Chapter 3 - An Old Friend

Zeya wordlessly observed the man in the dark, watching the stranger walk around the room in search of something.

Just as Claire had claimed, he wasn't an intruder Zeya had accused him of being.

Instead, he came from Stygia's royal militia, as shown from the unique crest he adorned proudly on his armory.

"I mean you no harm, Your Majesty." He spoke out of the blue, surprising Zeya but she remained calm. "I'd appreciate it if you can stop looking at me like you're about rip my head off."

Zeya remained silent as she watched the man take of his helmet, even though she already knew who it was going to be.

He has grown so much she thought, seeing her old friend for the first time since the end of the war.

"... It's been a while." He managed a small smile when he saw Zeya's desolate expression. "I hope you've been well?"


Arius Cage was the current minister of defense working under the emperor.

Despite not being a part of the royal union, the Circle, he was still a high-ranking individual among the nation.

At only four hundred and forty years old, he was also the youngest official minister in Stygian history.

Arius was a childhood friend of Zeya's whom she grew up with up until he eventually left the nation to train aboard.

No words were spoken between the two Roseabelles as Claire placed a cup of tea in front of the man as per Zeya's orders.

Throughout the decades Claire had spent serving Zeya, it was a rare occurrence to have visitors come over to meet her, given her current relationship with her father, the emperor of Stygia.

However, Zeya had always enjoyed being alone, sometimes a little bit too much for Claire to not worry.

'At least now, she has someone to keep her company while I'm busy with the chores.' She thought happily, before leaving the two to talk in private. 'I should probably tidy up the guest room beforehand. I bet he's planning to stay over judging by the bag he set down at the corner of the door.'

"Well, you said you came here to bring me news." She waved her hands in front of him, urging him to spill it out. "You're not planning to keep me here forever, are you?"

"The emperor has passed away, Your Highness." He whispered solemnly, closing his eyes in silent defeat. "I came all the way here to tell you just this news."

Arius' words were met with stunned stillness, not that he could blame her.

He stood in the silence as he waited patiently for Zeya, he of all people knew how it felt like to mourn for a loved one's death, it was difficult even as immortals.

He recalled the day of his father's funeral, a memory that remains vivid despite the centuries have passed since.

Excitedly anticipating his father's proud face to greet him, he had just arrived back home from a victory against the aggressors that were attempting to take over the northern part of Stygia.

Except, his father greeted Arius in his dead bed instead, his face pale and lifeless.

He had died in the war protecting their beloved homeland, and as a result, left his family behind in anguish.

He knew that Zeya's relationship with her father had become strained ever since her mother passed.

They often fought when Zeya used to reside in the palace together with His Highness, but Arius knew that they had loved each other dearly; it was just how they showed their love for each other that was the issue.

However, no matter how strong she was, he often wondered if his old friend was even capable of crying anymore, especially after what the aftermaths of the war had done to her.

"... How unfortunate." She finally spoke, her mind beginning to wonder as she took in the sudden news. "Do you, know what took his life?"

"By what, you mean who took his life." He corrected, looking up and into Zeya's eyes as he mentally prepared himself to begin the story. "It wasn't a natural death, Zeya. Someone killed your father."


"It all started with the strange reports of farm animals disappearing and finding them dead a couple of days later." He began, finally taking a seat when Zeya forced him to the second time. "At first it seemed like it was the Dwellers were trespassing again, so we didn't really think twice about it."

"But then slowly, the missing animal reports turned into missing locals." He knitted his thick eyebrows together, showing his frustration. "And just like the farm animals, we would find them days later. All of them in the same area. Dead."

"We could keep it a secret since the cases were in remote villages but then..." He paused for a moment and continued again. "Then we got cases inside the capital, all ending the same damn way."

"Whatever this thing was, its prey has gone from going after the normal civilians to killing nobles now. We just had three new cases today."

He covered his face with his hands, heaving a heavy sigh. Zeya could feel the exhaustion radiating from Arius, a sight she rarely saw from her strong-willed companion.

"So, you think whoever killed my father was responsible for all those other deaths?"

He looked at Zeya for the first time since his arrival, his hazel eyes filled with regret and guilt, her gaze slightly softening for her dear friend.

"I suspect so, but I don't think it's just one entity." He replied just as he looked away. "How could one being possibly kill that many people in a mere few months?"

"... Anything is possibly if there's spite involved, Arius." I corrected, rather intrigued by the case. "You and I both should know that rather well, no?"

Hesitation stopped Arius from taking the conversation any further, knowing well that this was not something specifically wanted to touch on.

Although he could tolerate most of Zeya's blunt remarks, the past was something he still needed time to adjust to, even though the one that was most affected by it was the one sitting right across him.

"I'm assuming that Kaiden will be handling the funeral arrangements?" She changed the subject with expertise, crossing her legs. "Or has the funeral already been done?"

Arius shook his head in denial. "We plan to hold the funeral within this month however, we need to do something first."

"And just what exactly is that?" Zeya questioned, raising her eyebrows suspiciously, she could already tell where this conversation was going.

"… By tradition, you are the rightful heir to the throne Zeya." Arius stated bravely despite the tense air around them. "Therefore, I am required to take you back to Stygia as its next ruler, that is my last duty for the late Emperor."

"So, they chose a criminal over a half-blood to rule over their nation?" She forged a smile, her golden eyes flashing brighter. "It's quite alarming how they're willing to break the rules in order to keep tradition."

"We've already offered the crown to Kaiden, but he refused, claiming that he is not 'fit' enough considering his current condition." He explained, shaking his head. "So rather than following tradition, you're Stygia's only hope right now."

"… What if I refuse?" She challenged, looking out the window that faced the lush forest. "Will you still try to persuade me?"

"Without a doubt. I am, after all, the only one that can do it without losing a limb." He joked light-heartedly, which caused Zeya to smile.

She stayed quiet and simply stared at Arius, her eyes not showing an ounce of what she was truly feeling.

Nox followed suit just like it was truly Zeya's own shadow, its eyes eerily looking right into Arius, its intent unknown just like its master.

"So, will you come back home with me?" He asked, convincingly. "If it is too sudden, we can leave tomorrow at dawn-"

"I'm not coming with you, Arius." She revealed her final thoughts, her voice clear and driven. "I don't think I can ever bring myself to go back, let alone become the ruler."

"B-But there really is no one else other than you Zeya." Arius tried to reason with her, despite knowing that she had already made up her mind the moment she met him. "Please, can't... can't you just reconsider your decision? I beg of you-"

"No." She replied bluntly, standing up to get back to her study. "I already made up my mind the moment you mentioned Father."

"I-I'm not leaving without you, Zeya." He declared, grabbing her arm to prevent her from leaving. "That's a promise."

"Well, I'd like to see you try, dear." Zeya smiled, patting his shoulder playfully before she shook off his grasp. "You of all people should know how stubborn I can be."