Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 618 - 4

Chapter 618 - 4

It was a pretty slaughterhouse meant to entertain some really sick, and twisted personalities. We were yanked out of the cart with ease, and drug up the steps into some sort of display hall that had seats on the walls for the nobility. The seats looked like they could retract back into the walls. If they did then this hall would become quite large. Large pillars held the roof up high enough to make room for the large wyverns at the back of the hall.

They belonged to the five royals at the end of the hall. I could tell just from looking at them which wyvern belonged to which individual. We were slammed to the ground on our knees before the crown. The guards held our tied hands behind our backs. I looked up to the throne with very little hesitation.

The guard slammed his fist into my face as if I'd done something wrong. He was physically weak so the attack barely hurt at all. I turned my eyes to him instead. Bloodlust oozed off of me in a nearly visible haze as I smiled at him.

"Next time we meet, I'm gonna rip your head off," I was still pretending not to be able to wield magic so I used my bloodlust alone to intimidate him.

Bloodlust was an area affect ability so he wasn't the only one affected by my bloodlust. Unlike murderous intent I couldn't focus it nearly as well. Sure I could direct it to a certain extent, but I could not control it much beyond releasing, and containing it. The psychotic smile on my face was enough to disturb most folks, but combining that with my bloodlust, and the bit of drool threatening to leave my mouth. I must look something like a demon in the eyes of the others.

The queen stood up slowly. The movement was surprisingly graceful. Then I lost sight of her completely as my guts were forcefully rearranged. The spittle that had been collecting in my mouth flew from it as I was thrown back through the guards that had been holding me. I slide along the floor for half a dozen more feet once I was past them, and finally stopped when I was somewhere near the middle of the room.

My pet wanted to rush to me right then, and there, but I stopped her. If they realized her connection to me then she would be killed. I rolled to my knees, and coughed a few times. I didn't need to cough, and the fact that I managed to get back up seemed to disturb several of the people nearby.

"Interesting," the musical lilt to her voice was almost mesmerizing, "A human that can withstand one of my strikes."

Good. She still thinks I'm human. I cocked my head as my mind became a bit muddled.

"What are you doing?" I straightened slowly as I stood back up, "Your voice?"

My mind was muddled so I wasn't paying that much attention to what I was saying.

"Sit back down for me please," Her musical lilt sent another muddling wave through my mind.

I wanted to obey her, but that disturbed me greatly. The fact that I didn't move right away made a disturbed crease appear on her brow.

"I promise to untie you if you sit down," she continued with that beautiful musical lilt.

That statement was so tempting, and the fact that I was tempted to obey snapped me out of whatever muddled state my mind was in. Her voice was laced with powerful magic, and she'd been increasing the magic slowly to gain control over me.

"Untie me," I'd stopped mumbling once my mind was clear, "Sorry but I don't obey manipulative bitches."

She was so stunned by the fact that I'd snapped out of her control so easily that her face actually froze.

"What's the matter bitch?" I smirked at her, "Was that mind control of yours supposed to work."

Several of the elven nobles around us gasped when they realized I'd insulted their queen for the second time today. The real reason behind the second insult was to prepare Sekka for it. I didn't want to worry about him succumbing to her mind control, and giving us away. If he knew about it then he'd be able to defend against it. Knowing was half the battle.

For someone as graceful, and elegant as her it was surprising the strength she possessed. I leaned into her next hit. She was aiming for my face so that was all it took to make it so she struck my forehead instead of my face. My bones could take hits that would kill half a dozen other people. My hearing went wonky, and my balance went weird as the sound of my own skull cracking reverberated through my whole head.

The wound started healing right away, but my balance was still shot. Not that the elves surrounding me could tell with me using my spatial awareness to keep myself upright. A thin trial of blood flowed from my nose. I tensed up slowly. Making the ropes on my wrists groan as they strained against my strength.

"If you're going to kill me then hurry up, and do it," I snorted, "I don't have time for your little trick show."

That was enough to make her lose her composure. Her wyvern snarled which made me take my eyes off of her for a brief moment. She gripped my head with surprising strength, and slammed me into the ground face first. I'd done this kind of thing multiple times so this was one of the first times I was having it done to me. My already cracked skull screamed protest as my head exploded into a mass of pain, and I started having difficulty connecting with my spatial senses.

I wasn't going to stand up from that hit no matter how much I wanted to. I directed my mental attention to Sekka. Our connection wasn't a proper bond so it took a lot of strength to get the message across.

{Sekka} I spoke mentally {Don't tell them anything. I'll get you out of here even if it kills me.}