Kaxarenes are ancient and gentle creatures that are the only ones on par with the Roseabelles in terms of strength. One of the most distinctive features of a Kaxarene is the gems that they possess on specific parts of their bodies.
Two Types:
Gifted [obtained magical and/or physical abilities at birth, most likely inherited from their parents]
Ungifted [still have gems but like the name suggests, they do not inherit any powers.]
Gifted Kaxarenes (All members of the Valor, The Royal Family)
Similarly to how High Roseabelles inherit powers from their ancestors, Gifted Kaxarenes get their powers from their parents. This might not be the case for everyone, and a child can still be Gifted even if their parents were not. Most abilities are nature related and are usually affected by the surroundings though this depends on the individual.
Ungifted Kaxarenes (Citizens of Exousia)
These individuals do not really possess any significant abilities and are the somewhat the 'normal' part of society in Exousia that largely mingles with the humans living there. Although much weaker than the Gifted, they are much more durable than most creatures but a lot of them live normal lives in peace with the other beings.
[] The Valor: Exousia's Greatest Militia []
The Valor was first formed by Raziel Edevane, (Varen's father) as an alliance with the Flame Deities against the Roseabelles during the first few years when the war occurred. The Academy is somewhat like a school that all future Valors must attend before officially 'graduating' as one. Unlike the Circle, there is no particular ranking among one another as they are all considered as equals. Instead, there are teams consisting of roles which each individual will take on depending on their capabilities.
Varen Edevane [Emperor of Exousia]
Age: 444 years old (32 years old in human years)
Height: 190 cm [6'3ft]
Family: The Edevane family
Type: Gifted
Likes: Sword-fighting, teasing
Dislikes: Secrets, disloyalty, regrets
Habits: Lashing out without a warning when angry, will join in the opportunity to tease someone even if it costs his life, enjoys people-watching, tapping his fingers when he's deep in thought
Extra Information:
Varen is the current Emperor of Exousia. His father, Raziel Edevane, who was the previous emperor passed a few decades ago due to old age whereas his mother ran away shortly after giving birth to the Kaxarene. Despite multiple attempts made by both him and Raziel to find her, they failed each time which ultimately made them give up entirely.
Varen grew up in a strict household which is a common thing for most royalty. His father who was abruptly made a single parent overnight, raised young Varen like a soldier, with a strict day to day schedule in hopes that he would grow to be the optimal heir to the throne.
He grew up alongside the rest of the Circle members, but he was the closest with Zeya and Arius. Whenever his father decided to let him rest, Varen would spend his days in Zeya's residence playing. Varen viewed Zeya's mother as his own because of how she well she treated him whenever he visited no matter how often it could be.
Varen, like any child, was a playful and energetic Kaxarene to be around though he couldn't act as such whenever he was with his father due to his strictness. Once he reached adolescence and joined the royal army as his father wished, Varen learned to mask his true personality for the sake of being a royal, often hiding his true self from most of the court members.
This newfound method brought great success to the relationship between him and his father, but it also harmed his mental well-being. His only true safe haven was with the Roseabelles, who he cared for dearly, especially Zeya.
Things however, quickly fell apart for him after the separation between the Kaxarenes and Roseabelles as he lost the very ones that kept him sane throughout his life. As conflicted as he was, he remained loyal to his people and proceeded to go along with his father's orders. Varen remained as Raziel's 'puppet' until his father's last breath.
Just like everyone else in his family, he holds great power that ranges from incredible healing abilities all the way to being able to control and use all kinds of elements after a short while of training. He is a rare case where his 'jewel' is a mixture of various other kinds of elements, allowing him to be multi-talented.
Varen changed drastically after the passing of his father, as if a switch had been flipped, according to Exousian court members. Varen immediately took matters to his own hands as soon as he claimed the throne and almost immediately began the procedure to restore the torn relationship between Exousia and Stygia, even despite his court's disapproval. Although it is speculated that he had ulterior motives behind it, nobody truly knows what caused his sudden obsession with resolving this matter.
Despite his seemingly eccentric personality, his people cherish him dearly due to his tendency to listen to all their pleas, often times acting on it almost immediately after consulting the issue with him directly. Many describe him as incredibly charismatic and yet majority of the royal council fear him for ruthlessness when it comes to disobeying his orders. He often isolates himself from the royal council however, only ever talking to those closest to him like Ezra, his royal advisor, on a daily basis.
Ezra Siane [The Royal Counsellor]
Age: 329 years old (24 years old in human years)
Height: 185 cm [6'1ft]
Family: The Siane family
Type: Gifted
Likes: Schedules, reading, his job
Dislikes: Conflict, being wrong, ignorant and dumb individuals
Habits: Listening into conversations, taking his job way too seriously, working late into the night, reading in the dark
Extra Information:
Ezra Siane is the current royal counsellor of Exousia who overviews everything that happens in the palace when Varen is away or busy. He was quickly put into this position when Varen ordered his father, the previous counsellor to resign after Raziel, Varen's father, passed away. Despite his young age, he is exceptional at his job, being one of the very few individuals that Varen allows to be by his side constantly. He was born to a very noble line of Kaxarenes that were renowned for their ability to retain infinite amounts of information, making them one of the smartest creatures alive. All of his ancestors were famous scholars that many royal members would seek whenever they needed advice.
His abilities are considered unique when it comes to a traditional Gifted Kaxarene. Instead of having the capabilities of using a natural element as a weapon, he uses the element of air as his mentor. He has the ability to understand what the wind says so whenever wind blows past him, he can hear what it's trying to tell him.
He was born to a completely normal family as an only child of two loving parents. He was only a student in the Academy when the war broke out, which placed him in the front lines of the battles alongside many other inexperienced students like him. Unfortunately, he would be one of the few to live and tell the tale. This was the core experience that made him despise conflict and war even more, giving him a newfound goal to create a world free from such things.
He was originally placed in the Academy because he wished to become a Valor just like most of his peers, however he quickly realized that he was not fit for the role after witnessing the atrocities that came with war. He quickly dropped out of the Academy and began to study under his relatives' guidance instead, just as his parents had wished he would do in the first place. He was thrilled when he received the news that he was chosen to take over his father's role, and he takes his job seriously in order to preserve his father's legacy.
He immediately gained Varen's approval thanks to his intelligence and ability to read the room, instantly making him one of the strongest figures in the palace. Although Ezra can be nosy, Varen surprisingly ignores it despite the habit occasionally vexing him when it goes too far. He is a recluse by nature, only ever speaking if he needs to and he does it well by captivating the audience with his calm voice and immense knowledge. His life revolves around work and work only, having no interest in other activities that nobles like himself would usually indulge in for fun. This made him an outcast among the other nobles, but he does not mind it at all. In fact, he enjoys the solitude it brings and uses it to take care of himself by studying or working.