Chereads / I got reincarnated in the Future but my brother is the MC?! / Chapter 20 - 20. Trial Tower. First encounter with Aliens pt. 2

Chapter 20 - 20. Trial Tower. First encounter with Aliens pt. 2

After Long Yin pressed yes the arena immidiately changed to a martial arts dono. Her opponent was a teenager wearing a classic "white belt" get-up.

Long Yin didn't waste time and immidiately smashed him to bits using her raw strength. Next, a black belt martial artits appeared. Yin once again smashed him to bits with one punch. For her final human opponent a law enforcement officer appeared. He too, was smashed to bits with one punch, although it took her slightly more effort, as the projection seemed to have mastered Advanced Military Boxing and tried parrying her, though as it was not a real human, it misjudged her strength and got crushed instantly.

Upon advancing to fourth level Long Yin found herself standing on a rocky terrain facing a black-skinned male human. Or what she assumed to be human, as upon further observation she noticed that his two eyes were red gemstones and his "skin" was actually made of ore. Suddenly a voice announced:

- Diamond Race. A sentient golems race that is made out of ore. It's a carbon-based race that doesn't cultivate. Their cultivation advances by consuming spiritualized ores, slowly transforming their bodies into Body of Pure Diamond. Upon reaching Diamond Body they gain the ability to cultivate, starting at the Astral Warrior Realm. It's a trade and mining focused civilization that values ores above all. Appproach to humans: allies. Focus on brute strength and defense.

Yin was surprised and excited to see her first alien. An actual, living golem race! She fought off the urge to do some "study" of the golem with her hands and took a combat stance. The golem attacked, using pure brute strength to crash with her, without an ounce of technique. If it were a normal person they'd have to rely on agility to immobilize and defeat the golem, however Yin's body was comparable to Diamond Race and thus she could use the method of brute force clash. As she fought she felt the Diamond Race man's body slowly crumble from within, because of termors produced by their clashes. Finally, with a loud shout she crashed her fist into her opponent's chest and the Diamond Race warrior shattered into dust. Still, Yon wasn't disappointed as the battle gave her enough comprehension of her bodily strength that she felt safe to break through into Core Formation 3rd stage soon.

The room changed again, this time the opponent was a transparent humanoid shape that seemed to be filled with a weird, fluorescent liquid. The announcer once again informed Yin about her opponent's race:

- Spirit Race. A peacful alien race that cultivates Qi of life. Allies of nature, can be found on plant-filled planets. Attitude to humans: Neutral. Will turn hostile if environment is threatened. Defense and redirection focused combat abilities.

Yon raised an eyebrow. Redirection? Judging by the build this opponent should be faster than Diamond Race, yet it was still defense oriented? She decided to take it a bit seriously and executed Astral Slip, instantly arriving before the Spirit Race warrior and punching. When the punch hit however, she felt like she attacked jelly. While she still dealt some damage, most of the force was redirected and used to damage her. Thanks to her sturdy body she just shrugged the hit off.

'I can see why my brother failed. Definitely not a simple opponent. I wonder if cutting will work? ' - Thought Yin.

She backed of and started gathering Qi in her hand. Suddenly she felt an invisible barrier break as her comprehension of Dragon Claw Art advanced once again and fifth claw formed above her hand, the claws suddenly gaing unnatural sharpness.

'This is it, using a claw to cut! If I can merge my comprehension of swordsmanship cutting attacks into this art I should be able to get to Perfect Mastery Stage.'

Feeling another incoming attack of the Spirit she once again focused on the combat, slashing with her Claw Art, trying to use her experience with cutting using a sword to stimulate the art. While she didn't succed, she still had some minor success that resulted in the Spirit being bisected in two.

With the death of the Spirit Race projection a one minite break was announed, before level six would begin. Yon used that time to imprint the insights from battles into her memory for later comprehension.

As the arena flashed once again Yin found herself facing a bipedal reptilian in volcanic environment. It was almost three metres tall, had two hand that ended with four claws, a tail and two huge legs. Its face looked human, if you ignored the scales and forked tongue. The whole body was lined with scarlet scales. The announcer sounded once again:

- Reptilian Race. Prefer warm environments, usually uninhabitable for humans. Cultivate fire energy with most abilities focused on manipulating fire. Territorial race. Attitutde to humans: Tense. They dislike our encroachment of their territories but are open to trade as usually we do not require same resources. We have some conflicts over mining planets.

Yin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Illuminati was real! Ignoring the urge to spit some illumimati jokes she prepared for another fight. She used Astral Slip to dash sideways, which immidiately turned out to be a right decision as the Reptilian spat a firebolt right where she stood before. She continued using Astral Slip to dodge and weave around Reptilian's attacks, slowly preparing for ideal occasion to counter attack, as she decided she had to finish it in one move. Right as one of the fireballs was about to hit her, she used her full strength to jump onto ceiling, then bounced off from it unleashing full power Star Shattering Fist right into Reptilian's head which resulted in an immidiate decapitation. She sighed with relief as she felt it was a very troublesome opponent, as she didn't have high fire resistance yet.

The room once again changed, this time into a cave. Long Yin was faced with a gigantic bipedal insect, that had 2 scythe-like mandibles for hands and a terryfying mouth filled with teeth and salivating with what Yin assumed to be acid, based on the burns the falling drops left on the floor. She instantly became alarmed and prepared for a tough fight...