this, now that I recalled Masayuki's fighting style, would it even be
possible for him to react to his enemy's move at all? No wonder he never drew his
weapon. In conclusion, Masayuki's own combat ability must not have been that
great to begin with, or at least something along those lines. Even Hinata wasn't
able to tell how strong Masayuki was, which was natural, considering how weak he
was anyway.
With that being said, he still should not be underestimated. After all, he had a
huge amount of influence, and antagonizing him would just bring trouble. These
kinds of people simply couldn't be overlooked, and thus I felt the need to establish
a good relationship with him.
In order to achieve this goal, I planned to say something along the lines of,
"Kukuku, I know your little secret," to threaten Masayuki-just kidding. Masayuki
was likely wracking his brain on how to deal with Gozer during their match,
especially since he couldn't run away in front of his companions. I'd talk to him
later, and comfort him about his hard work. After which I would propose future
I could cleverly advertise Masayuki as a chosen hero and use him to promote
the labyrinth.
"Souei! Please send a message to Masayuki. Tell him that I wish to meet him."
"Please be very cautious about this, invite him to have lunch with me
I did want to speak with him, mainly because we were both Japanese. I also
planned to ask Hakurou to make us some sushi. Hopefully things would go well.
While I was thinking about Masayuki, Gobta seemed to have regained
consciousness. Souka and Diablo renewed their judgement and decided to accept
Masayuki's proposal.
"Although there were a series of unexpected incidents throughout, due to the
forfeit of contestant Masayuki, the winner of the tournament is Gobta!"
The arena was awash with dissatisfaction. No wonder. The final that everyone
had been so hyped for, ended up with Gobta's self-elimination. In addition,
Masayuki quit after the match. It was only natural that these paying customers
would want their money back.
But they were the minority after all. Since Masayuki himself accepted the
result, the crowd didn't really have many complaints against me.
Gobta's abilities were already recognized by most people. I supposed that this
was also one of the reasons why there weren't waves of complaints at the scene.
That being said, the bad rap Gobta had for a conniving personality didn't fade.
Everyone seemed to think that he was a despicable man.
"Come, contestant Gobta! How do you feel right now?"
"Eh, eh? Is this real? Am I really the champion?"
"Indeed. Gobta's active involvement in the match has truly been phenomenal!"
Souka praised, inflating his ego.
...You were seriously able to say that with a straight face. All Gobta did was
charge into a wall and get himself knocked out.
All in all, the final match ended.
I personally came onstage and commemorated each contestant. I spoke with
all eight of them and commended their excellent performance.
As for Masayuki's companion Jinrai, as promised, I rewarded him with the
newly made armor. Kai, upon seeing this, grumbled that he wanted one too. But
since I never made such a deal with him, I proceeded to ignore him.
Masayuki's answer to Souei, on the other hand, was "I'll come." He looked
quite determined (to face his demise)-did he misunderstand something?
Anyhow, I'd resolve the misunderstanding when we sat down and talked.
The last Contestant was Gobta.
"Nice job, Gobta. From now on, I officially appoint you as one of the 'Four
Heavenly Kings'!"
While I was surprised by the way the matches had developed, a win was still
a win. And as promised, Gobta would become one of the "Four Heavenly Kings".
He was probably the best candidate for a pin-up. Even if he lost a fight, all we
had to say was: "Kukuku, this guy is the weakest of the Four Heavenly Kings, the
disgrace of the Four Heavenly Kings!"
He was so fit for that role. The thought of it gave me shivers.
"Thank you! I'll work hard in the future as well!"
And so, the first Tempest Martial Tournament concluded smoothly.
-I wish.
Gobta's personal hell had only just begun.
"Are you done yet? Hand him over! We need to train!" Milim crowed at me with
a sharp smile after returning to the VIP booth.
"Um, just remember to hold back a little."
"Relax, we'll be in the labyrinth. He'll be resurrected after death!"
Milim's face was a parody of a smile.
Oh yeah, that was a thing... I wasn't sure if that was of any comfort to Gobta
though. But there's one thing I could say for certain, that is, he was gonna die
very horribly-he couldn't even get away after death; that thought alone was
"Gobta, how about we have a little chat over there?"
Milim walked straight up to Gobta and lifted him with a single hand.
That vice grip of hers was pretty intense, enough to bring out a squeal.
Milim's continued smiling, though it didn't reach her eyes.
"I congratulate you for your victory, but it looked so lame, so I don't approve
of it. That's why I'm training you personally!"
Gobta's transformation must have really blown her away, but his awkward
display later made her furious.
"Don't worry. I'll personally fight against you; you'll get stronger right away!"
"Huh, Milim-sama? I never asked you for the favor!" Gobta panicked.
But I doubted that Milim cared about his opinion.
"Gobta, this is a fine opportunity, so you should train hard with Milim-sama."
Hakurou gave Gobta the ultimatum with an extremely charming smile.
"M-mentor, you seriously sold me-"
"Shut up already!"
Gobta was about to complain before he was silenced by Milim's iron fists.
How brutal.
"Hehehe, let's not say something like that. It could be misunderstood. Gobta,
this is all for your own good," Hakurou told him. I doubt Gobta was listening
No matter how you see it, this was probably all because Gobta embarrassed
Hakurou in front of Momiji, driving Hakurou to retaliate. It definitely was not for
Gobta's own good.
And so, Gobta was taken away by Milim.
Oh and there was the other one.
"My master, I've aided Gobta-san in achieving victory with style!"
Ranga rushed to me, having abandoned Gobta almost immediately. This
reaction was all too normal, after all, Ranga didn't want any part in what was in
store for Gobta.
But unfortunately, he wasn't able to escape Milim's grasp either.
"Hold on, are you the one called Ranga? Without you, Gobta's training won't
be complete!"
"!" *Sad puppy eyes.*
Sorry, when Milim makes a decision, she refuses to listen to anyone else's
advice. In addition, Ranga entered the match behind my back; I suppose he did
this to himself. That's why there was no need for me to intervene.
"WAHAHAHA! I'm not gonna hurt you, just relax!"
With this, Milim dragged both Ranga and Gobta away.
Seriously, Gobta relied on luck too much sometimes. And Ranga as well, he
was too used to fighting with his instincts. If they both trained hard to synergize
with each other, that "Transformation" would prove to be quite an amazing power.
Milim must have realized, sparking her desire to train them both. I hoped they
would abide by their training and learn some actual skills. I looked forward to
Gobta having a decent performance by the end of it.
I would have Milim train them in the future.
So long, Gobta.
So long, Ranga.
I'll forever remember your martial prowess!
Rest in peace in the other world.
Next up was lunch time, and my chance to dine with Masayuki did come to fruition.
That would be an exaggeration: I just wanted to talk with him and so I ordered
the others to wait in the other room. Although Masayuki's companions were
reluctant, Masayuki was able to convince them personally.
"N-nice to meet you, is that the right greeting to use? I am Masayuki Honjou,
and I get called 'Shining' or 'Chosen Hero'..."
