"You are a werewolf"
Those four words made Jason freeze in disbelief. He couldn't believe what this AI had told him. He also couldn't believe that an Ai was talking to him. This entire day had been strange to begin with his dream and then the book and now this. The dream at first had seemed like a normal dream but then it connected to the rest of the day. The book had seemed just like an interesting fantasy novel but then at the end had disappeared. This was getting to be too much for Jason to handle. Putting his head in his hands he thought "What does this mean?
"It means that you are part man, part wolf your strength will depend on the moon and other factors. One of these factors can be how angry you are. One of the most common ways for a werewolf to become super powerful in a fight is to enter rage mode. All of their stats will be doubled or even in some rare cases tripled. You can even use this in your human form but with less stat increase.
"Well if it's so positive then I will use it whenever I wrestle. It will help me to easily win matches." Jason was totally stoked with this idea. He thought that this would be very easy to use especially if it could be used with him still looking human. He took it to mean that there was some sort of change he could enter in which he would not look human. But this power seemed to be able to be used without anyone being able to detect what was happening.
"Oh I forgot to mention one thing about entering rage mode. In your rage state it will be very hard to keep control of your mind. Usually it is used as a last resort or when you need to get rid of an enemy quickly. The main thing is that you will see everything in your way as your enemy and will try to get rid of whoever it may be as fast as possible. Most werewolves when using this will will cause great damage to whatever stands in their way. They will tear and claw whatever is impeding them to shreds. With practice you may be able to use it in battle but as of right now you would be destruction incarnate to anyone whether they be friend or foe."
"Great! Now I have a totally useless skill." Jason was mad he thought that he would be able to use this but it turned out to be something that was totally useless. "Is there anything good about being a werewolf?" He asked.
"Well you have incredible regeneration abilities. You will be able to heal from most wounds quite easily. Even some wounds that would be otherwise fatal will be healed quite quickly. You will have to rest for a while to be able to heal. While this may seem like a downside in battle most wounds you receive will be healed without needing to rest as long as you don't not receive a huge amount of them or a couple of very fatal wounds. Needless to say there are wounds that cannot be healed such as being decapitated. Also if you receive too much damage without any rest then your body will stop being able to heal and you will die from blood loss and any missing main organs. With practice you will be able to control what you want your body to heal first. Such as knowing you will be able to push through a cut to the arm however to be able to continue fighting you need your hand to regenerate so you focus on all of your healing on your hand rather than on the wound on your arm. After that is healed you can let your body just heal naturally and heal whatever injuries you sustain."
Jason was thinking about this and deep in thought but then he was disturbed by the bell ringing to signal the end of the day. And then something caught his attention. "These skills that you mentioned you keep on referencing fighting. Why do you keep on mentioning that when I am not in danger and need to keep my identity secret in this world. What would I need to fight?"