My cloak is covering the night sky with my beautiful stars tonight, the humans love my stars, I love listening to them complimenting my efforts.. my mind keeps going back to that girl, I hope she is not in too much trouble, she seems fragile.
My name is midnight, I am 4.54 billion years old, you heard me right, that's not a little joke. I am the sky, I have been here since the beginning.. duh.
I have a long history, but we'll stick to the main interesting parts, I doubt you want a history lesson.
Hmm, where to start.. I first started visiting the humans around the time the pharaohs reigned, I fell in love with a beautiful commoner, he had eyes like two big lapis lazulis, tanned skin and a fun personality everything about him was perfection.. or so I thought. He came to visit me every night, he waited by the Nile for me, one night he brought.. sick people who wanted to tear me apart, sell me for some extra coin. His beautiful face had turned into a twisted smile and greedy eyes, I have never felt so hurt in all my years of living, I escaped into the night sky and never left. I never visited again and I refused to give them my stars, only a blackened void.. what they deserved.
I am a kind deity, I cherish human life, but I now see the evil that lives within some humans and I need to protect creatures that are different.
The year is 1520, many years have passed and I find a vacant forest on one of my nightly strolls, I wonder around and make myself at home, I lay at the entrance and prevent any from coming or going, no one shall prevent the growth of different beings as long as I ca protect them, I am a kind deity, I cherish all life, but humans are my enemy.