Masayuki called himself a 'Chosen Hero' while blushing.
Hmm, based on the vice of my original world, there was nothing more shameful
than calling yourself a 'Chosen Hero' (Yuusha). It was almost as embarrassing as
calling himself an empty-headed single-cell creature to be mocked and laughed at.
Moreover, Masayuki seemed to be really concerned about my reaction when
we first met. Even though it was mostly his companions who were adding to the
tension at the time, he did arrogantly claim to be able to defeat me. For this reason,
he seemed quite embarrassed now.
I was the demon lord, after all. Masayuki must have been filled with fear at
the thought of facing off against an opponent he knew he was no match for.
Considering this, the current mood was rather complicated. But worrying about
this would be unnecessary. I personally decided to let the past go.
As long as he was willing to eat the food I ordered for this occasion, we would
be able to settle this grudge.
"About that, I'm not meeting you for the first time anyway. You don't really
have to say 'nice to meet you.' I'm Demon Lord Rimuru, my original name was
Satoru Mikami. I used to be a salary-man," I confessed openly. It was mainly to
help Masayuki relax a bit since he was still unable to touch his food. It has been a
long time since I'd last used this discarded name. I felt surprisingly calm about it.
I had no intention of hiding this, however, it was just that I hadn't had much
chance to use that name since.
"-Eh? Could it be...that you were Japanese?" Masayuki looked unconvinced.
That's pretty normal, I suppose. I look like a cute girl, so he had little reason
to believe me.
"I guess. We should talk about it while we eat."
Following my prompt, Masayuki finally picked up his chopsticks.
"Eh, this...can I really eat it?"
"Of course. I specifically asked the chefs to prepare some Japanese cuisine for
Today's dishes were sushi and tempura-the dishes that even Hinata was
moved about eating, and I hoped that Masayuki would be pleased by it as well. He
didn't attend the night gala, so I guessed that he hadn't seen any sushi for a long
"Could this be my last supper-"
"Not at all. You seem to be quite easy-going. I want to be friends with you."
Masayuki seemed confused about the delicacies in front of him, fearing that
this may be his last meal. Even after I told him that I was Japanese, he still seemed
to have his doubts.
"T-then, thanks for the meal-"
"Please eat, thanks for the meal."
Masayuki finally began to dine with me. With one scoop of rice in his mouth,
Masayuki suddenly fell silent. His expression changed and he began shoveling food
out of his bowl with the chopsticks as if he'd been starving for days.
Since Masayuki was busy eating, it wasn't the best time for me to interject. I
had to wait for him to finish lunch.
As soon as he finished, however, Masayuki exclaimed: "I get it now. Please let
me be Mikami-no, Rimuru-san's subordinate!"
What did Masayuki get? I had no clue. But, from what I could tell, he just
wanted to eat Japanese cuisine. I didn't even say anything, but Masayuki probably
had thought about it himself.
"My subordinate? I mean..."
"No, it's okay. I don't miss the title of Chosen Hero at all. I used to hear people
calling me 'Chosen Hero Masayuki' and things like that all the time; it was so
embarrassing. Like, seriously, I was worried about how to get myself out of this
bad spot anyway."
And so he revealed the big scoop to me. Masayuki proceeded to share his story,
and I listened intently, quietly drinking tea.
Masayuki, in the original world, was a top student in a famous school known
for its high graduation rate. He also had some lesser known hobbies, such as
reading manga and light novels. Masayuki thought that all of this (isekai) happened
because he was too much of an otaku.
"My power seems to be some Unique Skill called 'Chosen One'? Seriously, what
kind of joke is that..."
It seemed that he desired being a hero too strongly and ended up in this world.
Masayuki's Unique Skill 'Chosen One' had a pretty obvious effect. It had the
ability to induce suggestive ideas on the surrounding crowd, akin to brainwashing.
The ultimate goal of the Skill was to make Masayuki the hero character. It also
ignored Masayuki's own wishes, so even if he begged it to stop, the effect still
Should I call it useful or useless...
"But your power is truly strong. If you hadn't forfeited, you would have been
the champion."
The effect it had during the tournament was the real deal. The winner was
supposed to be Masayuki.
"That's right, but that is also what's been bugging me. I didn't do anything to
begin with, yet everyone started to misunderstand... That's how I won in Ingracia
too," Masayuki explained himself-that was why he got in over his head.
During the defeat of the crime syndicate, 'Slave Trade Union', he was also only
there to receive the credit and didn't do anything himself. Masayuki had no choice
in the matter, even if he tried. I suppose living this way seemed easy enough, yet
this time Masayuki recognized that one misstep could get him killed. Which was
why he decided to change strategy temporarily.
In my opinion, it was the right choice, mainly because the effect of 'Chosen
One' would probably be-
rendered ineffective.>>
Indeed. It would be rendered useless against me.
I had planned on giving him a chance from the start, but I didn't expect him
to be such an amateur. I could have easily sent Masayuki to kingdom come with
just one punch.
"You made the right choice. I think you should be proud of that!"
"Really? I didn't even expect that guy, Gobta, to be able to transform-
especially into something that vicious. I could tell just by common sense that I
didn't stand a chance."
I didn't believe that was fully accurate. After all, many people with undisputed
strength sought to challenge Masayuki in the past. But with that being said,
Masayuki did make the right choice this time.
We continued to chat about various topics, learning about each other's
circumstances. Even though I only mentioned a bit about my own life, I learnt a
lot about Masayuki's story from then on.
Masayuki's companions treated him like a god, so he couldn't talk to them
frankly or genuinely. If he wanted to complain about anything, he would have to
find Yuuki. But the latter was a busy person after all, and the two couldn't find
time to make an appointment. So the pressure and displeasure grew with time.
Even though I didn't ask, he still retold his story from start to finish in detail.
"Right, I wanted to talk with you a bit more, but the lunch break is about to
end. Allow me to ask, what do you plan to do next?"
"Plan for what?"
"Nothing much, but didn't you promise Gozer to battle him again? How about
you go and challenge the underground labyrinth?"
By the looks of it, Masayuki had forgotten all about that promise. He was
planning to just pretend the whole ordeal had not transpired...
"W-what should I do?"
"Relax. Gozer is in charge of guarding underground level 50. The underground
labyrinth is massive, just walking there would take a couple of days alone."
"I-I see your point, so I should just pretend to challenge the labyrinth and just
get a pass for today, right?"
"That's right. Since the invited guests are expected to return to their home
country tomorrow."
The celebration was estimated to last three days. We predicted that the streets
would be filled with people tomorrow, and that, by that time, our main job would
be to direct the traffic. We'd be wrapping things up the day after tomorrow. We
would start cleaning up by the time we guessed all the guests would have left.
We were only planning to show the public section of the underground labyrinth
for the sake of our guests, a.k.a. a preview opening. It wasn't available for the
public until it was officially opened. That meant that it would only be open for a
mere few hours until nightfall. That should only be enough to take care of the
upper levels.
