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The Billionaires Secretary

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Louise Speirs was hanging on, just. Living in London was expensive, barley making enough to pay rent and feeding herself. She has no time for romance nor does she seek it so when an opportunity comes to be the personal Secretary to the CEO of GoldenBerg co, Alexander Hoffman, she jumps at it. But Little did she know of the possessive nature of her boss, or her feelings for him... Alexander Hoffman to him, business and Money were the most important things. Woman were a past time he didn't take seriously, yet, the idea of Louise not being near him makes him see red. He is arrogant, rude and when it comes to Louise, very possessive. What happens when these two strong headed individuals hearts collide? A few late nights in the office and trips abroad... Sometimes, a little shove is all you need...

Chapter 1 - Chapter 1

The harrowing sound of the busy London road below my window was my own personal alarm clock that jolted me out of my much-needed slumber. Groaning, I slowly opened my eyes only to be met with a freakishly bright light causing me to instantly crawl back underneath my duvet. 

God I hated Monday mornings, scratch that, I hated all mornings. Rolling out of the bed, I wrapped my duvet around me like a blanket trapping my heat inside. You would think that since it was almost summer, that it would be sunny and warm. Yeah, no, this was England, it rained 8 months of the year, snowed for 3 and was warm for 2 weeks - if we were lucky. Checking my alarm clock, I saw that it was 8:36. I had work at nine. Still grumbling I trudged into the bathroom to have a quick shower before changing into my uniform.

Quickly applying the bare minimum of makeup, I looked longingly at my desk that held the silly piece of paper that I studied three years to get; my degree in business management and software development. leaving my room, I instantly spotted my flatmates attempting what appeared to be yoga, grunting every few seconds as they tried to bend their bodies into shapes that were clearly not made for the human physique but I wisely kept my mouth shut as I strolled past them into the kitchen. Already I could tell that something was off and I was proven right when I neared the fridge only to find that there was no cold draft.

'Oh yeah, the power is off again.' one of my flatmates Cory said as she finally gave up on trying to make herself into a small ball, and came into the kitchen after me.

'Why?' i asked confused, this only ever happened when we didn't pay the energy company but I checked that everyone gave their share to Cory, who the bill was charged to as her name was on the lease of the place.

'I only had enough to pay for this month's rent as it went up again' she said as she pulled out her new Samsung S7 edge curve. I narrowed my eyes at her, I could smell her shit from a mile away but I was already running late as it was. tonight I needed to have a serious talk with her. Grabbing an apple and my purse I quickly ran out the door and the 4 flights of stairs, completely bypassing the elevator. That was a death trap, a number of times it broke down mid-way through transportation was ridiculous and the idea of hanging on the very badly maintained thin metal string was not very enticing. Luckily for me, the store I worked for was just down the street so the stairs made up my exercise for the day without killing my legs for the rest of the day.

Entering the busy  streets, I was not only assaulted by the cold air but by the hustle of so many people, did I mention I was 5 ft 3, no? well, I am and in a city where the average guy was 5 ft 9, it meant no way was I able to see where I was going. This was the reason I hated working this late in the day, it was peak time and usually meant I arrived late due to not being able to get through the throng of people and getting carried with the human wave until we reached the main road.

All of a sudden, an arm was wrapped around my waist  and I was being lifted up. I was left in shock for a few seconds, my mouth opening but no words coming out. When whoever was holding my very tiny frame up, started to walk was when common sense finally kicked in, and my self-defence instincts lead to me thrashing around quite pathetically if I must admit like a fish out of water.

'hey- What do you think you are doi- put me down right this moment!' I yelled to apparently deaf ears.

It wasn't until, I bent and bit the arm of whoever was carrying me, that they showed any indication that they were holding another human being. Almost instantly I was dropped to the floor and spun around.  It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust, but when it did, they landed on the most gorgeous of eyes. Dark and mysterious, they seemed to draw me in, it was only when the owner emitted a dangerously low growl that i was snapped out of my fantasy and met with reality. the eyes i had just previously fantasised over where now hard with anger as they wiped their hands on a handkerchief that I had no idea where it came from.

