Jareth stretched while looking at the page sticking out of the typewriter.
As he read the words on the page the gold letters sparkled in the light with an unreal shimmer.
He yawned as he finished reading.
Jareth looked at his watch and realized it was 3 a.m. no wonder he was tired.
Jareth walked into his bedroom and climbed into bed.
He couldnt stop thinking about the new paragraph he had written.
It was only 33 words long but that was 25 words more than he had written in the last year.
That night sleep was different.
As his eyes drifted closed a new world came into focus Jareth was confused for a moment as he stood on the edge of a tall cliff on the side of a mountain he had never seen before. The wind howled through the mountains sending a chill down Jareth's spine.
Jareth quickly backed away from the cliff, but suddenly Jareth knew he had to run and jump.
He was propelled forward by a seeminly unseen force that was impossible to resis even as his anxiety screamed "We are going to diiiiieeeeeee!!!!!!" Jareth steeled his self for the jump.
Absolute TERROR clutched his heart....
His feet dug into the edge of the cliff as his knees bent and then straightend propelling him off the cliff with adequate force to launch him into the void and wind whipped passed past Jareth's face.
Jareth closed his eyes in the wind.
Opening his eyes Jareth was now looking at the cieling above his bed.