Kitten grabs the bed because his body aches from senpais dick being shoved into him, over and over, thrusting. Senpai moans and flinched with a smile on his face.
As bits of his cum lands on Kitten. He smiles, "you see thats the way I like it, don't think we're done were just getting started." He smirks as Kitten lays there looking worried and confused. "You can't, please let me go. I refuse to keep going," as he looks away he blushes trying not to make it noticeable to him.
As Senpai walks to the bed side table he grabs tissues and cleans up after him and kitten. Then heads to the closet and pulls out a bag, with whats is inside he smirks and lays the bag next to kittens leg.
"Look here you slut, I have a new toy for you, wouldn't you like to see? Afterall slutty boys love things like these plus you seem all for it."
He opens the bag, in his hand contains a medium size whip. New without any used marks on it, a leather like material just for the occasion.