Chereads / Morningstar / Chapter 17 - Summons of the Storm

Chapter 17 - Summons of the Storm

The loud bell rang as rudely as ever, marking the end of classes and the start of lunch break at Shukuto-Kodo. Lucifer yawned and sat up. This semester was turning out to be more boring than he'd anticipated; all the subjects were focusing on the most rudimentary of topics which Lucifer was already very well-versed in, and they'd just been told that first-years didn't have the Combat Education period till next sem. So, right now, there was nothing that held his interest academically.

"Let's grab lunch from our own cafeteria." said Lucifer stretching loudly as he saw Sakura and Yasu approaching his table as was their wont every lunch break.

"But I wanted to try that Cream Turkey that you recommended today." said Yasu, as tonelessly as ever.

"Ah, well, you can do it next time." said Lucifer standing up. "I'm way too tired right now to bother to walk all the way over to Ryo's."

"Plus, we haven't even tried the first-year cafeteria even once all this time since school started." said Sakura, almost awed at their incredulity.

As the three turned to go, the class door opened and in walked Haruto. His glasses as sleek as ever, he sharply turned to spot Lucifer.

"Yo." greeted Lucifer lazily. "I see you're out of the hospital."

"Yes. Yes, I am." said Haruto approaching. He noticed both Yasu and Sakura tensing up. 'Relax. I don't intend to fight your boyfriend again...for now.' "Lucifer..." he said, stopping in front of him. "Our duel."

"The one you lost?" asked Lucifer slyly.

"Yes." said Haruto calmly, surprising even Lucifer with his lack of anger. "You put me in the hospital with a Black Magic curse from your punch. It was quite difficult to get rid of apparently, from how much the nurses complained about it...but I was conscious through it all. Awake, yet under a spell to keep my paralyzed. I've never had to go to a hospital for this long before; I almost lost my mind from how boring it was to lie on that cold bed with nothing to do." Haruto's tone turned menacing. " did give me a lot of time to think. Think about our duel...relive the exact moment I lost only for the second time in my life."

Lucifer could see Haruto had rehearsed this speech before, so he just silently nodded, letting him continue without interruption.

"What you said to me back then," said Haruto quietly. "was it true? Did I lose so easily because of my temper?"

"Wasn't it?" asked Lucifer, his expression bored but his eyes bright. "You don't know how to control your temper, Haruto; you just think you do. When I provoked you, you blindly attacked, giving me a clear opening to take you down in one hit."

Haruto clenched his fists. He didn't know what annoyed him more; the fact that he wasn't angry at Lucifer anymore or the fact that he was right. It suddenly clicked to him that he was angry at himself. 'I won't lose again to emotion. I won't lose at all. That's was what I promised her...I won't go back on it. No matter what price I have to pay, I'll get stronger. Pride, anger...nothing matters. I won't lose.' Haruto looked up ."My question is, why? Why're you giving me pointers on the mistakes I'm making. You're giving your own class rival a tool to get better?"

Lucifer shrugged lazily. "It's just that I hate to see things wasted. That includes potential. You have a lot of potential, yet you're wasting it by trying to hide it or by throttling yourself, thinking you're stronger than you are. What fun is there in this school if even the promising Divines can't step up in a fight letting me crush them so easily?"

Haruto x-rayed Lucifer's bored expression; this guy really was odd. "I hide my power because I don't have any stronger opponents left who can train me. Make me better, stronger."

Lucifer grinned. "Look around you. This is the 'great' SK. Choose one."

Haruto's lips spread into a grin as well. "And if I choose you to train me, would you agree?" he asked suddenly, seriously.

Both Yasu and Sakura exclaimed in shock. Lucifer's bored expression shifted to one of interest. 'I didn't know Divines were capable of putting aside their pride this quickly...'

Haruto held Lucifer's gaze. He'd heard that the Demon of SK had fought the 6th Seraph and won; put him in the hospital choking on his own blood with a single punch. There were even rumors he'd broken the 5th Seraph's wrist when she'd tried to stop the fight. Lucifer was powerful, and that was the truth. It was time to set aside things as pointless as pride and use whatever means he could get to improve. 'Whatever price I have to pay for her...I will.'

