Chapter 6 - An Uninvited Guest

It had already been a few days since Kaiden was last seen, the search for his whereabouts coming up empty every single time.

As much as Zeya wished to go find her brother herself, she was physically drowning with all the paperwork her father had left behind, all of which were far too important to put off for another day.

So far, she was adjusting to the lifestyle much better than she had thought she would, naturally getting used to the responsibilities that came with being an Empress.

Although majority of the council initially had suspicions of Zeya being an imposter, their minds were quickly changed when they noticed her golden irises that were identical to her father's.

Although she was now safe from any potential disfavor from the council, she was relieved that her return was still under wraps from her close friends, she could only imagine the countless celebratory parties she would be forced to attend before she could have some peace and quiet.

Despite knowing that they would be very displeased by this, it was the only way to finish the preparations for her father's funeral before she announced her return.

She didn't even look up from her desk when a visitor knocked on the doors of the study before it opened. "Your Majesty?"

"Good evening, Arius." She greeted, signing a document before eventually looking up. "Any news about Kaiden yet?"

"Unfortunately not, Your Majesty." He closed the doors as he spoke, his armor clicking loudly due to the movement. "But Nox is hard at work so I'm sure we'll find him in another day or so."

"Hm, very well." Zeya nodded her head although she seemed far from satisfied with the answer.

"You seem incredibly busy." Arius commented with a small smile, his own expression emitting an exhaustion similar to Zeya's. "Perhaps you're finally considering my proposal for a coronation?"

"Oh, how unfortunate." She forged a disappointed expression before going back to her usual blank expression. "I think your little proposal is now nothing but ashes over there in that little corner."

Zeya flashed a small, mischievous smirk when he turned around to see that his document was, in fact, nothing but a pile of grey dust.

"Must you always be this physical with your rejections?" He asked, too tired to be angry at the childish act. "It took me one whole day to write that proposal."

"I wouldn't have had to go to these lengths if you listened." She argued, not at all guilty for her actions. "My decision will never change, Arius. I am not having a coronation."

"So, if that is all you have left to say, you can be dismissed for today."

"Before I do that... I heard from the maids that you haven't left the study since you came here." He commented, apparently not done talking. "I understand that you are busy with work, but don't you think it's wise to get some rest for now?"

She placed the document on the desk just as Arius finished his sentence, genuinely contemplating the idea.

However, she quickly rejected it when she thought of the little amount of time she had left to prepare for her father's funeral.

As much as she was an overthinker, the last thing she wanted would be to witness her father's funeral to be lacking, especially when he was such a loved figure among the citizens.

"You should've seen me back when I was exiled if you think this was bad enough." She concluded the conversation, showing off a small, strained smile to comfort her doubtful friend. "But if we were to look on the bright side, it's better to use my insomnia to good use by working, don't you think?"

"Clearly that's not doing any good for your health." He argued, noticing the slight dark circles under her eyes illuminated by the room's amber lighting. "Imagine what the royal council will say if something happens to you just because-"

His words were suddenly cut off when they both heard a loud commotion right outside of the study.

It seemed like the guards were having an argument with an uninvited visitor.

"I'm afraid we can't let you in, Sire." One of the guards declined politely, though he did sound slightly nervous. "We have strict orders from Sir Arius to keep this study guests free, no matter who it is."

"As much as I admire the dedication you have for your work officers, I believe it would be wise for both of you to get out of my way." A familiar, honeyed voice warned the officers. "I know she's in there so no need to act oblivious, gentlemen. You're not doing a good job acting like it either."

Just before the guards could even protest, the doors burst opened, causing Arius to draw out his sword in defense.

"Ah, there you are." Varen flashed a dashing smile when he saw Zeya, who sat there expressionlessly, not at all fazed by the surprise visit. "So, the rumors were true all this time, my little Zeya was alive after all."


"Varen?" Arius uttered in shock, slowly lowering his sword when he recognized the so-called intruder. "What are you doing here?"

"What do you mean?" The man faked a disappointed look before going back to his playful smile. "I'm here to welcome the future heir of Stygia back after being away for so long."

"I'm afraid that will not be happening." Arius interrupted out the blue, placing his sword back to its sheath. "I was not informed by your council about your visit at all."

"Why would I even bother doing that when you and I both know that it will just be denied because of some crappy excuse?" He replied with a warm smile, although his eyes told a different story. "And besides, we are after all, close acquaintances, no? Why would I go through all that trouble when I could just come over like this? A little surprise never hurts anyone, right?"

"Your Majesty, why don't you allow me to take care of this?" Arius intervened, stepping forward to place himself between the two. "I don't think this is important enough for you to deal with in the first place."

"I would say otherwise, Arius." Varen argued, looking at the minister with cold eyes though he still adorned a polite smile. "Why would you assume that when I haven't even said a word yet?"

"With all due respect, Your Majesty, I don't think anyone sensible enough would be distressing a person in mourning just to discuss something they themselves claim to be important."

"Enough, both of you."

The two men reluctantly closed their mouths at Zeya's command, biting back the urge to further express their disdain towards one another.

"Father must have tolerated you quite a bit if you think coming and going as you please like this is excusable." Zeya remarked, finally putting away the documents she was working on. "Don't you think it's rather rude to suddenly intrude without any warning?"

"Well, I wouldn't be standing here right in front of you right now if my business with you wasn't as important, no?" He spoke with a slight frown, but quickly forced himself to smile. "Why don't you just give me some of your time to explain why I'm here-"

"I have nothing to say to you." She said coldly, her gaze icy cold. "Nor do I have the patience to listen to whatever you have to say."

"Haven't you considered how long it took me to gain the will power to come see you like this, my dear?" He said sweetly, contrary to how Zeya felt. "As cruel as our past was, must you be so cold to me, Zeya?"

"I'm merely speaking the truth, Your Majesty." Zeya reasoned, not batting an eye at the difficult Emperor. "I don't think your men would take it as well as mine have if this scene was the other way around."

"Well then, what if I told you that I know something about the killer you're looking for?" He offered, the cheeky, playful attitude now nowhere to be seen. "Something that might help you find out its whereabouts."

The air surrounding the room immediately grew tense as the two monarchs faced each other silently watching each other's facial expression.

"Arius." Zeya finally called calmly, not breaking her gaze with Varen. "Why don't you give us some privacy for now? It won't take longer than fifteen minutes."

Much to Zeya's surprise, Arius wordlessly obeyed, not at all protesting her decision as he quietly made his way out of the room.

"Well, what are you waiting for?" She urged Varen to speak. "Let's see what you have to say."

"... How can you be so calm when your father's murderer is still out there?" He asked suddenly as he made his way to take a seat.

"... I don't know what you're talking about." She feigned ignorance, though she knew that her tricks weren't going to work on him. "According to what I was told, the emperor passed away due to natural causes."

"So, you decide to pretend?" He laughed harshly, making himself comfortable by leaning back against the leather couch. "Even when I'm offering to help you find who killed your father?"

"I would watch my words if I were you, Your Majesty." She warned, her impatience beginning to show in her glare. "That's a bold claim from someone that barely even knows anything."

"... Twenty-five of my men died because of this beast, Zeya. All of them Valors, from the strongest forces at that." He stated suddenly, his tone cold and angry. "And those are just the ones that have been confirmed to be Exousians."

"And why, exactly are you telling me all this?" She furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, not an ounce of empathy showing.

"Because I know you're having the same issue as I am." He whispered, a small smile plastered below his cold, icy gaze. "A psychotic killer murdering anything in its path. The very one that your trusty little right-hand man spent months trying to find with no avail."

"I'll give you exactly a week to think about it. I do after all, need your help in finding this bastard." He spoke before Zeya could even reject his offer. "And while you do, I suppose it wouldn't hurt if I gave you a little information that might benefit your decision."

"I heard from my subordinates that you're having trouble searching for Kaiden or, should I say Lex?" He smiled slyly as he placed a small piece of paper on the desk before he got up to leave. "Well, whoever it is, maybe this could help you a lot more than you'd think."