Everyone was nervous to take the languages paper. "I'm sure Ivan will pass" said Kang. Haru was feeling down then she decided to encourage her friends. "We must have confidence and be positive!" "Yeah. Says who always gets A in every paper." Said Felix who is still low spirited.
During the exam.
Paragraph 1
Dihorul (Mustela putorius furo) este forma domesticită a polecatului european, un mamifer care aparține aceluiași gen ca nevăstula, Mustela, din familia Mustelidae. Blana lor este de obicei brună, neagră, albă sau mixtă. Au o lungime medie de 51 cm (20 in), inclusiv o coadă de 13 cm (5,1 in), cântăresc aproximativ 1,5–4 kilograme (0,7-2 kg) și au o durată de viață naturală de 7-10 ani. Dihorii sunt prădători dimorfici sexual, masculii fiind substanțial mai mari decât femelele.
(The ferret (Mustela putorius furo) is the domesticated form of the European polecat, a mammal belonging to the same genus as the weasel, Mustela, in the family Mustelidae.Their fur is typically brown, black, white, or mixed. They have an average length of 51 cm (20 in), including a 13 cm (5.1 in) tail, weigh about 1.5–4 pounds (0.7–2 kg), and have a natural lifespan of 7 to 10 years. Ferrets are sexually dimorphic predators, with males being substantially larger than females.)
"This is a short paragraph..."
Paragraph 2
Nk ḥūk pĕn nkcāk khả s̄ạ̀ng Strigiformes sụ̀ng rwm kẁā 200 chnid s̄̀wn h̄ıỵ̀ k̄hxng nk doddeī̀yw læa xxk h̄ākin welā klāngkhụ̄n k̄hxng h̄eyụ̄̀x thī̀ trụngtrā doy th̀āthāng trng k̄hnād h̄ıỵ̀ h̄ạw kŵāng tā wis̄ạy thạṣ̄n̒ kār dị̂yin binaural khm krnglĕb læa k̄hn h̄emāa s̄ảh̄rạb kār bin ngeīyb k̄ĥx ykwên rwm t̄hụng h̄eyī̀yw nk ḥūk h̄enụ̄x rāy wạn læa nk ḥūk k̄hud pĕn f̄ūng
nk ḥūk mạk tām l̀ā s̄ạtw̒ leī̂yng lūk d̂wy nm k̄hnād lĕk mælng læa nk xụ̄̀n «mæ̂ẁā ca mī s̄ạtw̒ pheīyng mị̀ kī̀ s̄āy phạnṭhu̒ nı kār l̀ā plā phb dị̂ nı thuk p̣hūmip̣hākh k̄hxng lok ykwên khæ pn̂ảk̄hæ̆ng k̄hậwlok læa keāa h̄̀āng kịl
nk ḥūk bæ̀ng xxk pĕn s̄xng khrxbkhrạw khụ̄x trakūl nk ḥūk thī̀thæ̂ cring (h̄rụ̄x thạ̀wpị), Strigidae læa trakūl barn-owl, Tytonidae
klùm nk ḥūk reīyk ẁā"rạṭ̄hs̄p̣hā"
(Owls are birds from the order Strigiformes, which includes over 200 species of mostly solitary and nocturnal birds of prey typified by an upright stance, a large, broad head, binocular vision, binaural hearing, sharp talons, and feathers adapted for silent flight. Exceptions include the diurnal northern hawk-owl and the gregarious burrowing owl.
Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and other birds, although a few species specialize in hunting fish. They are found in all regions of the Earth except polar ice caps and some remote islands.
Owls are divided into two families: the true (or typical) owl family, Strigidae, and the barn-owl family, Tytonidae.
A group of owls is called a "parliament.")
After languages test,
"That was easy." Said Kang. "Maybe Social studies' harder?"
"You don't know if you don't take it."
Social Studies test.
Paragraph 1
Renault S.A.est un constructeur automobile français produisant des voitures, camionnettes, bus, tracteurs et camions et, par le passé, des véhicules autoroutiers. Son alliance avec Nissan en fait le quatrième constructeur mondial de véhicules. Basée à Boulogne-Billancourt, Renault possède la Dacia roumaine automobile et la coréenne Renault Samsung Motors. Thierry Bolloré est l'actuel PDG. Les voitures les plus performantes de l'entreprise à ce jour sont la Renault Clio et la Renault Laguna, et son marché principal est l'Europe. La société est connue pour ses nombreux designs révolutionnaires, ses technologies de sécurité et ses courses automobiles.
(Renault S.A. is a French vehicle manufacturer producing cars, vans, buses, tractors, and trucks, and, in the past, autorail vehicles. Its alliance with Nissan makes it the world's fourth largest vehicle maker. Headquartered in Boulogne-Billancourt, Renault owns the Romanian Automobile Dacia and the Korean Renault Samsung Motors. Thierry Bolloré is the current CEO. The company's most successful cars to date is the Renault Clio and the Renault Laguna, and its core market is Europe.The company is known for numerous revolutionary designs, security technologies and motor racing.)
'Wait. Isn't this the same paragraph as the paper?!'
Paper 2
La política de España tiene lugar en el marco establecido por la Constitución de 1978. España se establece como un país soberano social y democrático en el que la soberanía nacional recae en el pueblo, del que emanan los poderes del Estado.
La forma de gobierno en España es una monarquía parlamentaria, es decir, una monarquía constitucional democrática representativa social en la que el monarca es el jefe de estado, mientras que el primer ministro, cuyo título oficial es "Presidente del Gobierno", es el jefe de gobierno. El poder ejecutivo lo ejerce el Gobierno, que está integrado por el primer ministro, los viceprimeros ministros y otros ministros, que colectivamente forman el Gabinete o Consejo de Ministros. El poder legislativo corresponde a las Cortes Generales, un parlamento bicameral constituido por el Congreso de los Diputados y el Senado. El poder judicial es independiente del ejecutivo y la legislatura, administrando justicia en nombre del Rey por jueces y magistrados. El Tribunal Supremo de España es el tribunal más alto de la nación, con jurisdicción en todos los territorios españoles, superior a todos en todos los asuntos, excepto los asuntos constitucionales, que son la jurisdicción de un tribunal separado, el Tribunal Constitucional.
(The politics of Spain takes place under the framework established by the Constitution of 1978. Spain is established as a social and democratic sovereign country wherein the national sovereignty is vested in the people, from which the powers of the state emanate.
The form of government in Spain is a parliamentary monarchy, that is, a social representative democratic constitutional monarchy in which the monarch is the head of state, while the prime minister—whose official title is "President of the Government"—is the head of government. Executive power is exercised by the Government, which is integrated by the prime minister, the deputy prime ministers and other ministers, which collectively form the Cabinet, or Council of Ministers. Legislative power is vested in the Cortes Generales (General Courts), a bicameral parliament constituted by the Congress of Deputies and the Senate. The judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature, administering justice on behalf of the King by judges and magistrates. The Supreme Court of Spain is the highest court in the nation, with jurisdiction in all Spanish territories, superior to all in all affairs except constitutional matters, which are the jurisdiction of a separate court, the Constitutional Court.)
After test.
Everyone was quiet. All of them thought the same thing... 'Did Bryan steal some test paper?!'
Sorry guys if it's too short. I just want you guys to read the important things. I'll write the next episode longer btw. It has 1131 words including this announcement. See ya, writers.