"That was a quick turn of heart." said Lucifer slyly. "I knocked you that hard on the head?"

"You knocked some sense into me." said Haruto. "You showed me power is power, regardless of how much people fear you or scorn you. The entire school hated the new arrogant Demon. And now, through sheer power, you have made most of them admire you. Power is coveted, regardless of where it comes from."

"That is wrong." said Lucifer simply, bored again. "But fine, why not? You are really talented, but you waste too much of your potential on ridiculous things that are more for show." Lucifer's arrogant smile glinted. "I'll 'train' you, Haruto. I think there is much that we can both learn from each other."

Haruto couldn't help himself seeing Lucifer smirking like that, and he broke into a grin himself. "It's a deal then, Demon."

Sakura looked on in silent shock. Just a few days ago, both looked ready to murder each other in this very class. Now, they stood shoulder to shoulder with mutual respect. Was this how boys understood each other? By fighting and knocking each other out?

"Boys are such a mystery." muttered Yasu. "You can set aside your differences so quickly."

"That's because we're simple creatures." said Haruto, winking.

Lucifer laughed. "Exactly. It's way too bothe-"

The door opened and this time, Nao's head peeked in. He smiled when he saw Lucifer standing alone with the most powerful students of the class already flocked around him in a loyal group in the empty classroom. "Lucifer-chan!" he greeted genially, his blue eyes glinting in the sunlight as he elegantly stepped in. "Long time."

Lucifer sighed and leaned on a desk to the side, his black eyes scanning Nao. "Go ahead." he said, bored. "What message has your Seraph got for me?"

Nao smiled to himself. 'As perceptive as ever.' "Well, Hikari is still in the hospital. He didn't want to stay there, so I'm afraid I had to...persuade...him." he said, his eyes flashing. "He wanted to give up his title as Sixth Seraph to you as well, but the Director said since it was an unofficial bout, it didn't count."

"Is that so?" asked Lucifer, not even pretending to be interested as he looked outside the window to see the birds chirping their song.

"What?" exclaimed Haruto, chiming in. "You beat the Sixth Seraph fair and square. That should be enough. You should be the Sixth Seat now."

Lucifer tiredly turned to him, his eyes sarcastic. "You really think I care for the title of Seraph of SK? And all the responsibilities that come with it? How busy I'd get looking after this school as a glorified student council?" He barked a laugh. "I'm fine right here lazing my afternoons away. I don't need OR want that badge; Hikari can keep it."

Nao laughed pleasantly. "There really is no other student like you in the school, Lucifer-chan. To refuse to be a Seraph..." He scanned Lucifer with his razor sharp eyes for a second, then turned back to his cheerful self. "But, Hikari-san wanted to me to give you a message when the Director refused to shift titles. He said he would be coming back for a rematch as soon as he heals up."

Lucifer yawned. "I thought it'd be more interesting than that."

Nao grinned. "Don't underestimate our Seraph, Lucifer-chan. It can be a costly mistake to make."

Lucifer turned to him, his expression weary but his eyes blazing. "Tell me something, Nao. Why do YOU work for Hikari?" he asked quietly. "It's not like you need to. Why don't you become the next Sera-"

"You think you're the only one running from responsibilities, Lucifer-chan?" interrupted Nao with a pleasant smile. Lucifer stopped. "As for Hikari-san?" continued Nao. "Well, I just like to see interesting things, and Hikari was the most interesting of all of the Six." he smiled.

"Heh." grinned Lucifer, his eyes glinting. 'He's dangerous.'

"Don't worry though," winked Nao. "you are turning out to be a very interesting person to observe as well."

"A second-year like you really wants to join up with the Demon of SK?" asked Lucifer.

Nao laughed and his eyes flashed. "Oh, Lucifer-chan, do you think you're the only Demon in SK?" he whispered.

"What?" exclaimed Sakura. "Are you-"

"Oh, and I'm not here just for Hikari-san." interrupted Nao with a smile. "The Fourth Seraph, Kaminari Yoshioka, also had a message for you."

