Jun and Jeya were twins and had always foraged for food together. Jeya had a way of climbing trees that could make squirrels jealous. Jun usually carried the heavy things and kept a look out in case of trouble.
Watching his twelve year old sister climb the peach tree was normal but suddenly seeing a dragon leave out of the mountains wasn't. The red scales gleemed in the light and Jun was frozen in awe and fear.
"What are you looking at, Jun?" Jeya asked her brother. His gaze was fixed and he hadn't moved. Jeya climbed higher and looked out in the direction he was facing. Instead of paying attention to her footing, she was focused on the giant beast flying toward them. She fell through the tree and landed right on her startled brother.
"Get off, Jeya!" The blonde boy shoved her off him just as the dragon passed by. They watched it fly away in awe. "Did you see the guy?"
"What guy? I saw a dragon, Nimrod!" Jeya hit her brother on his head.
"I'm not a nimrod! There was a guy riding the dragon. It was amazing!" Jun dusted off his clothes and grabbed his bag off the ground.
"What are you doing?" Jeya asked following her brother.
"I'm going to follow them. I wanna know what they're doing. Don't you?" Jun held his hand out and as always, Jeya took his hand.
"You think Spirit Elder will be mad?" Jeya asked as they walked toward a cliff's edge.
"Why would he? He said we were free to do as we please." Jun jumped off the cliff and sprouted his white wings.
"He said that when we were six and he'd first taken us in!" Jeya sprinted off the cliff and spread her silver wings. She had to flap fast to catch up to her brother. He'd always been a faster flyer than herself.
"We'll bring something back for him. That always gets him to forgive us." Jun caught the southern current and let himself glide on it.
"Why must you always get us in trouble. One day he will not forgive us." Jeya finally caught the current herself and noticed two birds flying with them.
"It's better to ask forgiveness than permission." Jun smiled devilishly back at Jeya.
"It's not better, just easier for you." Jeya shook her head. She knew she was just as bad. She never stopped him and always joined him on their strange adventures. If she was honest, she loved it.