In addition, I did have some ideas for the duel between Gozer and Masayuki.
While it may suck for Gozer, it would be troublesome if Masayuki was defeated.
This was a rare opportunity after all; I wanted to exploit Masayuki as a tourist
attraction. In leading the expedition team to the labyrinth, Masayuki would be able
to rile up challengers, provoking their fighting spirits.
"At least, that's how I think. I would like you to help us advertise. What do you
"I see, that does sound very reassuring. Is that why you gave Jinrai that godtier armor? As long as I won't die if I fail, that sounds interesting!" Masayuki agreed
without hesitation to help me out.
In all honesty, I didn't actually have this in mind when I gifted Jinrai the armor,
but it was more convenient like this anyway, since going into the labyrinth without
chest armor would no doubt be suicidal.
"I'll sneak some walkthrough guides to you, so you can get through quickly
and easily. Moreover, if you find anything that needs changing or anything like
that, please tell me."
I had gone through the fifty lower levels' design meticulously, which was why
I was not going to give any information about the lower levels. I reminded
Masayuki of this and that he should be mindful of it. That being said, if they had
their items in hand, they wouldn't die. So there shouldn't be an issue.
"I get it! I'm like a beta tester."
"Uh... Now that you've mentioned it, yes you are. Anyhow, you don't have to
force yourself too much, let's go for five levels today."
Video games. That's an interesting point of view.
"Okay. It was so nice to finally talk to you, Rimuru-sama. I don't feel as
nervous anymore, and I don't feel that the world is that bad now after all,"
Masayuki said with a relieved smile.
He seemed to be quite reliant on his Skill, but still held his doubts. My
promising aid would help alleviate those worries.
After all, our kingdom was at the forefront in terms of culture. We had
established high-quality bathhouses and toilets, and the comfort level of our hotels
was also far superior to other nations. Even Masayuki seemed shocked by the
variety and deliciousness of the food.
"We have a music band and painting classes for whoever's interested. I've also
planned to introduce drama shows later on. I look forward to these myself as well,
so I'm not limiting the budget on it."
"Rimuru-san, I'm really impressed by you! Do you happen to have manga as
"Kukuku, of course, Masayuki. Although you still have a long way till reaching
that part, so if you give up midway, it's game over for you!"
"UWOWOWO! I will follow Rimuru-san to the end of the earth!"
In the end, Masayuki decided to stay longer. I planned to stay in contact with
him in private and share information. I noted that I should go chat with him more
in the future. I wanted to hear more stories about the other world that I missed.
I also promised him to dig memories of manga from his head as well. Masayuki
was also very interested in my collection; I was certain we could be good friends
in the future.
And with that, I got a new companion.
We were finally demonstrating the underground labyrinth to the public.
As a precaution, I went to confirm some things before it went public. After
reaching the lobby at the bottom of the labyrinth, Ramiris, currently full of energy,
flew and rested on my shoulder.
"We are going live in a moment, how're the preparations?"
"Hmph! Who do you take me for?" Ramiris scoffed.
From the next room, a smug-looking Veldora entered as well.
"GA-HAHAHA! Don't worry, Rimuru. I'm as reliable as it can get!"
Oh shit, that made me nervous.
"Oi oi oi, are you guys really alright? We can't make any mistakes during
today's public tour!"
"Hehehe, chill out~! You can count on me! We are switching on all sorts of
safety measures."
"Kukuku, but! Today is the day that the demonic labyrinth awakes!"
Ramiris and Veldora grinned evilly at each other.
Were there really no issues? For some reason I felt uneasy...
"I'll say this one more time, very seriously. The labyrinth will be shut down
again soon."
Seriously, what kind of reaction was that?
I'd explained this several times, but Veldora still hadn't caught up.
I planned to oversee the situation and adjust the difficulty accordingly. That
was why the labyrinth would be shut down for two to three days before reopening
We also hadn't settled on certain issues for the labyrinth. This included pricing
of entry tickets, as well as items such as the 'Labyrinth Card' to permit entry into
the labyrinth. We also had yet to employ trained staff to run the facility.
Given how busy we were lately, we had no time to train such workers. I only
planned to discuss such problems with Myourmiles in the aftermath of the festival.
Now that I really thought about it, handing control of the labyrinth to those
two wasn't such a good idea. I was originally going to do it myself, but Ramiris
and Veldora were having fun running it and I was too busy. They weren't listening
carefully during the meeting either.
I could feel and relate to their anxiety towards the festival, which is why I
wasn't mad at them.
"It's alright, just stay calm, you guys. I'll do what I can to get it running
officially soon. You can enjoy yourselves when that happens."
"I have faith in you, Rimuru!"
This should do it.
It looked like we could make it through today just fine.
Oh yeah, I almost forgot.
"By the way, did Milim drop by?"
"She did."
"Hmm, she came back and forcefully took two unlimited 'Revival Bracelets'."
"Is that so? I heard that she was preparing levels 96 to 99. Those were the
magic dragon cabins with geographic effects."
"Yeah, she really put a lot of thought into it."
"Um um, there were also those dragons Milim caught-she gave me all their
commanding rights! She told me that if I take care of them well enough, they will
eventually evolve into dragon lords, which means they will have enough
intelligence to understand my orders!"
Ramiris seemed to be quite happy, to the point of claiming: "Turns out Milim
does have some merit after all-"
Some time ago, Milim came back with dragons and scared the living daylights
out of everyone. The first two times, people complained, but from the third time
onward, they got used to it. The residents no longer panicked over it, but instead
accepted it as part of their daily routine.
Milim caught four dragons in total-a fire dragon, ice dragon, wind dragon and
earth dragon. They were supposedly elemental archdragons, but they had the
intelligence of livestock. Apparently, they could be raised like pets and even
communicate with people.
"Oh-do those four also wear neck braces?"
"For now, they are my adorable servants; I'll solidify the master-servant
relationship with them in the future too!"
I see, Ramiris had already planned it all out.
Then it was settled. Back to the main issue.
"Milim is staying at the Dragon's Den15, right?"
"Um, she's afraid that my servants won't get enough exercise, so she got them
some playmates!"
"She brought that lad we went fishing with, I think. Not sure why he's playing
with dragons though."
You're better off not knowing.
I only wanted to learn Milim's location. As long as she stayed at the bottom of
the labyrinth, she'd pose no threat to the demonstration.
"Got it. Then she won't come meddling with things, so that's alright. We are
opening the labyrinth soon, you coming to the VIP room?"
"Um! I want to go."
"I'm gonna pass. It is the duty of the king of the Labyrinth to await his
...I mean, of course it'd be great if someone got here in one day! You won't get
any guests for a couple of days even.
-Okay, it's not as nice to say it out loud.
"Is that so? I understand. Good luck with that then!"
I encouraged Veldora and 'Teleported' with Ramiris to the VIP room.
With the lunch break over, a huge crowd returned to the audience seats.
Ramiris and I hurried to the VIP booth as well.