"So, those are his goons posted up outside the classroom, huh?" asked Lucifer dully. 'Did they really think they could mask their presence from me?' "I thought they were waiting to jump me as I went to lunch or something."

Nao grinned. 'I'm not even surprised he could sense even second-years despite their conceal spells.' "I'm afraid you don't realize how dangerous the 4th Seraph can be, Lucifer-chan. Getting 'jumped' on by his followers would be a blessing compared to his usual methods."

Lucifer's eyes flashed. "Is that so?" he asked quietly, his mind rearing its interest. "Well, then, go ahead. What's the message?"

"He summons you to his cafeteria." said Nao simply, smiling.

"HIS cafeteria?"

"That's right." said Nao pleasantly. "Kaminari-kun loves fine dining. Some say it is the only reason he decided to become a Seraph at all. He challenged quite a few powerful club-presidents to take over various different resources all over SK. Then used his influence as a Seraph to have a new cafeteria built in SK which he runs." Nao smiled. "It has been quite the success as well. I hear you have to make reservations up to 6 months in advance to be able to eat there."

"Quite the businessman, eh?" muttered Lucifer, his mind whirring invisibly.

"Very much so."

"And this 4th Seraph...'summons' Lucifer...?" asked Yasu.

"As in he orders Lucifer to come to him." beamed Nao.

"And if he refuses?" asked Sakura, her fists erupting in pink flames.

"Now, now, let's stay calm." said Nao, feigning fear. "It's not like he'd attack Lucifer right now and try and use his followers to drag him over. If Lucifer-chan refuses right now, those students outside will simply leave; he wanted that fact to be made very clear."

Lucifer grinned to himself. 'Yoshioka may very well be smart; I have to be wise about this.' "Very well then," he said to Nao. " I accept the summons. Lead the way."

"What!?" exclaimed Yasu.

"What!?" exclaimed Sakura as well. "Since when did you ever become so compliant as to listen when some other student dares to summon you?" she asked, shocked.

"You don't understand, Lucifer. Kaminari is a crafty bastard." said Haruto seriously. "He's very smart. He won't just call you like that. This is a trap."

"It is most definitely a trap." said Lucifer, drearily.

"What? Then why're you goi-"

"Think about it." said Lucifer, bored. "Kaminari or whatever his name is, said he won't attack ME if I refuse, didn't he? But he's also showed me that he wants me to meet him. This 'summoning' is just a warning for me to come quietly. If I refuse right now, he'll just resort to other methods to get me to go to him. He'll cause pointless annoyances to slowly anger me using his influence as a Seraph. Maybe have me followed around by a committee under suspicion of bad behavior, have my locker broken into under another false pretense, have a few delinquents attack me, ruin my lunch break by some other pointless bullshit." Lucifer's eyes flashed. "And if push comes to shove, maybe have some of my friends attacked when they're alone." He sighed. "Frankly, I don't wanna bother to go through all that process and irritations just to end up having to go to whoop his ass anyway. Might as well go right now without all that bother and end this in one fell swoop."

Haruto blinked. 'How did he see so many steps ahead so quickly?'

Nao smiled. "Indeed, that DOES sound like what the 4th Seraph would do. He makes his targets cave in to his demands one way or another, no matter the money it takes or the time; mainly because he can afford both." Nao's eyes glinted again. "You really are interesting, Lucifer-chan, aren't you?

"As expected of the Yoshioka-clan heir." muttered Haruto, something like anger simmering in his blood.

"Wait, Yoshioka, you said?" asked Sakura suddenly horrified. "THE Yoshioka-clan? Rulers of Tohoku Province?"

"Yeah." said Haruto.

'Arch-rivals of Arima. No wonder he wants to see Lucifer, Arima-dono's ward. This could be bad. Very, very bad.' Sakura turned to Lucifer. "Luce...are you really still gonna go? You know the history between Arima and Yoshioka. Your fight can start a war...a REAL war..."

"Yep." said Lucifer easily, jumping off the table. "You three wanna come watch?"