Below is the list of races in the Terrestrial Realm. These races/nations correspond to the element of the god they resemble. Meaning Avalians come from the continent of Avalith on planet Irikihl and can control fire. The same goes for the other nations besides the Arcane.
Arcane: People with dark brown skin and black hair and eyes; ethnically they appear to be Black/African-American. These people can control every element with their vyrkra, though it doesn't come as natural to them as it does for the other races. Only humans can be Arcane.
Avalians: People with pale skin and red eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be Caucasian. These people can create and control fire with their vyrkra.
Vyrkians: People with brown skin and green eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be Hispanic/Latin American. These people can create and control nature with their vyrkra.
Kaigans: People with very dark brown skin and brown eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be East-African/Ethiopian(Yes, there is a difference between Black/African-Americans and certain other African peoples. They have different phenotypes and everything.). These people can create and control rocks with their vyrkra.
Iarlans: People with brown skin and gray eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be Arabic. These people can create and control air/electricity with their vyrkra.
Quatans: People with brown skin and blue eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be Pacific Islanders. These people can create and control water with their vyrkra.
Lyrkrians: People with brown skin and yellow eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be East-Indian. Some Lyrkrians can have light yellow skin and appear to be East-Asian ethnically(Chinese). These people can create and control light with their vyrkra.
Dyrkcens: People with light yellow skin and purple eyes and hair; ethnically they appear to be East-Asian(Japanese). These people can create and control darkness and gravity with their vyrkra.
Because this is loosely based on a game I created each race/element is more effective against another. So it goes: Fire/Avalians > Nature/Vyrkians > Rock/Kaigans > Electricity/Iarlans > Water/Quatans > Fire/Avalians
Light/Lyrkrians <> Darkness/Dyrkcens
Innokian Races
In addition to humans there are several other sentient beings that occupy the world that fall under the umbrella of the Innokian species:
Tahlyans: This species resembles humans the most as they appear to be tall thin elves. They have long pointed ears that are either angled up or down. The roots of their hair have a dark tint to it. They have large irises and no pupils as well as subtle markings around their eyes. They also have fangs(like a vampire), long nails that resemble claws, and typically range from 6-7 feet in height. They have the highest amount of vyrkra of all the species. Rivna and Smoke are of this species.
Ohgahnians: Humanoid dragons that range from 8-11 feet in height. They have large wings and can fly. Typically they're the mightiest of the unique species. Aldrog is of this species.
Yzzarians: Lizard people. Very similar to Ohgahnians except they have no wings but longer tails. They range from 6-7 in height. The swiftest of the species.
Krahmlyns: Small rodent-like people. Depending on the region they're from their looks range from several rodents; including hamsters, chipmunks, rabbits, and or mice. They range from 2-3 feet in height. Possibly the cutest and hardest working race of them all. They sort of make up the dwarves of this universe. They have the highest fortitude/defense of all the species. Gidget is of this species.
Grushians: Tall grizzly bear-like people that range from 7-8 feet in height. They're quite large and are generally slothful/lazy. Some of them resemble dogs more than bears. They boast immense strength and fortitude and are surprisingly agile for their size.
Veguhls: Bird-like people that look fairly similar to humans outside of their feathered wings and hair. They range from 6-7 feet in height. This is the rarest species in the Terrestrial Realm.
The unique species also fall under the specified races above. For example, the protagonist Rivna is a Quatan Tahlyan, meaning she has all the features of a Tahlyan but with blue eyes and hair and ethnically appears to be Pacific Islander. The character Gidget is a Lyrkrian Krahmlyn, so he has yellow fur and eyes.
In regards to multispecies characters only Tahlyans and Veguhls are capable of breeding with humans, even though it's highly considered taboo. Tahlyans and Veguhls are incapable of breeding with each other. The other species are only capable of breeding with their own kind. And as far as multiracial characters are concerned(for example an Avalian man mates with a Vyrkian woman) the child will always take after their father more than their mother, particularly in skin color and hair color, but they may have the eyes of their mother.