Howling winds of the luminous night echo throughout the beautiful snowy mountains of Rashi'Q. Three disembodied souls dressed in ancient attire anxiously stand before the entrance to a beautiful crystal temple within a massive cave. Gildou, who has the appearance of an appealing but large Quatan Grushian, takes a step back with a troubled look.
Gildou: We're as good as dead if we step in there.
Rivna, a beautiful seventeen year old Quatan Tahlyan woman, steps forward with a determined look.
Rivna: This isn't the first temple we've raided and it won't be the last. Besidesā
She pulls out the Axis, a tiny floating diamond-shaped mechanical device, from a small pouch hanging from her back. It glows a bright silver color as it faintly illuminates the entire area.
Rivna: As long as we have this odd little trinket I swiped from that bumbling merchant our souls should remain in our possession until we find what we're after.
Everyone carefully looks back to view a lit shoddy tent a half mile down the mountain. Jyn, a tall well built and handsome Quatan Tahlyan man, takes a deep breath.
Inside small cozy tent is dimly lit by a lantern. Rivna, Jyn, and Gildou's real bodies are safely resting within the small cozy dimly lit tent.
Jyn: Why do I get the feeling we'll never see our bodies again?
Gildou: Because we won't. This was a mistake.
Rivna sighs in disgust as she marches ahead to the temple.
Rivna: Would you two please grow a backbone? Why is it always up to me to initiate our escapades?
Gildou and Jyn reluctantly follow her.
Gildou: Well forgive me for not having a death wish.
Jyn: And I left my backbone back at the tent so whatever he's saying I'm in agreement with.
Gildou: Jyn, please talk some sense into your sister before she gets us all killed.
Jyn: I'm afraid once she's set her sights on a score she's beyond reason my furry friend.
With Rivna leading the way the trio cautiously traverses through a grand hallway made entirely of ice. Small iridescent blue particles fill the hall. Beautiful ancient architecture line the walls along with sculptures of men that appear to be Arcane and dressed in regal attire. The Axis lights the entire temple.
Rivna: You don't suppose what species those carvings ought to resemble do you?
Jyn pauses to scrutinize a statue.
Jyn: No pointed ears, marked eyes, or long fangs. I doubt they're Tahlyan kind like us.
Jyn looks at Gildou who is lagging behind.
Jyn: And they're certainly not Grushian kind either.
Rivna: You don't suppose they resemble The Will himself do you?
Jyn: Well this is supposedly a forbidden temple of The Will. But none alive have seen The Will so who can say?
Gildou: I bet my body must be starving by now.
Rivna: Gildou is food the only thing you ever think about? It's impossible for us to even be hungry right now in our current state.
Gildou: Speak for yourself Rivna. I think I can hear my stomach growling from all the way in here.
A loud ominous deep hum sounds as blue mist briefly passes through the hall. Rivna shrieks and hides behind Jyn. Gildou falls on his behind.
The hallway grows silent again. Jyn smirks.
Jyn: Well look at this. The fearless Ruuk hides behind her "spineless" brother from hearing a little wind.
Rivna pouts and unsheathes a foot long curved dagger from her waist while taking the vanguard.
Jyn: And be careful with that contraption would you? If you lose it we're certain to learn of The Will's appearance before any of us would like to know.
The trio enters an extravagant giant room in complete awe. The walls are made up of beautiful glowing waterfalls that lead into beautiful mosaic streams. At the end of the room is a large altar at waist height. The trio pauses to take in the magnificent sight.
Gildou: This must be it. But where's the treasure?
Jyn: The merchant was murmuring about a power to end all regimes right?
Rivna: No, no, he said it was a crystal worth far more than rubies.
Jyn: Yes. A crystal with the power to end any and all regimes.
Gildou: Well we've reached the end of the temple and there's no crystal in sight.
Rivna walks and surveys the area in desperation.
Rivna: It has to be around here somewhere. I refuse to believe we've spent the very last of the village's shekyl on a vain endeavor.
Jyn: Don't worry Rivna. No matter what becomes of this escapade we will find a cure for them.
Rivna pauses and looks down in defeat, her face tinged in ire. Jyn puts his hand on her shoulder. Rivna looks at him.
Jyn: Did you hear me Rivna? We won't return to them as orphans.
Gildou: That's right Rivna. Everything always works out in the end for us. We're the best Ruuks in all the land of Quatace after all. No matter what we'll find a way to afford that cure for the village.