"Welcome back, Rimuru-sama," Diablo welcomed me with a smile.
His duties as a referee had concluded, and it seemed that he had been
searching for me for a while. I nodded lightly in response, already ready to confirm
whether all matters were in place.
Soon we would be opening the underground labyrinth to the public, and there
were many last-minute plans to work out after this. This was one of our biggest
projects, that would eventually become one of the pillars of our nation. We hoped
it would be able to attract even more guests in the future.
Luckily no one had gone back to their home country after the noon break. The
VIP booth had also almost filled up, so we had sufficient publicity.
Looking at the guest hotel, Souka and Myourmiles were standing there.
Myourmiles and Diablo were taking shifts as receptionist and broadcaster.
It was time. I signaled the two discreetly.
15 ドラゴン部屋, this essentially means "Dragon Cabin" but editor suggested it "sounded lame".
At the center of the stage, Myourmiles stood with a microphone. He looked a
bit more rigid as opposed to Souka, but still put up quite the show. The content of
his broadcast was-
"Alright, the time is now! There is one last activity that we wish to introduce
to you all during our three-day nation founding festival."
"Ladies and gentlemen, sorry to have kept you waiting. The facility that we are
about to demonstrate is the pride of Tempest Federation, the extremely
challenging underground labyrinth. It will be the most difficult undertaking opened
by his Majesty, Demon Lord Rimuru to fellow adventurers. Will anyone be able to
successfully break through this labyrinth-?"
While it was okay to hold a demonstration meeting, the underground labyrinth
by itself was too dangerous for a bunch of humans to enter.
There were several hundred noblemen alone. In addition to the residents from
the neighboring town, there were more than one thousand people in total. With all
these people coming in, we didn't have enough personnel to guide them properly.
Therefore, I came up with the idea to use a giant screen to broadcast the
walkthrough progress of multiple teams.
However, there were problems on the technical level-
The live feed of the martial tournament was viewed clearly by the audience
with the help of the giant viewing screen. The screen was set up with a projector
that played the footage on the screen. It was a device developed by Vesta and
Gabil and could be used on many different occasions. The recent battles had also
been projected on the screen. It used a crystal ball within the projector that had
photographic properties. The crystal ball also had engravings for magic
communication. This way, when it took videos from far away, it could project it
live at the scene.
In this way, the spectators were able to watch the challengers' every move
from a safe distance as entertainment. Things would devolve quickly if any
prominent figures here were to get hurt. In light of this, we made sure that only
representatives capable of safely exploring the labyrinth were able to experience
"Now then, we shall be recruiting challengers here! Which warriors wish to
challenge our nation's pride, the Underground Labyrinth?" Souka announced,
ecstatic. As she called for challengers, we began to move as well.
Ramiris followed suit, flying off my shoulder and summoning the illusion gate
leading to the labyrinth at the center of the stage. All you actually needed to do
was just walk down the stairs, but our demonstration was all about dramatizing
" " "OHOH-!" " "
See, just as we predicted, the audience was enthused as well.
At the same time, while many spectators were very excited, the adventurer
visitors were all observing each other's next move.
This time we were only open to volunteers, but still we hoped to use the
opportunity to accumulate intrigue. Even if no one wanted to volunteer, we still
had Masayuki's squad to back us up. That was the main reason why I invited
Masayuki to lunch: in order to convince him to be one of the challenging parties.
Masayuki had since convinced his companions and were waiting to come up on
In order to prevent any accidents, I gave him the map of floors one to five.
Hopefully, he was a competent propagandist.
The question was if there would be any other challengers-
"Hehe, this demon lord's labyrinth probably ain't real, we'll show you! And that
over-exaggerated martial tournament as well, all those matches must have been
pre-planned. You think you can trick us into bowing down to ya-I won't stand for
"That's right! Basson-aniki has a point!"
"If the street wasn't as crowded then, Basson-aniki would have definitely won
the tournament!"
"Hehehe, did you forget about me?"
"Don't say that, Gomez. These people know you're strong as well. With us
working together, our team 'Heavy Thunder' is invincible!"
Huh? I was wondering who came forth. They were challengers?
It seemed that this man called Basson missed the tournament because he
arrived late. But in reality, he could probably tell the contestants' abilities just by
watching the matches... Although the quality of each match greatly differed, given
that some contestants forfeited.
There were probably more people like Basson who thought they were the
strongest. But honestly, that was fine. There were always people who just couldn't
accept reality. These people would be our future customers (as fat sheep to be
"'Chosen Hero' Masayuki wasn't that big a deal after all. I recognize his
strength, but he wasn't man enough to finish his opponent and gave the demon
lord of this nation some time to think over, how incredibly naive. He makes me
Ah, um, technically, he did recognize Masayuki's "strength"...
"This whole labyrinth is just a joke; Basson and I will show you what really lies
beneath!" Basson and his party guffawed arrogantly.
"How dare you offend Rimuru-sama like that; unforgivable."
"Allow me to go silence them-"
"Stop it!"
How very careless of me.
Shion was already pissed off, Diablo, on the other hand, was on the brink of
losing control.
I stopped them immediately, though it was already worth celebrating that they
didn't mention anything about killing these people.
"They're just over-confident. These kinds of people will make things more fun."
Although I felt that they were pretty moronic myself, we just needed them for
a little longer-hearing this, both Shion and Diablo accepted. I was getting better
at dealing with them.
The bald warrior Basson.
The black-cloaked mage Gomez.
Plus another four goons.
I decided to let these six be the first batch of challengers.
What followed was a group of unexpected characters.
A trio jumped out and shouted, "We want to challenge it as well!"
Where have I seen them before-? Eh, was that Elen's party?
I thought those three were helping Youmu rebuild his country. I told them to
report to the Freedom Association at the old Farmus and help out Youmu.
B-Ranked adventures already possessed quite a lot of authority, and Elen's
party had, in fact, leveled up to Rank B+. They were authorized to take on
missions, regardless of borders. They hadn't come along with Youmu, so I thought
they must have gone back to their hometown...
I didn't expect them to have planned such things. It must have been done in
secret, fearing an objection from Duke Elalude.
"Are we seriously gonna do it?"
"Of course we are. We haven't done much adventuring lately-this is our
"Speaking of it, do I, the captain, get to decide anything? Anything at all?"
"Of course not, it's already settled!"
How reckless. Poor Cabal.
I could just about hear Duke Elalude screaming from the next room, followed
by a thump sound before everything fell silent again. It wasn't hard to imagine
what happened there, but I won't. I hoped Elen and her friends could exit the
scene before Elalude threw another tantrum.
The third to enter was our Masayuki-kun. He walked onto the stage casually
and smiled towards the audience.
"MA~SA~YU~KI, MA~SA~YU~KI-!" There was a wave of cheers.
Enough already, we get it. He's popular.
Counting Masayuki, his squad had four people in total. Jinrai had switched out
of his shoddy armor into the set I gifted him. It was a magical silver armor that
covered his whole body, crafted by Garm. It was high-end rare armor.
