This story will contain sexual situations and heavy degradation. Do not read if hardcore sex is not adequate to you. The main character embarks in a emotional and sexual self discovery with two lovers. They also engage in BDSM related sexual activities. It is very explicit. If you're not comfortable by being assaulted with visual writing, do not proceed. Thank you.
The best thing about my life right now is that I can go out of the house and run.
The world is a total chaos.y
There's this new disease, that is fast spreading and that is freaking everyone out.
Yes, I get it, it's new. We know nothing about the virus, but what the fuck, we're avoiding each other like a plague.
As you may have guessed we're currently in quarantine.
Hitting that one-month mark and this situation is probably going to be extended​ for one more month, or two.
So, I run. I run alone at night with my music playing and matching my steps with the rhythm of the beat.
I was always an introvert and I enjoy being one. I am socially active don't get me wrong, but I don't have the drive to maintain one hundred and forty best friends.
In fact, I only have the one. One crazy and annoying best friend. I sometimes want to kill her but mainly I love her and fight everyone who tries to bully her.
She's brave and unique, but really into clubbing and not studying. I don't think she has any plans after High School.
On the other side, I like to learn, I am the best student of my school.
I planned my future, know exactly the course I want to take and I know exactly what to expect, because I work hard to succeed.
Some would say Mia is almost a total opposite to me. Guess we balance each other out.
Anyways, today was different. My run wasn't uneventful.
Usually during quarantine, I see no one on the streets, specially not at four hours and thirty minutes in the morning. Adding to the late night (or early morning), it is still cold outside because wintertime is on his peak.
Today I saw a boy. I'm guessing​ he's my age give or take. Even whiter than me and wearing strange clothing.
I saw him briefly while crossing the main avenue and he was in a rush. The strange thing about him was that even though it's 9 degrees Celsius outside, he was wearing short sleeves and did not look hypothermic. Maybe he was jogging. He was moving rather fast.
His eyes were weird too. I never saw such color in someone's eyes.
I'm trying not to look much into it because that area has poor light. Maybe the color I saw was just a bizarre refraction or something, because I could swear, I saw red eyes. Like bordeaux red, wine-red color eyes, like that but through light.
They looked unreal.
I should cut the caffeine, I'm too young to have hallucinations at 5 in the morning.
Life goes on.
Yes, it was strange but so is one hundred different things in life.
Like the fact that my mom is obsessed with those abs' exercises from Chloe Ting.
Or my dad is still smoking though he went through a minor procedure on one of his lungs.
Life is weird sometimes and messy and make no sense, but we do go on.
I continue to run, almost every night, practically at the same hour, not always because I can have my cheat day too, being an imperfect Human.
I notice nothing out of the ordinary.
Only that I've noticed that the population of strays have increased throughout quarantine, mainly felines.
Other than that, no one dares to come out much. Mainly just to go to the supermarket or to walk the dog.
One week after that little episode I see that boy again.
I get a glimpse of him through my bedroom window. I'm really not sure because I live on the 6th floor and I don't have eagle sight so, I think it's him. Maybe it's him. At least someone with very similar body type.
I decide to take out the trash that instant and take the escalator down to the main floor, maybe it is him.
I check my phone. Three in the morning.
When I get to the main floor and peek through the building's front door (it is made of glass) I see that person smoking near the parking lot.
Fuck. What the hell should I do now? Bravery is in the other side of fear, Morgan! Just go!
I dispose of the trash bag and approach him. Cough. Yes, like a loser I cough.
He rises his face and I see his eyes. He must be an albino, I never saw such redness in one's eyes.
"Sorry, could you... ah... lend me a cigarette, please?" I say, trying hard to calm my accelerated heart.
"Lend you, not give?" the strange boy replies, in an unworldly deep voice.
Also, he speaks slowly, almost like he's stretching his voice.
I'm fucked, that's exactly my favorite type of male voice.
I try to react... Morgan, you have to answer the beautiful albino guy, focus!
"I could give you one back tomorrow or later... I mean, I should!" I pathetically reply.
"You should not smoke," he advises "but the youth is foolish like that, right?"
My mouth opens and closes, I am unable to answer him.
I take the lighter, the cigarette and try to light it.
I'm not a smoker, but I used​ to smoke when I was younger, because it was "cool". Maybe he's right, youth is indeed foolish like that.
Smoking never stuck, thank goodness for that. I already have a caffeine addiction, I don't need another one.
"I'm not dumb, but thanks!" I smile and lean to the concrete wall of the parking lot, trying hard not to cough and flag myself to him.
"I'm Morgan..." I say but stop, because what else should I say to him, my last name?
"See, youth is idiotic. Now I know you live in that building and your name is Morgan. I could be a thief and contact my colleague thieves to sack you, because you are too trusting, aren't you?" this time his deep voice finds a rhythm that is not that slow. I hear a strange accent too.
I laugh "I'm not too trusting. I'm intrigued. I never saw you around here. Should I call the cops though, is that what you're saying?"
"They can't catch me." he monochordically stated.
"Okay, now I'm untrusting."
"Relax." he gives me a small smile "If I were to harm you, I would already." I was fascinated by the way he worded his thoughts. It's somewhat wrong but I got the idea.
"Is English not your first language?" I boldly ask.
"Not your English, it isn't."
Silence comes but not in an uncomfortable way. I finish the cigarette and speak again.
"Well, nice to meet you... person with no name. We'll see each other around at Devil's Hour for a smoke." I tried to speak as archaic as I could.
"Anything is possible, Morgan."