'What on bloody hell do you think you are doing!' the man growled at me angrily as he took a menacing step towards me, his six foot something height towering overbearingly over me as he slightly bent down.


*Alexanders point of view*

Rubbing my hands over my face I stifled a yawn, looking at my watch I saw that it was nearing 9 in the morning. Shit, my mom was gonna have my ass for doing an all nighter when she sees me in  2 hours Ugh, she doesn't seem to Understand that in order for me to be successful, I had to compromise on useless things, such as sleep and holidays and girlfriends. 

Obviously, I've had 'girlfriends' if that's what you'd call them the were more like 'fuck buddies' to be quite honest, not that i call them that to their face. The female gender is so damn weak it's ridiculous, they also seem to lack any sort of self-preservation. They all know I don't stick around after for long, it's been broadcasted enough, yet they still come to through themselves at me. I'm not complaining, it's a good stress reliever but that's about as useful as they get. 

It's the reason why my company has the smallest percentage of female employees in the industry at just 8% and all low positions at that. I was getting sick of the accusations of sexism in the company, it was probably the driving force as to why I relocated to the London based office. hear the females were a lot more self-respecting so I didn't get my weekly lay leaving me in a constant state of sexual frustration. I couldn't wait to get back to America, just then my phone rang, interrupting me from my train of thoughts.

'Hello?' i answered as I got up from behind my desk  so I could stretch my legs.

'Mr. Alexander Sir, your 9 O'clock has changed the meeting location to the 'Galvin la Chapelle,' My Personal Assistant Scott informed me before promptly closing the line. I hated how he did that, it was as if he was dismissing me every time, and I could've wanted to give instructions on tasks he is to complete such as now. I had a feeling he knew this and was attempting to skive out of extra-work.

Well for that, he can do double. I hate lazy people, they were always cutting corners which always lead to loss of profit in the long run. I think someone needs to remind him who is the boss.  talking three long strides I reached the door and flung it open.

'Mr.Grayson!' I yelled as I entered his office only to find him trying to hide something behind him, a guilty expression covering his face. I narrowed my eyes on him before growling 'your coming with me'

The lift down to the ground floor was tense as I kept on scowling at the back of Scott's head. The man was up to something, what i wasn't sure yet, I had a gut feeling, and I always followed my gut. I would need to contact security to keep an eye on him. I don't trust fools with my money.

I decided to walk to our destination as I knew with it being peak season, the roads would be swamped and it was only a 15-minute walk. Maybe the fresh air would help clear my brain. The number of people out on the street today seemed to be double the normal and I frowned as I saw adults lifting children up to stop them from being trampled on. Then I remembered there was a protest to be happening today, I mentally faced palmed myself, only to be shoved slightly as I saw the beginning of the protest line begin behind me. 

Quickly speeding up, I weaved through the tight cloud, my height being an advantage only to slow down as the density one again increased. just then, a small body crashed into my legs, I glanced down at the figure, it appeared to be a child who was quite obviously struggling to get through the crowd. deciding to do my good deed of the day the now to get it out of the way, I quickly grabbed the kid by their waist and lifted them up. They were a bit heavy for their age. I was about to tell them to slow down on the fast food when the crowd started to move again jostling me forward. this seemed to be a trigger for the kid as it started to squirm around like a dying turtle, I tightened my grasp and continued to walk. I'll deposit them when we get to the four corners. Suddenly I felt stinging wet sensation on my arm. instantly I growled and dropped the kid, the evil bugger bit me! harshly turning them around, i prepared to admonish them when I was met with the most beautiful of hazel eyes that seemed to change color. quickly taking in the rest of the face, the soft curved features, the painted red lip. This was no Kid! 

'What on bloody hell do you think you are doing!' I yelled. 

*Louise's point of view*

'What are you on about?' I exclaimed angrily. 'you can't just randomly pick up people from the streets! That's called kidnapping!'

'It's not my fault you were too slow in walking. You might not know this since your obviously either unemployed or working minimum wage but some of us have places to go and important people to meet,' the man said arrogantly as he started to push me forward impatiently.

'I- and how did you come about that conclusion Mr. High and mighty?' I growled, I was already growing a strong dislike towards the Neanderthal in front of me.