Rivna sighs before revealing a slight smile. The Axis floating above her hand lights up and spins in place. Everyone gawks at it, subdued with fascination. Rivna's eyes glow bright blue and she enters a trance-like state as she slowly takes the Axis to the altar.
Gildou: Rivna? What's going on?
Jyn: Rivna!
Rivna: I can hear a terrifying voice commanding my steps, yet I've never felt more at ease.
She places the device on the altar.
Jyn: No! If you set that down we'll lose our soulsā
The Axis spins faster and a loud electrical sound is heard. A gust stirs and the entire temple rumbles. Rivna holds her head as she grunts in pain, dropping her dagger. As the dagger hits the ground it turns to blue mist. Jyn and Gildou dart to her screaming her name.
A bright silver light protrudes from the Axis as it floats higher above the altar. Everyone halts in terror as they hear a deep and intimidating masculine voice echo throughout the temple.
The Will: You unclean spirits dare to intrude upon my sacred grounds?!
Everyone is too horrified to respond as they gaze at the spinning device.
The Will: Death shall you taste for thy greed!
Gildou screams as his body is ripped apart by silver light.
Rivna: Gildou!
Jyn: Gildou!
Gildou's severed body vanishes as a train whistle is heard. The siblings stare helplessly in disbelief.
The Will: For thy pride you shall play the mummer in a farce of a wicked child!
A silver vortex appears behind Jyn. He screams as he's slowly being sucked in.
Rivna: Jyn!
Rivna grabs his arm.
Jyn: Rivna!
Jyn slips through Rivna's grasp as he's sucked into the vortex. The vortex disappears as Rivna produces a cascade of tears in a hideous cry.
Rivna: Jyn. Gildou. Noā¦
Nearly forgetting the presence of the voice Rivna quickly turns to the floating device, dreading whatever ill fate is awaiting her.
The Will: Although you have kindled my anger I will show mercy upon your spirit. You will lose all that you hold dear, and your soul shall know no rest for thy face shall be greatly feared and despised. But if you humble thyself to the good Palyth, I will restore what was lost to you double.
Rivna screams as her body slowly turns to blue crystal, rendering her as stiff and mute as a statue.
Outside the temple on the Rashi'Q Mountains a vast blue light stretches from within the temple and permeates the entire region. When the light recedes nothing but a desolate black wasteland remains, leaving the once beautiful and tall mountain range flat and vain.
A large hovering steampunk car glides across a black desolate desert at blurring speeds during a bright sunny day. White steam constantly spews from underneath the roofless car. Sitting relaxed and perfectly poised on the passenger's side is Loc, a young tall suave looking Arcane man. He's wearing a blend of 1800s attire and ancient looking clothing, gold mechanical goggles, and a long braided ponytail protruding from the back of a neat flattop haircut. Driving is Aldrog, a massive nine foot tall individual who's body is completely hidden under knightly gold steampunk armor. On Aldrog's back is a giant meagerly stitched together leather backpack. An opened dusty old red book materializes onto Loc's hands. It displays a rough, hardly readable, map.
Loc: We're nearing it Aldrog, slow down.
Aldrog: Yes sire.
Loc sighs as Aldrog pulls a lever, resulting in the vehicle slowing down.
Loc: Formalities Aldrog, formalities.
Aldrog: Oh! Yes of course sireā I mean Loc. Please forgive me.
Gidget, a short three foot tall individual wearing overalls but who's body is completely covered from view by clothing, springs out from a wooden box on the back of the car. Gidget is constantly seen with goggles covering his eyes and a gold monkey wrench in hand. He's quite lively and animated compared to the more slow and lumbering Aldrog, but he has a rather deep voice compared to Aldrog's high pitched one.
Gidget: Did you say we're nearing it again Loc?!
Loc: Stop the rail car!
The car comes to a screeching halt as steam briefly hides it from view. Loc stares at the entrance to a ruined temple that's blocked by giant rubble.
Loc: This is it.
The others sound surprised.
Aldrog: Is that so Loc?
Gidget: Now are you really really sure this time Loc? I mean we are after the unfindable and we've been out here for days.
Loc: We've found it. This time I'm sure of it.
Aldrog: The queen grows restless when you're away from the city for this long you know.
Loc materializes mechanical golden gloves and fits them over his hands.
Loc: With any luck she'll worry herself to an early grave.
Gidget: Bold words from a soon to be dead man.
Loc: The only strumpet I'm weary of is the Queen of Queens. And once we acquire this heirloom the balance of power will be restored.
