" Why you two are laughing",asked Sage to both girls."Brother...",said both girls and in next second Tadelesh and Jack quickly covered their wives' mouth with their palms."Brother nothing ",replied both boys. Those two whispered into their girls ear " please don't say....we were just saying ."
After a while they two released their mouth."Saying on enjoying by thinking ",commented Nora in very low voice to Tadelesh. Niya chuckled hearing her sister. Jack didn't say anything but was with looking shocking expression at his hubby.That latter didn't say anything. Now all were silently enjoying the movie.
They all silently sat there until 2 movie ends .They all were feeling hungry and tired after watching 2 movies continuously." I think we should go to our respective rooms ",said Nathan.Everybody hummed.After a while they all left Jack and Niya alone in the room.
Jack locked the door and came near Niya." What you were thinking about me....that I will suck your blood",asked Jack.Niya didn't say anything. "You are really a dumb", said Jack.Niya's eyelids were down at the time. After a while he came near her and sat beside her.
" Why did you think so about me?",said Jack."That night when we were preparing food together.... you attacked on me after seeing my blood",said Niya."Sorry....that day I could not control myself ",said Jack." Thank you...for protecting me today.....and one more thing don't think that I love you anymore",confirmed Niya."I know girl...that you don't love me",said Jack.
"Leave all things ...now tell me how is your foot?", asked Jack." Hmm little good ",replied Niya." Take rest only...if you need anything just tell me",said Jack and laid beside her."Why are you sleeping here?",asked Niya."Can't I sleep beside my wife?",asked Jack."I am not your wife",said Niya.
"Oh really?",asked Jack." Yes",replied Niya."I will go on couch after a while... now lay down ",said Jack.Niya sighed a relief and lay down beside him.She was also tired after watching 2movies continuously. After a while their doorbell rang.
Jack got up from bed to open the door. He opened the door and took two plates of dinner." Who sent this? ",asked Jack ." Sir... your brother Nathan ",said the resort boy." Oh...OK",he replied and again locked the door.
He placed two plates on table and quickly dialled Nathan's number."Hello brother did you sent the dinner?",asked Jack."Yes my little boy",said Nathan from other side."Thank you bro for your confirmation ",said Jack .
" Don't worry ....little boy.....this island is taken by us....no one can harm us here",said Nathan."Brother when did we buy this,?",asked Jack."Boy I was telling you last year.....that we bought an island",said Nathan. "Yes bro", replied Jack." We bought this one....for our full family.....chill here this is our island ",said Nathan.
" Oh....bro...I was really panicked ",said Jack." Boy chill and enjoy dinner with your wife",said Nathan and hung up.He put his phone on the side table near bed .He took both plates from table and placed it on bed.He made her sit on bed."Don't need your help'',said Niya."Why?",asked Jack.
"Because I don't like you", replied Niya." OK...but eat your food",said Jack.They both silently ate their dinner.After eating dinner Jack placed those plates back on table which was near couch. He went near wash basin and washed his hand. Niya got up from bed but Jack's gaze fell on her.He immediately came near her.
"I told you not get up from bed", he said in lo but deep voice and in next moment he took her in his arms.
" Mr. I can walk put me down ",she said in little angry voice.
He stepped towards wash basin while holding her in his arms.She washed her hands.After he came back near bed and lay her down on bed.He climbed up on bed and sat beside her.He was going through new mails on his phone .
She was continuously looking at him and tears were flowing continuously from her eyes. She was thinking about Jack's relationship with Clove that time.After sometime she dozed off.He knew that she was crying but he didn't ask her anything.
When he came to know that she dozed off. He got up from bed and again took a clean towel from drawer.He made the towel wet and came back to her .He wiped the tear stain from her face and then he wiped her injured foot.After he put the ointment on her foot and gently massaged it for sometime.
He went into bathroom and washed that towel with detergent and came back to room.He put that towel on couch there.He climbed up bed and laid beside Niya.He came close to her and hold her veryu close to him in his arms.She didn't knew but she was hiding her face in his warm chest.He smiled looking at his little wife.Soon he also dozed off.Those two were sleeping very peacefully.
In Nathan's room, Adrien was sleeping peacefully and the couple was talking. "Tadelesh and Nora...these two are now happy", said Nathan." Yes....I am thinking about Jack and Niya....that little girl is suffering from a lot.....first her parents hate her, then she came with Jack, then Jack's real identity.....and now his girlfriend ",said Amanda.
" Yeah....sometimes I think to beat Jack for our little girl ",said Nathan." No...we can't beat him after all he is our youngest brother ...and we also know about truth",said Amanda. "Yeah ....we should keep patient", said Nathan." Hmm",she nodded and rested her head on Nathan's shoulder.
He was caressing her head lovingly. "Thank you Nathan for this gift", said Amanda looking at Adrien." I only gave him to you...but you protected him and brought him to the world.... thank you and love you",said Nathan....