Chereads / The Making of the Vampire Queen / Chapter 55 - The Maker!

Chapter 55 - The Maker!

No guards dared to eavesdrop nor meddle with the privacy of Sharmaine, a known favorite of Princess Sylvia and Prince Vincent.

After the brief visit of Sharmaine to Alejandro,

Sharmaine went her way to the terrace, to unwind and have some peace of her own supposedly.

From her bleeding heart. Due to the pain caused by the man she loved the most.

Wiping her unexpected tears along the way.

It is unusual for any vampire to have any soft emotion other than their usual domineering, regality, elegance, and cold aura.

For a vampire to have compassion, love and other warm emotions were considered unusual for a vampire.

Even Sharmaine thought that becoming a vampire would erase all this emotion but she was wrong.

Vampires actually could have this raw emotions of sadness, warmth and love for someone.

It was only shut away by the most.

Turning off this type of emotion in them.

Letting their lust for power and blood to rule over.

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