'Simple. you're a woman,' he stated arrogantly as if that statement he just made was the end all and be all.

'And would you like to explain to me how my gender has anything to do with that extremely narcissistic comment you just made?' I growled lowly as I narrowed my eyes at him. I just knew that when the idiot opened his mouth, more bullshit would tumble out, stinking up the joint and quite frankly, my nose is too sensitive for that much shit.

Well, its a known thing that while there has been an increase in women completing higher education, they tend to major in useless things such as beauty or textile, that kind of garbage that has no jobs, leaving the poor men they manage to entrance to pickup the slack and pay the bills,' he stated before turning me around, before grabbing my arms again and lifting me up before increasing his strides.

Being this high and seeing the difference in coverage of ground really put into perspective his annoyance at my pace, not that it was going to distract me from the extremely sexist comment that had just left his mouth. Quite frankly, I'm pretty sure my jaw was somewhere near where my feet were supposed to be. On the ground.

'Let me guess, your one of those ejects that agrees that females should be paid less than men for the same job,' I said dryly as I saw him slow down and turn a corner. We were nearing my work.

'Yes, I do actually, since I know the actual difference than on paper,' he said frowning, he seemed to be getting annoyed at my constant stream of questions.

Good, he needs something to dislodge his ego from his ass.

'Like what?' I asked confused, 'they both worked hard to get the same degree and get the job, the woman probably harder due to backward thinking idiots like you in the world.'

'Well you can't just blame the world's problems on me,' he said, 'im just speaking from personal experience, I tend to trust men more than woman especially with important company information as woman tend to blurt out anything and everything when emotional.'

I couldn't really argue the last point because as painful as it was to admit, especially to the arrogant ogre who by the way still has me in a viper grip, it was partially right. We sort of got ourselves into that one.

Blushing and looking away, I came to the realisation that we were at my work. Squirming to be let down, I quickly rearranged myself to look presentable before turning to thank the arrogant stranger but he bet me to it.

' Now, while this conversation has between us has been completely useless and unstimulating, I really must dash. ' he grimaced as he wiped his hand as if trying to erase any trace of poverty and woman before entering the restaurant leaving me fuming outside for a few seconds.

I was about to march up to him and give him the slap my hand has been itching to give him all day when I spotted my boss giving me the stink eye. Deciding that my job was more important than revenge, even as sweet as it was to be, I turned around and stomped my way to the staff room where I tried to calm myself down.

'Hi lulu, have you seen the hunk of a man that just walked in?' Amber, my somewhat ditzy friend gushed as she ran into the staffroom. I cringed at the horrid nickname she had assigned me. 'I want to have his baby's!

'Well good for you Amber, I on the other hand have bigger problems, such as bossy Joe who looked like he was planning my funeral.' I grumbled. The man has been looking for a reason to fire me since I refused his sexual advances.

'Oh yeah, I knew I came here for a reason,' she said brightening up, ' he said to hurry up, we have important clients today who booked out the back room for some dinner, since it's your  full shift, he gave it to you.'

Ugh, even though Amber was my friend and I loved her, sometimes I just wanted to smash a brick into her face. You're not supposed to deliver such horrid news with the 'Happy-go-lucky' demeanour she just used. It'll get you killed.

'Louise!' I heard my boss bellow, and I knew that was my queue to get to work.

'Yes boss?' I said trying to mimic Amber's attitude and failing miserably due to my face being in a constant state of I-don't-give-two-fucks.

'Can you at least try to seem like you enjoy working here?' Bossy Joe grumbled looking highly irritated at me.

'No' I said bluntly. He glared at me before grabbing my hands and dragging me towards the back room.

'Well if you're going to have that holier than thou attitude, you can serve the entire dinner yourself! The first sign of a mistake and your out!' He sneered before shoving me into the room with the proverbial sharks.

The first thing I noticed when I came stumbling into the room -quite literally- was that the arrogant ogre from earlier was sat at the head of the table. His head snapped up at the sound of the door closing behind me. Instantly his devastatingly gorgeous eyes locked onto mine and is mouth quirked upwards in a mocking smile.

Taking a deep breath, I could not stop myself from face palming.

'Lord give me strength!'