Momo, Azure, Tia and I went to an inn so they can stay there for a while, 1 silver a night here it's pretty cheap for a stay, I rented them a room for a week, I don't want them to stay on that run down house, Azure and Tia will catch some disease if they stayed there, when they looked at the room they are so happy, They take a bath first. Momo and her sisters are not able to take a bath because water is expensive for them to afford, so they take a bath on a river or canals. first time they had a hot bath, I can hear them laughing and exited, we didn't even start yet. they came out, now I can see how cute and beautiful they are, but first we need to get you some new clothes. We head to the Clothing shop, they try all sorts of things, they all tried to wear a dress and they look so lovely in it, it's their first time wearing a dress and beautiful clothes, I buy them a set of clothes so they can change their clothes every day and not stay on their dirty clothes they wearing earlier. second we dine in on a close restaurant, I know that they will eat a lot not just because of they are Demi human, because they are not having a good meal because of their lack of money.