This place, it's so different from the commoners side of the kingdom, the buildings are all well made, it go some Italian style in it, which is really refreshing, The people walking by are wearing such elegant and beautiful clothes, the women are so beautiful, then I felt a nudge on my ribs, ' your eyes seems happy ', Haru said to me, then we arrive at Allison's house, first thing I saw is this massive steel gate and inside it is a beautiful garden with lots of flowers, some of the flowers are rather unusual and have a weird color for a flower. ' hurry let's go! ', she grab my hand and rush inside her house, we step Inside and I see the maids in line and welcoming us, I looked at Haru and I can see that she's not comfortable. Her house is colored white, and it's an Italian style house, it's really beautiful outside and stunning inside, There are some paintings in the wall and a big fireplace. ' Our brunch will be serve within thirty minutes so do whatever you wish to do ', all I can do is sit and wait until our food is ready, Elise is doing some look around the house fortunately she's not touching anything, if she broke something important, we are definitely going to jail.