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Another isekai dream? No way!

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A girl named Jamie wakes up and finds out dun dun dun she's dead. Only for a mysterious man claiming to be a god of another world asking her to make a choice. What would she do? Does she go with the mysterious man to another world? Or does she make the choice to start out a new adventure in an unknown world with the help of this mysterious man? Maybe this isekai dream of hers will become the reality she dreams of or will it become a curse? —————— this a story I made up on the fly, hopefully you guys, gals, and non binary pals enjoy the story. Thanks!

Chapter 1 - truck-kun that you?

Sometimes I wonder when things started to take a turn for the worse? When everything started to go dark? Oh I remember! As I turned the corner on my way to the beach, it seems I was sideswiped by a truck. Well shit, there goes my plans for the day. Maybe my story will turn out like those Japanese isekai stories. Where a truck would hit the protagonist of the story and bring them to a new world full of adventures....

As I look to my around and noticed that I was standing. Then I looked down only to have the same thought run around in my mind, "Maybe my story will turn out like those Japanese isekai stories". Well shit, either the grim reaper is nearby or someone is trying to reenact that whole isekai business. I look around and then that's when I noticed a strange man in a suit nearby running towards me. Only reason why I paid attention to him was that he phased through people and cars. As he got closer, I pretended to not have noticed him and just stared at my body. It was contorted in all different directions and the minimal clothing I was wearing over my bathing suit was soaked with blood. I did an internal sigh realizing I'll never see my dog again. I could tell the guy in the suit was next to me so I wanted to play a little game to see how he'll respond.

"You couldn't have possibly orchestrated my death for your gain right oh mysterious man standing over my body? Like who even are you? You certain don't look like the grim reaper in that suit nor look anywhere close to the depictions of God. I could be wrong but you do be looking kinda suspicious right now. Though this all could be a dream created by my insane mind and you could just be the figment of my imagination haha."

After saying that I finally looked up at him to gauge his reaction but then unexpectedly the mysterious man in a suit actually responded. Although at first it seemed I caught him off guard and he started stuttering " about that-- ah sorry ma'am, um... haha, well if you see exchanging names is not my strong suit, so I am sorry for my rudeness. My name is Oliver though you can call my Ollie. But it does seem like I don't need to explain the situation you're in now since you seem really familiar with it! " he said as he gave me a shy smile.

Okay it seems my mind has officially gone crazy but might as well go along with what he's saying for now. "Okay Ollie, but you didn't answer me on what you are. Like for all I know is your name now and the fact everything around me has slowed down to almost a halt. Did you do this too?"

Though I am asking him questions it feels like he'll ignore them but when he opened his mouth to say, " Well along with my name being Ollie, I am what you could call a God and yes the space we are now is slowed down considerably for your benefit ma'am but don't freak out. Everything is under control. Though it does seem I um, accidentally caused your death ma'am... " I was honestly surprised not only by the fact he answered me but the fact this isn't a dream and the icing of the cake seems I am dead! I can't believe I'm dead this must be a prank!

As I started pacing back and forth, fuming with anger I started to say "You what?! I can't believe you've done this , are you really-- Are you really a god or the devil himself? What kind of God accidentally kills someone? You know what, God or not doesn't change the fact I am dead! Guess my dead body will hang around on this corner and you know, have my family and friends grieve over it or something. Not like I had dreams or a loving family who supported me! Before you ask, yes Ollie I am being nasty and sarcastic. But what do you have to say for yourself Ollie huh?!

" W-w-ell I am truly sorry ma'am this came to you at a very unexpected time…" as he started stuttering I realized I may have been too harsh on this poor boy. I put my head in my palm and sighed until he spoke up again, but this time with a sad smile. " But I got um some good news and also um bad news about your situation. Would you like me to go over the good news or the bad news first? " He may be trying to cheer me up but man there is more bad news? How unlucky can a gal get after she has died!

"What can be even worse than the news you just gave me? That would be the icing on the cake." As I said with a heavy long sigh, feeling a headache come on.

" Umm well, it seems that our calculations were off and we accidentally have taken two lives today it seems. Though I do like to point out is well um unfortunate for both parties. The good news of it all is that one of you can choose to either come with me or go back a few minutes before your deaths, completely avoiding an untimely death !! Sounds like a good deal right ma'am? " he said with a bright smile, Ollie must be trying his best to brighten the mood but honestly this is all too much at once.

It indeed sounds like a good idea but I still got questions. As in, "Where in the hell is other so call "person" you rudely killed at this time of day. I just can't see them anywhere. And Ollie you can stop calling ma'am, I may be dead but I'm not old."

" Ah, okay but would you like to call you besides ma'am? I never did get a name and say ma'am is protocol in these situations."

"Haaaaaa, well Ollie, my name is Jamie Erza. Though you can call me Jamie. But protocol? I thought you said it was an accidental death?" I may be irritated but that isn't going to help me in this situation. Might as well get on Ollie's good side so he can tell me in full what is going on.

