Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 50 - Inevitable Encounter

Chapter 50 - Inevitable Encounter

[-In the control's room-]

Some of the instructors wanted to raise an opposition to the decision of their Chairman but most of them had no guts to do so.

Except Belle, one of the instructors of the -Technical Support- Specialists, she pointed out to their chairman regarding his most recent command.

"Chairman Roshee … isn't it too much to send that number of professional hunters to her location? Are we putting a different standard of exam towards her?" Belle nervously stated her opinion.

Others were surprised that Belle had the courage to even speak out her own mind in front of the most feared hunter in the history of hunters.

His achievements and skills as a hunter, despite his current old age, Chairman Roshee was indeed a well-known and most respected official hunter of the organization.

Even the monarchs and most of the kingdom's officials recognize his value.

This propelled for him to be the chairman of the organization of all Hunters Guild.

This is the end of Part One, download Chereads app to continue: