" I don't want to be cute, I want to be beautiful to each man's eyes ".
What are you a succubus?!
She can even hear my inner voice. But in this state of her I can't get any information for sure.
Should I comfort her?. In other's perspective this will definitely be inappropriate. A Mortal man comforting one of the most feared demon of the underworld?, This world really is nuts.
" Hey, you should comfort me at this time, I'm waiting ". Beelzebub mumbled in the corner.
Gesh you are a difficult person. You sounded really good earlier and now...
I don't know what to do really.
Marco stood up from his wooden chair and walk towards Beelzebub, while he walks, he looked at her with a stern face.
Marco then crouched and put both of his hands on Beelzebub's waist.
" Nyah ".
Beelzebub was startled by Marco's touch.
" Hey! Why are you touching me there?!".
Marco then stood up and pushed Beelzebub up.
He then put his right hand on her shoulder blades and he put his left hand to the center of her hip and calf.
" Hey what- woah! ".
Marco then lift her up with little strength and there is was-
" This is a princess carry Beelzebub ".
She was lost for words when Marco lifted her up, Beelzebub felt something in her heart that is unexplainable for her own knowledge.