"Stop doing that to my friend!" Haru realised she was in Amy's car. "Sorry R. Lately after what happened to Suki, Aunt Yuki has been really protective over me and Amethyst." "It's okay, Ames. Where's Ame?" " At my house."
Haru got a book and read it.
A ~ What are you reading?
H ~ Monroe Journals.
A ~ What is it about?
H ~ Sen Empire.
A ~ Ooh~ Have you any other books like that?
H ~ Yeah here you go.
Again she was still doing a research about Jaemo. She's very curious of this particular spirit of a traitor. But the other one... Jiro... Why are they doing in her body? To use her as vessel or to haunt her? No matter. Now Haru wants to know about Jaemo
'Oh. It's Indonesian!'
"Menurut legenda Sen Empire, Jaemo adalah pengkhianat ke pengadilan karena memberikan Relik Kegelapan kepada Entitas Jahat yang merupakan 11 kakaknya ..."
(According to the legend of Sen Empire, Jaemo is a traitor to the court due to giving the Dark Relic to the Evil Entities that is his 11 older siblings...)
'11 names is his older siblings?'
"Dia juga dinyatakan bersalah dengan menculik Reiner muda yang berusia 12 tahun pada waktu itu. Reiner telah digantung sampai mati karena dicuci otak oleh Entitas Jahat yang membuat Jaemo marah pada permaisuri dan Guardian. Dia mengutuk seluruh pengadilan termasuk permaisuri, laksamana Kai, bendahara Kai dan Guardian Mikail"
(He was also found guilty with kidnapping young Reiner who was 12 years old at that time. Reiner has been hung to death due to brainwashed by the Evil Entities that made Jaemo mad at the empress and the Guardians. He cursed the whole court including the empress, admiral Kai, treasurer Kai and Guardian Mikail)
"Dia menyerang kekaisaran dengan saudara-saudaranya dan pasukan mereka untuk membalas dendam. Dia membunuh Kai, Wren, Mikail dan permaisuri. Namun, Penjaga Relik Cahaya, Jiro membunuh Jaemo pada saat yang sama dengan Jaemo membunuhnya."
(He attacked the empire with his sibling and their army for revenge. He killed Kai, Wren, Mikail and the empress. Yet, the Guardian of the Light Relic, Jiro killed Jaemo at the same time as Jaemo killed him.)
"Dia terlahir kembali setiap 10 tahun setelah kematiannya untuk menemukan Sen, Gelatik, Kai dan Mikail dan membunuh mereka berulang kali. Itu sebabnya Jiro juga akan lahir tahun yang sama dengan Jaemo untuk menghentikannya."
(He reborns every 10 years after his death to find Sen, Wren, Kai and Mikail and kill them over and over again. That's why Jiro also will be born the same year as Jaemo in order to stop him.)
"Siklus akan berlanjut kecuali Jaemo menemukan Reiner dan menghentikan The Evil Entity ..."
(The cycle will continue unless Jaemo finds Reiner and stops The Evil Entity...)
"Sebagai penulis jurnal ini, saya sangat berharap bahwa siklus ini akan segera berakhir ...
- Kalim Monroe .. 13 April 1987
"As a writer of this journal, i really hope that the cycle will end very soon...
-Kalim Monroe.. 13 April 1987
'I'll make sure your hope doesn't die....'