Chereads / God of the Apocalypse / Chapter 6 - Over Powered

Chapter 6 - Over Powered

After a short break, Matt proceeded to use his power to reconstruct the shutter and reinforce it. In the process of doing so, he made gates in the newly created shutters to allow them to leave easily as well as countless slots large enough for their spears or his crossbow bolts to fit through. With that done, he went back to the other two to discuss plans of securing the floor.

Before Matt could say anything, the young man spoke up and introduced himself as Chris. Matt and James introduced themselves as well and gave a brief summary of the events that had transpired as well as a description of what his power could do and how he obtained it.

With all of that settled, Matt began to discuss his plans to secure the floor they were on. "There are a set of escalators and stairs in the middle of the floor," Matt said. "My plan is to make my way there and to create a barrier to prevent the infected from climbing up, but also make it possible for other survivors to still reach us. There is a security office on every floor with access to the intercom system that I will use after the floor is secure to let survivors know that the top floor has been secured and to use the instant message system to contact us for rescue if they could not reach them alone."

The other two men nodded in agreement and began making preparations when the middle aged woman, Claire, approached and thanked them for saving them.

She then said that the young woman showed signs of waking up so Matt ventured over to her to check her condition. When he reached the woman, she already had her eyes open and was trying to sit up. Noticing that she appeared fine, he walked towards her and said, "How do you feel? Does anything feel wrong or hurt?"

The woman looked at him in confusion then down at her leg and noticed that it was healing slowly, but noticeably. She then said, "I thought I was going to become one of those things. Thank you for saving me."

"I actually didn't know if it would work or not so really I was just testing it out on you. If it worked you would recover and if it didn't I would simply destroy you like the rest." Matt said frankly.

"Well, thank you anyway since it saved my life. My name is Leah."

Now that introductions were done all the way around, Matt relayed the plan to the two women and began cleaning up the infected outside the the gates. While cleaning up, he made chairs, tables, weapons and armors for the other survivors to help with the excess energy that he had. With the infected gone, Matt made his way over to a vantage point to view the escalators and stairs from.

After scouting the situations one the rest of the floor, he returned to gather the others. The three men were now equipped with a spear and short sword each as well as a modern looking full set of armor that was similar to riot gear. The women had similar gear as well as light spears that looked like javelins and lighter short swords that looked like smaller katanas.

The men made their way to the stair case, killing the few zombies that were in sight. At the stair case, some of the lower floors could be seen. Most of what could be seen was a landscape of death as there was blood and limbs scattered everywhere and some of the infected milling about. Using the energy that he had acquired, Matt began destroying the stairs and escalators while also making a platform and a set of retractable chainlink ladders that could be pulled down by someone below.

With that done, the group made their way around the floor to finish off the remaining zombies and locate the security office. On their way, Chris kept saying how Matt's ability was clearly very over powered to the point of being absurd. Finally locating the security office, Matt cleared it of the infected security guards and then sat infant of the monitors to check the situations around the rest of the mall.

The third and second floor had quite a few infected which could be said to be close to a thousand. That was just what could be seen from the cameras, that did not even include the stores that were shuttered and couldn't be seen into. After checking the situation Matt made his broadcast which caused a commotion on all of the floors. The most shocking thing that he witnessed was on the first floor there was a strange infected. It was clearly larger than the rest and had to use its arms to support its rather swollen muscles on its' chest and arms. It could be assumed that this infected was quite a bit stronger than the rest and would be a pain to deal with.

With the announcement made, the group made their way back to their current base of operations after gathering some food to find two unfamiliar women waiting for them out side of their shuttered gates. It seemed that the announcement was already paying off as Matt lead the group towards the women to see if they would like to join their group.