Chereads / The Archaic Dragon Mage / Chapter 264 - Bonus 4

Chapter 264 - Bonus 4

I wanted to force it out of him. He only used it once the entire time he were fighting. I wanted to study it, and figure out exactly what he did to get an effect like that. If he lived long enough to show me again. I was pretty sure he still had enough spunk to do it again.

I needed to let Savannah, and Ethan know that I was fine. I could, and would be able to kill this creature.

{Don't bring a boat out,} I sent to Ethan, {I'm having fun out here. This thing isn't any trouble now. I wounded it badly yesterday, and it hasn't healed yet. I'm just going to widen the wound a bit before coming back.}

{Okay,} Ethan had a warning tone to his thoughts, {But come back if it so much as scratches you.}

I spent half the day continually digging the wound wider until the beast seemed to lose any, and all reason. Attacking anything, and everything that got close to it. The fresh blood from all the dead sharks only drew more sharks. Schools of fish came for what the sharks couldn't eat, and the beast started swimming without in rhyme or reason. It didn't go a single direction for longer than a few seconds, and that made it hard to track.

I didn't think it was still lucid enough to follow me anymore. I swam toward it once again, and dug my claws in around its wound. I pulled chunks out of the bone that was between me, and the internal organs. The wound was deep enough that I could fit my whole head in it at once as I dug through the beasts bone. I didn't like how much it restricted my vision, but I didn't really have a choice if I wanted to kill the damn thing.

If it wasn't for the XP this thing would give me I wouldn't care nearly as much. This thing was strong enough to kill me. That much I knew for sure. It never would have wounded me so badly if it wasn't. Creatures like that always gave me plenty of XP.

Large amounts of XP was something that was getting had for me to come by. I needed the XP to level up. I needed to level up to progress physically. I wouldn't reach it to adulthood if I didn't hit level thirty, and I got the feeling that something interesting would happen when I got there. I managed to make a big enough hole for me to fit my head into his body cavity.

I shoved my head through the hole, and used the length of my neck to fight my way closer to where the pulse was strongest. It wouldn't take me long to rip my way to it's heart. I shredded his lungs when I found them, but I couldn't reach his heart. His body was simply too big for my neck to reach far enough. I pulled my head back out the way it went in.

Digging fresh trails through his organs with my horns as I did. My head got caught around the opening a little, but I managed to get my head out by shrinking it a little. Which was cheating, but I didn't really care. Cheating was something I could do, and if a world that wants to kill you its better to cheat than it is to die. My wings extended as I rushed toward the surface.

Reverting back to my original form as I did. I burst out of the water, and into the sky. I flew like a rocket. Higher, and higher until the island looked like a small dot below me. The sun was low in the sky.

I'd wasted quite a bit of time on that beast. It wasn't going to heal from that though. I wouldn't have to deal with that thing again. That was the better outcome this time round. I enjoyed the feeling of the sky as it flowed through me.

The power of being a creature of the sky. I was more powerful than anyone else on this planet when it came to the skies. Part of me thought that would change, but another part thought that it would never change. My wings tucked in close to my sides as I dove for the ground. It was like freefalling only much faster.

I waited for the fear of slamming into the ground to start setting in before extending my wings, and bringing myself out of the dive slowly. Passing over the island with enough speed to make the trees sway from the force of the wind. I enjoyed it all as I swung around the island in a wide circle. My speed slowing as I did. I landed on the edge of the path that led into the cave.

Pulling myself up onto the path, and strolling into the cave. I wondered if I should revive the egg right away or wait to see what happened to the island for a little while. If something like what happened here truthfully did happen all over the world than the government should be to busy scrambling to settle themselves to deal with the wolves. They probably would rather we died here alone then have to dirty their hands killing an ally they didn't like. I picked up the little egg again.

I put it in my mouth, and walked down the path to the beach. Ignoring the notification that came up when I touched it. I would go down to the village, and see what was going on with the mainland before doing anything rash. My wings folded loosely on my back as I jogged down the path to the town. All this chaos could be a blessing in disguise for me.

If the whole world was in as much trouble as we were here then they wouldn't have time to come down here, and check on someone on the bottom of their priority list. I leapt over the wall that surrounded the town, and landed near the edge of town. My wings twitched as I scanned the town for the people I wanted to talk to. My bonded knew I was back, and came for me themselves. Being able to speak to each other without speaking aloud was a huge advantage to us.