Chereads / The Billionaires Secretary / Chapter 38 - chapter 38

Chapter 38 - chapter 38

*louise point of view*

'Bodyguards? Isn't that a bit excessive?' I asked paling. I was till shocked as to ywhat had just happened and what Alex was saying. Why on earth would the paparazzi be after us , I had to ask, 'Why are they following us?'

'It's because of me. I don't make it a point to go out with women public ally during the day, that's a night affair, and since I'm one of the most influential people in New York, obviously they take interest in any women of mine,' he stated seemingly calm yet I could see a vein in his forehead twitching. He was clearly annoyed, 'and no it is not over reacting. The paparazzi can be ruthless in getting what they won't. Not only will they chase you down but they will manipulate anything you say or do to fit thier narrative. I'm warning you know, under no circumstances must you do anything that can be misrepresented. I don't want you getting hurt in any way.'

My eyes softened as he spoke and my heart felt warm. I couldn't help but smile at how thoughtful he was but still I shook my head he was being excessive.

'But I'm not your women, if we just explained it to them that I'm just your assistant then surely they will leave me alone. We can even say that we were having a lunch meeting when we were disturbed,' I said quickly thing of an excuse. But that seemed to only make him more angry as his eyes darkened.

'I am going to keep saying this until you understand, you are mine pumpkin! The sooner you accept it, the easier it'll be, ' he growled. 'And they won't believe anything we say and with the mountain of evidence they will no doubt be compiling right now, no one else will either.'

I rolled my eyes again at his possessive nature, while it stemmed from a good place it was still a pain in the ass. It was like having a boyfriend with no perks! I caught the end tail of his sentence and was left confused.

'What evidence?' I asked puzzled, we genuinely weren't dating so we're they going to fabricate something out of thin air ? Is that what he meant.

'Think about it pumpkin, Reporters are very good manipulators,' he said before sitting back in the car with a sigh as we neared our apartment. He seemed already resigned for what's to come in the future.

'So what are we gonna do? Is this going to affect my job?' I asked worried. Only a week in and already fired did not sound appealing to me what so ever.

'No, tho it might make it harder for you to make those friends you were talking about. I am still going to get you a body guard tho, I don't care what you say,' he rambled on completely cutting off the objection that was on the tip of my tongue,' but since I know you'll be uncomfortable I'll limit it to only two people.'

I scoffed at this, before narrowing my eyes on him.

'Make it only one body gaurd and I won't argue. Be realistic Alex, you hardly like letting me out of your sight so I'll be with you like the majority of the time and you already have a group of people folllowing you around. Adding to them will just make it a nuisance for everyone else,' I said trying to get him to compromise on. I knew his stubborn ass wouldn't let me leave without a single bodyguard so I'm hoping I can reason with him for my freedom. He seemed to be contemplating before smirking as if he came to a solution to the problem. I already knew I wasn't going to like it.

' okay I'll limit it to one if you make it three nights out of the week in my bed,' he said sending me a sly smirk. I wanted to throttle him.

'Stop making it sound to be something that it's not . Be smart about this, it's things like that if they got out can make things ten times worse. I'm already living with you, can you imagine if they know we sleep together too?' I asked exasperated. The man clearly didn't think things through. It was a wonder how he managed a whole company.

'It's you who's not being realistic pumpkin, the moment they find out we live together, they're gonna assume we sleep together anyway. What other reason would there be for me to suddenly move a women into my house? Besides it's not like they will actually find out so relax, I'm an extremely private person, it's why when they manage to catch me out and about it's such a big deal.'

With his assurance I could only sign in relief before reluctantly agreeing with his terms. The car finally pulled up in front of his apartment and quickly surveying the area for paparazzi, we made a dash for the building. Finally safe inside the house, I stomped out to my room before quickly changing into some T-shirt and short set and washing my face. Hearing my stomach grumble from not having had food all day, I made my way to the kitchen before inspecting the fridge only to be appalled that there was hardly any food. Grabbing what was available, I quickly made a quick pasta dish before going to find Alex. He was in the study room, furiously typing away on his computer. I couldn't help but smile at how different he was when concentrated at work and when he was relaxing. Gently tapping the door to get his attention I walked into the room, my eyes doing a quick survey of room before landing on his dark eyes.

' since we didn't get time to eat much at the restaurant, I've made something quick for dinner for us, it's almost ready so if you can come down,' I said with a smile before turning and walking away. I could feel his stare on my back and for some reason, goosebumps erupted all over my arms. Ignoring this, I walked back into the kitchen before finishing off making the meal and dishing them out into two plates and washing the crockery used. Looking up from drying my hands, I was met with Alex's intense stare on me. I felt my heart skip a beat as he strolled towards me almost predatory before coming to a stop in front of me and wrapping his arm around my waist pulling my close. Taking a sharp I raised my head to look into his eyes as warm feeling encompassed me where our skins touched. Resting my arms gently on his arms, I looked at him questioning just what he was doing.

'Foods already done, I was thinking we could eat it at the island?' I managed to stutter out as he lowered his head to my neck and seemed to take a breath in before leaving a small kiss on his spot. I felt a shiver run down my spine when kissed me neck. Within seconds he lifted me up and propped me on the counter before nestling himself in between my legs and descending a torrent of small kisses all over my knock and shoulder. I couldn't contain the moan that escaped my mouth as my grip on his arm tightened before the wrapped around his neck.

'Jesus, you look so good in my kitchen, just what are you doing to me?' He grumbled before crashing his mouth to mines. My body replied instantaneously as I closed my eyes and allowed him to pillage my mouth, deepening the kiss to the point where I thought I was drowning in the amazing feeling of him. When he eventually pulled away, I could feel my lips throbbing and hands cramping and suddenly reality came crashing down in us. We weren't even drunk this time to use as an excuse, this was just pure unadulterated lust and we were a step away from making a mistake with my boss.

'The food will be getting cold,' I stuttered as I pushed him away and jumped off the counter before grabbing my plate and sitting in the furthest away stool. I could feel his eyes on me as I moved about. He is your boss! I had to remind myself so I didn't do something stupid.

'Tonight,' I heard him say, I looked up utterly confused before my face paled, ' your sleeping with me tonight.'