Chereads / Morningstar / Chapter 15 - Weekend

Chapter 15 - Weekend

"So, what do you think about Lucifer?" asked Atsuko slightly cautiously, a twinkle in her eyes. It was the weekend, and Sakura was helping her mother with trimming the flowers in the inner garden at home in the morning.

"He's troublesome." said Sakura, her cuts suddenly vicious as she attacked the flower's branches.

Atsuko chuckled. "I think he's a very gentle soul."

Sakura turned to her mother incredulously. "If you had any idea what he's done this past week, Mom, you-" Suddenly, there was a loud, signature, sonic boom high in the sky, and Lucifer dived down straight towards the small garden.

"No!" exclaimed Sakura. "He's gonna land here with his usual force-" she said hurriedly getting up. But it was too late, it was almost like Lucifer suddenly teleported right in their midst in an instant with his Demonic speed. Sakura braced...but all she felt was a gentle wisp of the wind. It was an almost ominously quiet arrival. He was still floating a few inches above the ground, yet not a single leaf had been disturbed by his sudden descent.

Silently, he stopped his flying spell and his feet gingerly touched the ground. "Mrs. Tojo." greeted Lucifer charmingly. "You look as beautiful as ever today."

Atsuko blushed. "Oh, you're always the charmer, Lucifer."

Lucifer grinned. "Here, I brought these for you." he said, holding out a vibrant bunch of azaleas. Sakura just stared in shock; the flowers were blooming so cheerfully, it was like they were alive in a song of nature. The pink of their petals gushing forth in a flood of color as they wildly demanded eyes to be drawn towards them. A few drops of dew still sparkled as if, little fairies still yet danced on them.

"They're...." started Atsuko, mesmerized by the flowers.

"stunning." finished Sakura.

"Well, you were saying how you wanted to grow some azaleas in your garden, so I brought some from the heights Mount Aizu." said Lucifer grinning. "The one place in all of Japan where these little things shine in their truest glory."

"You scaled Mt. Aizu just for a few flowers?" asked Sakura shocked as Atsuko carefully took the flowers from Lucifer to replant them before they died.

Lucifer laughed. "No, I flew."

"Didn't you promise me YOU were going to bring me some, Saku?" asked Atsuko to her daughter as she held the flowers to her chest while a small shovel magically dug a hole.

"I - I...yeah." stammered Sakura. "It's..."

"It's way too much of a bother if you can't fly up quickly?" suggested her mother, teasingly.


Lucifer grinned again. "Well, I'll leave you two mother and daughter alone." He rose up a few inches again and turned to Sakura. "Flying is freedom, Princess." he winked. "If you ever want to break out of this castle, let me know." Saying so, he shot up again, as silently as a dream.

"That was an uncharacteristically gentle take-off for him." muttered Sakura. "Normally, he'd have wrecked this garden with his supersonic boom."

"Told you." said Atsuko as Sakura stared after the disappearing figure of Lucifer. "A gentle soul."

Sakura hid her smile as the sweet fragrance from the flowers wafted in the air, gently brushing her pink hair right as Lucifer vanished from sight. 'I want him to teach me how to fly.'