" Well it seems you're very perceptive Miss Jamie. Though these situations are rare, we still prepare for rare chances like these. And to answer your question earlier, I just received word my colleague is handling his case right now of course. Seems the other person who had the misfortune of dying because of our mistakes wasn't as knowledgeable about that um what do you call it ee-sick-guy? ee-zack-i? So she is currently going over his situation and before long we'll get his answer. But in the meantime do you wanna place your answer now or want time to think it over? "

Hmmm, I guess it does seem logical that a normal person won't think of their deaths this way but um can we move over to the benches on the sidewalk near the beach. Kinda weird to talk over my dead body surrounded by people ya know. Also Ollie you can stop running your hand through your hair everytime you speak, I'll calmed down so don't worry about me freaking out again.

" Oh okay, sorry for my rudeness ma'am-- I mean Miss Jamie. Sorry still not used to calling a person other than Sir or Ma'am. Though usually people don't worry about that after they die and especially after learning they have a chance to start a new life. "

Well it seems I'm a special case huh? Just kidding I typically spent my afternoons reading manga and such so this whole thing was surprising and just felt like a dream at the same time ya know. But about your question earlier, choosing between leaving or staying. I would like to place my answer now. Since you typically come across this situation everyday i think my answer is going to be a Yes. I feel like given such an opportunity that it would be a waste to stay.

" E-e-even after all that fuss about having a loving family and friends grieving over your death and how we rudely interrupted your day at the beach. You still wanna go to another unknown world? This all could be a trap! like you could be accidentally selling your soul to me Miss Jamie! Are you completely sure? "

" Well when you put it that way Oliver, hmmmm my answer will still be a Yes. I am completely sure I wanna go. I was just busting ya chops because I died okay? How would you react to dying unexpectedly and instead of turning in a ghost or whatever actually happens, you instead see a man in a suit saying he is basically a God of another world asking you to go with him? I would say I wasn't too harsh in the realization of it all. " ah well it seems I may have brought his shy side out again. Guess patting his back may have been too much for him.

" Ah, okay. You're r-right Miss Jamie. But it seems I just felt like you would've wanted to stay but to each their own I guess. "Ha, well any normal person would Ollie, but this seems like a way better adventure I could ever do on earth. So any news back on the other guy. Hopefully he chooses to stay so we don't have to fight over our spot in a new world!

" Seems you're really eager to be going now and just so happens he did come back saying he'll want to stay since he had a family and kids to take care of. Good news for you, Miss Jamie it seems you are on the fast pass track to your new beginning !! Congratulations that something good could come of this strange ordeal." as he said this with a bright smile, I honestly started to feel better. Even the childish like spark in his green eyes is welcoming now. Until he started kneeling as he said,

" Though I would like to humbly apologize again on behalf of all the staff with a saying we faculty use from time to time."

Ah ahem, " Ollie you don't have to apologize again and also you can stop kneeling now. I don't want you to ruin your suit but I still would love to hear the saying God's use! By the way Ollie, you can drop the miss now. Just call me Jamie like how I call you just Ollie. "

" Oh sorry mis- Ah Jamie. Um where was I? Oh yeah the saying, sorry my brain got a little scattered between the apology and using just your first name. Ah okay, well the saying does go a little something like this,

" We may be Gods with all knowing powers but sometimes we mess up even the simplest of tasks. "

Oh wow that's actually a pretty nice saying. Could totally switch out gods with people or a name and boom a universal saying could be made. But that did remind me of the saying my father used to say before I went to bed. Would you like to hear it? If that's alright with you Ollie.

" Definitely would say to hear a saying humans pass down! "

Okay ah well, if I remember correctly it went somewhere along the lines like...

"With life, anything can spark dreams, but with dreams you got to be careful or you'll end up in a nightmare call reality"

Though I never really understood what it meant or seen where it would apply until now. Because it turns out that a wild fleeting dream of mine actually became a new reality. Along with the accidental help of you Ollie.

" Well I guess that's true. But are you all set to get going now Miss Jamie? " I can totally see the smile creeping on his face, guess at this point I'll just smile along with him.

"Yes, let's get to it my dude lol. Might as well get situated as fast as I can right? but um Ollie, we're friends now right? Since we're on first name base and all…" ah I feel like a little kid that is asking their mom to take them to school because they missed the bus. "Y-you're like not gonna steal my soul or leave me stranded on an unknown world to fend for myself without any prior knowledge of anything?"

" Yes it seems so we are friends Miss Jamie and I promise I will not steal your soul. I will also try my best to make sure you are born in a normal household that'll teach you the basics of the world. " seems like it was a good decision to get on Ollie's good side, hopefully he keeps his promise. Now all I gotta do is say thanks and I guess we'll be on our way.

"Thanks Ollie, guess this is goodbye to mother earth then."