While it was heavier than the skeleton full-body armor Youmu wore, it had
lower quality and durability. However, it was fancy enough to have a poison gas
purification effect.
I also gifted Masayuki a rapier. When I asked him why he never drew his sword,
Masayuki casually explained, "Because...it was too heavy..." Even I got scared for
him, hearing that. Was he seriously all talk no walk?
Apparently, he had practiced Kendo before, but a real sword was always much
heavier. Especially in this world, sword-fighting trends were unlike the slashes of a katana. Instead, the mainstream use of swords was to execute heavy chops.
Thus there needed to be some weight to the swords. It was already very tiring for
Masayuki to hold a sword in a fixed position for a long time.
I told him to at least practice a little bit, so I handed him a relatively light
rapier. It was a failed recreation when I was preparing a gift for Hinata. Its weight
and tenacity were almost as good as the original rapier, however, it was
unsuccessful in recreating the special ability of "killing the opponent in the seventh
It was already difficult for him to lift this sword, so even if it didn't have any
high-end skills, it would be fine. The sword did, however, have the ability to reduce
fatigue. Masayuki only needed to swing it around for show. That rapier was more
than sufficient.
Speaking of which, no one else noticed that they'd changed their gear, and
instead all four were just showered in applause.
The time limit was three hours. From my calculations, they could, at most
make it to the fifth level.
Masayuki's party also had maps, so they had an edge over the other teams.
They had all the support needed to help advertise.
Finally, we had three teams.
Although I felt that this number was small in size, considering that the task
was to investigate a suspicious labyrinth of the demon lord, a lot of people were
probably hesitating.
We'd have to rely on today's promotional event to get rid of their unease.
Then, it was about time-
"Hold on, I'm participating too."
As these words were spoken, a man in black appeared on the stage.
It was Kai the 'Splendacious Sword Fighter'.
"You made me fall for your tricks with your boring feints and shameful
schemes. Fufufu, that's all you're capable of as a demon lord's lackey and one of
those despicable 'Four Heavenly Kings'. I know you are afraid of my true power,
how very naive of you to try and trick me. No matter what kind of conspiracy you
have, I'll crush it!"
I was just wondering why he came. How perfectly timed.
It seemed that he was unable to accept the fact that he was knocked out by
Ranga and thought he'd fallen into some sort of trap. He probably also thought
that I had some ulterior motive for opening the labyrinth and had come out to stop
I did have some other intention, but not what he thought.
"This time allow me to give him a thorough-"
"Um, go ahead, Diablo."
"To do what? Also, Shion, stop trying to imitate my tone!" I huffed.
These two... Seriously, why were they acting like this?
They seriously didn't hold back against people who spoke negatively about me.
Shion's tricks had been piling on at this point; I really needed to start figuring out
some countermeasures.
Anyhow, that aside, Kai had actually chosen to go solo apparently. Was that
There was no use for me to worry anyway.
From another point of view, I could also make him an example for people
wanting to go into the labyrinth alone.
And so, Kai was our fourth challenger.
With the challengers gathered on schedule, it was time to get started.
The highly anticipated underground labyrinth had finally opened.
We didn't have a lot of time, so we would stream the labyrinth walkthrough
with multiple parties advancing at the same time. Souka would stay back and
broadcast the livestream with feeds of different teams.
The Dryads were perfect for the role of receptionist inside the labyrinth. They
would also serve as the magic communicators (camera crew), moving with each
Apart from Treyni's sisters Trya and Triss, there were also other dryads, albeit
few in number. They were still young and inexperienced in battle. However, they
still possessed highly abundant mana. Now, with Ramiris in charge, they were the
best candidates to manage the labyrinth.
"Then-these four will be the managers of the labyrinth. Normally you won't
be assigned with any challengers, however, you will need to relay information
about everyone's walkthrough progress, so every team will be assigned with one
as follower."
Souka read out their names as they began to greet everyone.
They were Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta. It was inconvenient for them not
to have names, so I named them randomly. That being said, it didn't consume any
of my magicules. Since Dryads were higher monsters, they only consumed their
own magicules. These people were Ramiris's subordinates after all, I only needed
to help name them.
By the way, these sisters looked quite similar to each other, it was hard to
differentiate them by eyesight alone.
Monsters, surprisingly enough, used the wavelength of their mana to
differentiate individuals, which was difficult for humans. Partly due to this reason,
I had to name them in order to make it easier to recognize them.
"If you run into any difficulty, just ask them for help~! Now we are going to
talk about rules! First of all, here is something for everyone!"
Souka held up a few items to demonstrate to everyone as Alpha distributed
the same things to each person.
"These are the items that will be sold when people enter the labyrinth. Has
everyone got their items?"
Followed by Souka's words, each item was shown and enlarged on the screen.
In times like this, having a projector was also particularly convenient.
The items shown were ten high-grade healing potions, one full healing potion,
a 'Revival Bracelet' and a 'Return Whistle'.
Since we wanted everyone to have a taste, we of course had to give them out
for free. We were asking them to help us test out the labyrinth, so they could even
take these items back with them as rewards.
Just in case, we also equipped the Dryads with the same items. If there was a
problem, they could get back ASAP.
Given the sheer size of the labyrinth floors, it was unlikely for them to make it
out of the first level. Even if they got to the stairs without getting lost, it was still
over two kilometers' walk in terms of distance. Since we made the floor into a
maze, it would take even more time to complete.
For the next three hours, it'd be best if they tried their hardest and entertained
the audience. When the estimated time was reached, we would pull them back out
using the items.
There were, of course, other forms of rewards.
For promotional purposes, we also prepared treasure chests with decent
equipment as gifts for everyone. When the labyrinth officially opened, these chests
would only be found on the second floor and below, but this time they were up for
everyone to grab.
We wouldn't be mentioning these inside-dealings of course; Souka only
explained what was necessary. Near the end, she began to explain the most
important things.
"Well then, please have a look at this particular item. This is called a 'Revival
Bracelet'. For anyone entering our nation's labyrinth, you must purchase this item.
After all, this has an important ability-it can resurrect the dead!" s Souka
explained, there was a wave of gasps from the crowd. How is that possible-and
comments along those lines were uttered.
"Please rest assured~! This is very important information, so please pay
attention! This item only works inside the labyrinth of our nation! It's useless
outside, so please remember that or you will end up pretty dead if misused. I do
hope everyone can understand that it is ineffective outside!"
That was the most important point.
If someone accidentally tried to use it outside... That was not something that
you could just get away with an, "Oops, that didn't work". Moreover, it'd be
problematic if they pushed the responsibility onto us, even though it was totally
the fault of the user himself.
With that being said... There were also certain kinds of people in this world
called middle aged housewives difficult customers.
In order to get it through their thick skulls, we had to clarify this point. We had
to be thorough when going through things, in case anyone mistook its use and thought that it could work outside of the labyrinth. We had to ensure that even an
idiot knew that it wouldn't work outside to revive people. By that point, even if an
accident did happen, it wouldn't be our problem.