Gidget: If. You mean if we acquire this so called mythical heirloom of yours. And if the Queen of Queens finds out you've been playing around in the Forbidden Wastes she'll hold the whole kingdom hostage again.
Loc gets out of the vehicle and so does Aldrog.
Loc: And do you know why Gidget? Because she knows as well as I do that the key to ending her thousand year long regime of terror dwells within this vacant land.
Loc slides his goggles over his eyes and raises his arm to Gidget.
Loc: Are you done with my spear?
Aldrog: Why don't you let me take care of that rubble Loc? You've already used up most of your steam.
Gidget passes Loc a beautiful golden steampunk looking spear. Its design is both regal and mechanical with a small engine housing vents at the base of the blade.
Loc: No, that's quite alright Aldrog. I like to take every opportunity I can at practice.
Gidget: It's really difficult to believe we can find the power to match a queen's in this great big pile of nothing.
Loc smirks as the engine on the spear activates, sounding a beautiful and lovely mechanical hum while spewing white steam. He chucks the spear into the pile of rubble, lodging it in place. Loc's eyes briefly flash bright black through his goggles and an explosion occurs from the spewed steam. The glove on Loc's right hand spews a small amount of steam and the mechanical spear flies out from the smoke of the explosion back to Loc's hand.
The smoke clears and the way to the temple's interior is clear. Gidget whistles in awe. Just for a brief moment Loc looks proud of his handy work as he lifts up his goggles.
Gidget: Not bad Loc.
Aldrog: You're getting better by the day sireā I mean Loc.
A loud ominous hum echoes as cold blue mist escapes the cave. Aldrog and Gidget step back terrified. Loc keeps his composure.
Gidget: Did you feel that?
Aldrog: I believe we should turn back Loc. This doesn't feel right.
Gidget: You said it Aldrog. I feel like stepping one foot in there would result in our deaths.
Aldrog: Something cursed is dwelling deep within. My scales can feel it.
Loc studies the entrance with an almost trance-like gaze. His eyes glow as he slowly approaches it.
Loc: Strange. I feel a warm presence tugging at me to enter.
Gidget: Wait Loc!
Loc: You two stay here. I'll be right back.
Aldrog: What? But sireā
Loc: That's an order.
Loc enters the cave. Aldrog and Gidget look panicked.
Aldrog: So we are going to go after him, right?
Gidget: Something tells me doing so would be fruitless. I hate to leave him by his lonesome but we don't have a choice this time.
There is a pause as more blue mist howls from the cave.
Aldrog: You know what Gidget? I think he's going to find it this time.
Gidget: Find what? The fabled Witch Tier? Bah! The whole world and even the Queen of Queen's herself have been searching for it for nearly a thousands years. Hell if he just found something we could sell for a decent price I'd be happy.
Loc traverses the interior of the ice temple. It looks just as pristine as it did when its last visitors walked through. He marvel's at the architecture as he slowly passes through the beautiful hallway.
Loc enters a great room at the end of the temple where its walls are made up of waterfalls. He notices the Axis floating above an altar at the end of the room. The winds pick up and he halts upon hearing a deep masculine voice.
Masculine Voice: Loc Hezekiah Ben Massadah! I watched as your kingdom continues to be defiled by that deplorable queen, and I have heard their cries for justice. Take in my spirit, take up my sword, and reestablish the kingdom of your forefathers, my son.
Loc drops to his knees in reverence.
Loc: But how can I challenge the power of a queen Great Spirit?
The Axis hovers to Loc's hands.
Masculine Voice: Take thy sword and treat her well. For it shall grant thy nation the power to sever the head of the Queen of Queens, the mother of witches and harlots.
Loc looks at the device in fascination.
Loc: Even the Queen of Queens?
Masculine Voice: Never forget the teachings of your forefathers, my son.
The light from the Axis recedes and the winds disappear. Loc stretches out his hand.
Loc: Wait!
The Axis spreads apart and Rivna's crystal body appears in Loc's arms. He looks completely awed as her unclothed body slowly turns back to flesh. She's unconscious and a flat diamond shaped crystal is embedded into the base of her neck. Loc materializes a green blanket over her and picks her up.
Loc carries Rivna to the entrance of the temple. Upon stepping out he looks horrified to see Gidget and Aldrog in iron chains. Five Rose Palyths, soldiers clad in heavy knightly red steampunk armor are holding their chains. Commanding them is Heldine, a beautiful young Avalian woman in a regal dress. She gives Loc a sinister lustful smile.
Heldine: Hello darling.
Chapter End