Chapter 57 - Amusement Park

Suddenly he applied break."What happened?",asked Clove."Nothing ",replied Jack and opened his car's door to get down.He got down and found a puppy in front oh his car.He took that puppy in his arm and leave the puppy on road's side , which was safe for that little animal.

He came back near car and opened its door .He sat inside and started its engine.While driving, Clove asked him," Do you like pet animals?" "Hmm", replied Jack." Eew, Jack don't get me wrong....I don't like them at all...if you have pet in your mansion please remove them before our marriage ",said Clove." Ok darling", replied Jack.

After some time, his car reached infront of the restaurant.He parked his car in parking lot.They got down from the car and reached in front of entrance of the restaurant.In next second they entered inside the restaurant.

Jack already booked a private room for their lunch.They both went upstairs and went inside the room and choose seat to sit on the dining table which was in front of each other.They were talking with each other when a waiter come inside.The waited went near them, "Good afternoon sir and man...please have this menu",said the waiter.

They were going through the menu.In a while Jack ordered" Bubble and squeak cakes "for himself and Clove ordered" Pork Pies" for herself.The waiter noted their order on pad and came out from the room.

After sometime, they both were talking with each other when the waiter came inside room with their orders. Then waiter gently placed the orders on the table and came out from the room.

"Are we on date?", asked Clove." You can consider this as date....its your choice baby", said Jack."Ok...then it is a date for me",said Clove with wide smile."Baby we should start", said Jack."Yeah...yeah",replied Clove and they both started eating.

In 15 minutes, they completed the lunch and they came downstairs. They reached in front of billing counter and he paid bills. After paying bills thay moved towards the existence of the restaurant.They came out and went towards parking lot.They two sat inside car and Jack started the engine.

While driving, Clove asked him"Jack....can we go somewhere?" "Sure darling....where would you like to go?", asked Jack." Amusement Park", said Clove."Ok then lets go", said Jack and turned his car's direction towards park.

After 20 minutes they reached in front of Amusement Park.He parked the car in parking lot and got down from car with Clove.That amusement park is the one of the famous park in England.There were at least 40 rides inside that park.

First he choose Ferris Wheel for ride.Then she choose water ride.After then he choose tower drop ride.Then they went inside haunted house.After enjoying 4 hours they came out of the amusement park.Both sat inside car and he started driving.

"Baby please come with me to my apartment", said Clove.Jack too agreed with her.He turned the direction of his car towards her home.After 30 minutes of driving they reached infront of her home.He parked his car and used elevator to reach in front of apartment.

They soon reached in front of her apartment.She used key to open her apartment's door.In next second they two got inside her apartment." Jack sit here, I am going to freshen up", said Clove.Jack nodded and sat on couch there.

Clove was inside her room.She choose a very short length dress to wear and took out that dress from her cupboard and took that dress along with her inside bathroom.She was taking shower inside bathroom.All of sudden her phone started vibrating with ringtone.

Hearing her phone ringtone she started praying to God inside bathroom while laughing.Jack picked her phone and was silently listen to her what the person is telling from other side."Clove....what I am hearing you are going to marry Jack.....Is this true....what I told you and what are you doing",yelled the person from another side.

Jack didn't replied anything and stayed silently listening to that person."Clove do your work",again said the person from another side.This time also Jack didn't say anything."Listen....just do what I am ordering you....seems you fell in love with him", again said the man from other side.

Jack was smirking at the time but he didn't replied anything . Clove was still praying something to God inside bathroom.He saw future,"that Clove called his name".So he quickly muted the call from his side.In next second,"Jack...take shower after me",said Clove.

"Ok baby", replied Jack in loud voice.After a while,, he got no response from Clove, he unmuted the screen from his side." Clove do your work properly",said the man from another side