I didn't want any of that unnecessary responsibility.
In my previous life, I found that people would always make the seller
accountable for any issues, even if it was their own fault. In this way, to me, idiots
who intentionally broke the rules and ended up dying was totally their own doing.
But either way, making sure everyone was well-informed was still our
responsibility. We had to be extra cautious in that regard.
"-And that's all! I once again urge everyone to not use it outside at all!"
Souka's explanation was very clear for everyone to understand.
There we go. Done.
The only problem left was for someone to actually experience using it.
Normally, people would hesitate when confronted with such a thing. However, with
Ramiris's modification of the 'Revival Bracelet', any pain and agony could be
filtered out when a person was confirmed dead.
In addition, there was approximately a ten second gap between dying and
being teleported back to the surface. We intentionally made it this way so people
could use appropriate means to revive themselves.
With that being said, there were very few higher magic users that could
perform the miracle spell 'Resurrection'.
By the way, even though a full healing potion was unable to revive the soul of
a person, within the labyrinth, the soul would remain in the body. In other words,
it was actually possible to resurrect people by repairing their body using the full
healing potion.
However, I feared that this again might create some misunderstandings in the
outside world-which was why we designed it so that if no proper means of
resurrection was applied within ten seconds, the body would be teleported to the
Just as Masayuki said, challenging the labyrinth was like playing a game.
With that, the explanation part was concluded.
Now we would have someone test out the 'Revival Bracelet' right here.
"Then, does anyone want to try it out now-?"
I doubted anyone would, yet Souka asked away anyway. She was a lot bolder
than I expected.
"Hmph, you won't die in the labyrinth? That's some real funny shit. I'm not
gonna fall for your bullshit rhetoric!"
The bald, strong man-Basson-exclaimed as the others nodded in agreement,
as if saying, "Sure, sure, much agreed".
Elen's party also didn't want to volunteer.
"Isn't that simple enough? Mister over there, how about you step up for the
demonstration," Kai the 'Splendacious Sword Fighter' pointed at Myourmiles.
He didn't want to do it himself, and instead pointed at someone else to try-
but fine, I suppose that was reasonable.
The way he spoke, however, was not as respectable.
"Me? Your proposal does make sense, so I shall accept."
Myourmiles, now appointed, seemed to have anticipated how things would
develop. He didn't look particularly moved by it.
Especially since we actually had people experience it in real life already.
Shion's subordinate, 'Yomigaeri', had been subjected to that experience many
times, so Myourmiles also believed that it was completely safe. There was no need
to fear given the past experiments. Myourmiles calmly put on the bracelet and
entered the labyrinth. At the same time, many challengers also entered with him.
"Then, I shall attack Mister Myourmiles here-" Souka said as she unsheathed
her sword with one hand and prepared herself to attack Myourmiles. Yet Kai
interrupted her by taking actions of his own.
"Don't think you can fool me now, HYA!"
As he finished, he went on to swing his sword and cut off Myourmiles's arm.
"-Wait!" Souka shouted to intervene, but it was too late.
"ARGH!" Myourmiles cried out as he held his wound.
Since pain was reduced in the labyrinth, he wouldn't die from shock, but it was
nonetheless unpleasant to have your arm chopped off.
"HAHAHAHAHA! Look at yourself. Time to die!"
That bastard dares to mock Myourmiles...
I almost lost control, yet I saw a smirk on Myourmiles's face. I immediately
calmed down at the scene. At the same time, Kai sliced his sword through
Myourmiles's neck-Myourmiles's body suddenly turned into beams of light before
disappearing. It was like nothing had happened. He reappeared at the surface,
near the temporary entrance at the center of the stage. Even all of Myourmiles's
clothes turned into light and he revived with his original appearance.
These scenes were all recorded by the Dryads using the crystal balls and
passed onto the projector as the footage was shown on the large screen.
"Please have a look everyone, all my limbs are fine as before!"
Myourmiles was standing there casually, unharmed. His cut arm was restored
to its original state, bringing us the best performance of the day.
The crowd gave off waves of loud cheers, some even shouting, "That was a
miracle!" Our goal was reached most excellently. It would be troublesome if people
suspected that it was some kind of a trick, yet Kai's overreaction proved to have
convinced people even more so.
For people who still didn't believe at this point, we would just have to invite
them to experience it for themselves. However, at the end of the day, these
mechanisms were for the worst-case scenario. We would still prefer it if people
acted cautiously. Being unable to die was all well and good, but it was best if they
didn't have to experience it in the first place.
That's why we only needed to wait for adventurers who visited the labyrinth to
leak such news. Some nut-job challengers would probably want to try it out
themselves. But that wouldn't be a problem either.
The point was to encourage people to challenge the underground labyrinth.
Thanks to Myourmiles, our scheme came into fruition. As expected from Myourmiles, he had balls of steel. This was exactly the outcome I wanted, which
was also why I tolerated Kai's actions.
It cost Myourmiles to endure such horrible things; I would have to go give him
my thanks later, I thought to myself while watching the screen.
"Now then, you may start exploring the labyrinth! Once you step inside, you will
find yourself in a world of unknowns. What will these brave adventurers encounter
Souka began to broadcast the footage on stage. The large screen began to
show the status of each group. As the broadcast proceeded smoothly, it also
revealed the interior design of the labyrinth.
Souka's commentary was highly immersive. I was thinking: "She sure pays
attention to details," as I also tracked each team's movement.
Let's look at Basson's team.
The labyrinth walls were designed to have uniform stonework.
Basson's party was moving on the first floor. I thought they would at least
have someone sketch down maps, yet it seemed that none of them had the
slightest intention of taking notes, nor were they putting markers on the walls. All
they were doing was casually strolling down the aisles while shooting the breeze
and laughing.
Is this really okay?
Cave exploration was a thing in this world, and stuff like taking contracts by
people to exterminate monsters deep in the forests wasn't uncommon. In times
like this, how did they manage to achieve their goals? Could it be that they had
hired people to lead the way every single time...
"Tsk, why are we always walking down the same road! What the hell, these
are all quadrilaterals!"
"Boss, didn't we just walk along this road as well?"
Before my worries could have been relayed to them, these people were already
lost. We did mention that the area was extremely wide during the explanation,
weren't they listening?
"Basson, this is bad! This labyrinth is larger than we imagined..."
Ah, I get it.
The first floor of the labyrinth alone was around 250 meters long on each side.
We did mention that it was big, but these people seemed to have thought it would
be smaller. It is likely that they didn't think the area was all that large when they
heard that the labyrinth was a man-made facility underneath the colosseum.
I supposed that was fine, as long as they helped with the promotion, it would
be okay. But we couldn't let them die on the first floor right out of the gates. If
they ended up making it look like the labyrinth was so unfairly difficult, then no
one would want to challenge it.
I hoped that they could at least progress to a certain extent. They could come
back if killed anyway, the bracelet had the savior function. Using that mechanic, they could escape from the labyrinth, but they would be considered killed. Alpha
and the other dryads would then go to assist.
This time they were even accompanying all of the contestants, so the dryads
could forcefully teleport them back to the surface, if need be. That's why I hoped
they would relax a bit and progress through the labyrinth carefully, and maybe
even start taking it seriously from now on...
Being inundated by his companions' woes had made Basson look disgruntled.
"Are your heads full of shit? There's no way any labyrinth is that big. These are
all tricks of the demon lord; he's trying to send us off the trail with magic."
"As expected from Basson-aniki!"
"Indeed, there's a dense layer of magicule here. As you have said, this is likely
some hallucination or illusion magic at work."
"That's right, Gomez. From the start, we have always taken right turns at the
intersections, in other words, we can easily turn around and go back the way we
No way, the problem was not the difficulty. Their plan sounded very
comprehensive, but in reality, that wasn't the case. It'd be okay for them to have
taken notes on paper or other items, however, since the hallways all had similar
looking walls along them, they couldn't possibly remember every single one of
them. There were also crossroads and T-intersections, as well as dead ends. There
was complex terrain combined with almost identical scenery. Not even the first
floor could be beaten by turning to the right every time.
The challengers were just too stupid. Looks like I best not put too much hope
into these people...
But just as I thought so-
Basson's party vanished, or rather, they fell down to the next floor.
"A-are-! Did they just fall into a trap?" Souka asked, sharing my same
confusion. Was there a fall trap set on the first floor?
"U-umm, w-what?"
"-Nothing serious, it's just that I was the one who designed that floor. I don't
recall little tricks like that, could it be you who made the change without my
My eyes narrowed as a smile hung on my face. This was to not scare Ramiris.
Although, I had also locked my hands around her body in a vice grip to prevent
her from escaping, before asking her the question.
"A-about that, it was because we wanted to further the completion of the
labyrinth..." Ramiris answered with an ingratiating smile.
After some more persistent interrogation, she admitted to having set up an
enormous amount of fall traps herself.
I angrily cursed as Ramiris, "You idiot!"
Missy, do you know that we don't need fall traps on a wide-area floor? The
point of them is to get people lost in order to reduce their stamina. Having fall traps that gave them shortcuts would serve the opposite effect. A trap is only
useful if its purpose aligns with the intended goal of a floor.
"B-but there are more vicious fall traps down in the lower floors. So I really
was just wondering if you had forgotten to set one up in that area or something,
my intention was all good."
She just loved poking her nose around other people's business.
While it was bad to have set that trap up in the first place, the least you
could've done was prepare a pit of needles at the bottom. Ramiris, Veldora, Milim;
I knew these three would mess up when laying the traps. That's why I personally
designed the first floor...
I hurried to confirm the status of the other teams.
First was Elen's party.
Cabal was originally the leader, but right now Elen had taken control. These
people all had a terrible sense of direction, my guess was that they would have
difficulty in even getting through the first floor. But my guess was only half right.
Elen's party wasn't tricked by the fall traps, instead they were progressing very
carefully. Surprisingly, they were neatly writing down relevant information about
their progress on paper; it's the classic dungeon walkthrough strategy.
"Ho? Elen and the boys are so careful. They haven't stepped on any traps,
even avoiding ones that I've set. They've also found their third treasure chest.
They are progressing way too smoothly..."
What the heck? Something about this seems off.
Why are they doing so well?
There was also one more thing that had caught my attention, Ramiris seemed
to be trying to hide something with her smile right now.
"...Oi, Ramiris."
"I have a lot of faith in you, but could there be anything that you are hiding
from me?"
"O-of course, Rimuru!"
"Then let me ask you this, did you do something with Elen's party?"
Judging by this screen alone, there was nothing out of the ordinary. However,
their current record seems way too suspicious. Regarding the treasure chests set
by me, most of them, naturally, were empty, yet they had found items inside them
three times in a row. There was a good chance that they had been cheating.
"A-about that..."
"What did you do?"
"Ah, I did. Elen and her companions sent some gifts, so we were just chatting
and having a good time! And then-"
It hurt my head just listening.
While Ramiris and the others were busy building the labyrinth, Elen sent a
bunch of cakes to them. They were experimental products made by Yoshida-san,
which must have been delicious. As Elen was sending the gifts, she became
acquainted with the dryads, and through them, she managed to extract a bunch
of information about the first floor.
Halfway through, Ramiris also found it odd, but the charm of the cakes was
too irresistible for her...
"You can't blame me this time! It wasn't just me, even Mentor and Milim said
it was fine!"
And she got desperate and began to argue how she was right. I was
dumbfounded at this blatant act of bribery. I didn't expect her to become corrupted
so quickly.
But with that being said, it wasn't as severe as I had imagined.
I did lower the difficulty of progression during the festival, and they only got
information on one floor anyway. The really good treasure chests were not on that
floor anyway.
"Cabal's team has been successfully acquiring treasure chests from the start."
"Indeed, according to Emperor Rimuru, there will be treasure chests placed in
various locations, such as small rooms. There are also traps mixed in with them,
so you have to be careful."
"I see~! Are there any precious items inside as well?"
"There will be on lower levels. Eh-speaking of it... The treasure chests are
apparently categorized with three different variations. Those being bronze, silver
and gold colors. I heard that only the bronze ones may be laden with traps."
The three different treasure chests contained different rewards, and there
would only be bronze chests on the first floor. Inside these, you would, at most,
find high-grade items, usually things such as a healing potion or silver coins. The
rest would be failed creations from Kurobee's disciples, a.k.a. run-of-the-mill gear.
If this was what adventurers wanted, we weren't losing much through that process.
"Surely, their goal would be the golden chests, right?"
"That's likely the case. However, golden chests will exclusively appear in boss
rooms, which are found on every tenth floor."
"What does that mean?"
"Let me put it this way. I'm sure that everyone already knows Gozer-sama,
who's the guardian of the 50th floor of the underground labyrinth. By that
deduction, there are similar rooms on the 40th, 30th, 20th and 10th floors,
guarded by a "Floor Guardian". Only by defeating these strong foes, will you be
able to open the golden chests. They are said to even have rare-grade gear inside
them!" Myourmiles explained while reading off the note that I had given him.
Our goal this time was to advertise, so we had to utilize opportunities like this.
Although, those words did sound highly suspicious, like some promotion on a latenight TV show. Even I, the writer of the note, felt a bit shameful hearing them,
though those words were meant to stimulate people's desire.
It did have a tremendous effect however, "rare-grade gear" caused quite the
disturbance at the venue.
"Everyone has witnessed Gozer-san's ability. That strong man is awaiting
fellow challengers, to those who are confident in your abilities, you should try to
challenge him!"
"There's one more thing. As everyone has seen, the floors are quite vast; I
hope that people will be mentally prepared for a single walkthrough taking up
several days," Myourmiles answered, providing answers to Souka's doubts. The
two were a fantastic duo, as both the live broadcasters and commentators.
I confirmed once more that there were only bronze chests on the first floor.
"-Are you sure you haven't touched the contents of the treasure chests?"
"That, you can rest assured!"
Okay then.
After all, their method of progressing was almost a classic strategy, it would
be great for promotion. Although I did mind the fact that Elen's party was playing
tricks, I might as well just let them have those trinkets as a reward. It was
definitely foul play to have obtained a map as well as the trap locations, but I'd
close one eye for them this time. I already knew that Elen's party would be fine
Time to check on Masayuki, who I had leaked information to...
"OH OH-okay, now this is epic. They are already entering the fourth floor-!
The team known as "Shining" is as the name suggests. They're zipping through at
the speed of light."
How was that possible? They had only started the walkthrough less than thirty
minutes ago, and they had somehow already gotten to the fourth floor! Masayuki's
party must've intentionally stepped on fall traps and cheesed their way to the lower
As for the audience's reaction-"MA~SA~YU~KI, MA~SA~YU~KI-!"
Could've guessed that from a mile away.
The same audience that had mocked Basson's party for falling down the trap,
instead gave Masayuki their approval and praise. This was a bit too ridiculous, but
it was Masayuki's power.
I figured that Masayuki must've been terribly pissed at me right now, thinking
that the information I gave him was bogus... Sorry, that's not my fault. But
anything sounded like an excuse at this point.
After reaching the fourth floor, monsters began to patrol the roads. Relying on
an incomplete map, that was missing a bunch of fall traps, must've been
frightening. I still prayed to myself that he would do his best.
Let's check on the last guy-Kai.
This man was sprinting through the labyrinth, making good use of his physical
prowess. Delta was flying around tirelessly trying to catch up with him. She was a
semi-spiritual life form (half spirit, half living being), able to use 'Teleportation' via
the vegetation. However, doing so would disrupt the live video feed she was
supposed to relay. That must've been why she was trying so hard to keep pace with Kai by flying after him. Her dedication and enthusiasm towards her work was
truly commendable. Despite Delta struggling, with the fear of falling behind, Kai
couldn't have cared less, instead keeping up his steady pace while dashing through
hallway after hallway. He kept on sprinting towards the stairs without ever getting
lost, he appeared to be using magic or other means to gain knowledge of his
So, you could also do that when you didn't have a map at hand. It seemed to
be the type of magic used by 'Great Sage' in the past. Magic like that could
generate information about locations in his brain, that is, if he could cast the magic
consistently. It seemed that not only was he skilled in the sword, he was also good
with magic. He sure had some tricks up his sleeve.
I did inquire about him from Fuze, and it turned out that Kai was indeed the
rare A Rank personnel. No wonder he had abilities like that.
He was currently tearing through the second floor and would be reaching the
stairs soon. At this rate, it would take him another two hours before he reached
the fifth floor. That was a lot faster than I expected, I never anticipated their
progress to be so fast.
There's something else that was bothering me however-it was Kai's unusual
expression. His mouth was twisted grotesquely, and his eyes were bloodshot...
By the time he reached the third floor, he hadn't shown any signs of slowing
down either. But unlike the first and second floors, he wasn't even skipping a single
small room-he was checking for treasure chests. Or perhaps it was the opposite
case-he seemed to know where the treasure chests were at and was able to find
the rooms with treasure chests effortlessly.
He was also only picking the silver chests.
"This guy... How's he doing that?" I muttered to myself. Raphael-sensei didn't
respond. Looked like even sensei didn't know.
"I feel that this Kai guy has an especially strong desire. Is he perhaps the type
that can even sniff out money?" Ramiris commented coldly, while I understood
In any case, Kai was definitely not any ordinary person. What he did to
Myourmiles was also unpleasant, so if possible, I hoped that we wouldn't be dealing
with such a character any longer.
In this way, Kai's labyrinth strategy also made rapid headway.
Another two hours had passed.
Basson's party discovered another hidden room.
"Basson-aniki! There's another room here as well."
One of his companions discovered the door on accident.
"Could this be another trap?" Basson asked, his face filled with doubts.
Just now, they had been battling the trapped treasure chests filled with
paralyzing toxin and sleeping gas. There was also a rather weak mimic they fought.
They had developed PTSD from treasure chests.
"Oi, Ramiris. What's in the room of that treasure chest? If this continues, it
won't have any good promotional effect, even I am starting to feel sorry for them,
so it's about time for them to get something good..."
How should I put it, seeing how these people were getting tricked reminded
me of the gacha game I played, and the sour memory of ten rolls of absolute
garbage. After getting all that trash before, their misfortune weighed even on me.
If they ended up losing their motivation, they wouldn't be coming back in the
future... That's why I thought it was about time to give them some grand prize.
"D-don't worry. It was because those challengers sucked... Although it's not
fair for me to say so, I really didn't expect them to be that reckless. B-but that
room has one monster and a silver chest. I don't remember what was in it, but
they will definitely get something good this time!"
Fine, that should do it. I hope they will encounter at least something nice
"AHH! It's a trap again, there's even a monster in here!"
"Tsk, how about we retreat for now?"
"We can't, Basson. It's already onto us!"
"It's a great-bear! It won't be easy for us to escape..."
The two sides were already staring at each other, observing what sort of move
they would be making.
-Eh, what is this?
Only one monster appeared, there's no way you needed to panic like that.
There was only a slim chance for a monster to already appear on the first floor,
and there wouldn't be any strong ones on the second floor either. Yet this hidden
room had a silver chest containing some quality reward. A strong monster was
deployed to guard this chest... This hidden grand prize on the second floor.
Yet it only had a great-bear, a measly Rank C monster. Basson's team, with a
combined strength of Ranked B, could easily take care of them. Despite this,
Basson and Gomez were shocked upon seeing the great-bear.
"Basson-aniki, there's a treasure chest there!"
"It's silver."
"It may be trapped again, but all we can do now is fight. Alright everyone, get
"Copy that!"
"Let's go, let's go!"
It seemed that Basson's six-man team finally made up their mind to fight. As
they were staring at the great-bear, the team carefully raised their weapons.
"I'll be the bait; you guys take the chance and attack!"
Basson really had the composure of a leader, he'd decided to be a competent
tank. He rushed into the room and shouted, diverting all of the great-bear's
attention to him.
Basson and the great-bear confronted each other face-to-face.
"Oh! Basson's party appears to be engaging a monster in battle! Their
opponent is a great-bear? I heard that one swing of its giant paw can easily take
someone's life-"
I finally realized my mistake after hearing Souka's explanation.
Right, this isn't actually a video game.
Basson and his men were, after all, professional adventurers. They didn't want
any of their men to be injured. Even the slightest misstep could have cost them
their lives, and so they would most definitely avoid fighting monsters that yielded
no profit. Even though they didn't really need to worry about dying in there, it
would take some time for people to actually accept such a mindset.
With that in mind, perhaps I should re-evaluate how I've been trying to
promote the labyrinth...
And soon, the battle began.