A few minutes passed after Alex had passed out...

Alex opened his eyes, he felt very comfortable, until the unbearable stench of his impurities pervaded his nose.

"What the hell is that smell!!?"

Alex said as he tried to get up only to feel his hand get in some gooey substance. The goo was solidifying slowly. He looked down at the substance. He realized that the stench that pervaded his nose came from this black goo.

"Oh goodness. Did this come out of me?"

He couldn't believe that a human could excrete something like this.

He raised his head and looked at the familiar faces of the people that brought him here.

"You could have at least moved me away from these impurities after I passed out. How long was I out for?"

"Sorry about that, we were too scared and not sure of what to do so we left you there. But you have only been out for a few minutes." Grace answered.

"Scared? Of what?"

"Alexander this is actually our fault. We are very sorry for what we have done. We were in a rush to pass our legacy to you that we forgot that you have a very strong bloodline in you. We forgot to seal it before proceeding to do anything." Granoss said as he gave a 45-degree bow.

Grace and the rest of the Dragnel brothers did the same as Granoss.

"Wait, what you are trying to say is that I have become an abomination? Why would you apologize for that, Isn't that a good thing?" Alex couldn't understand why they would apologize just because of that.

"It sounds like a good thing but it is not. The universe will not be lenient with you, especially when breaking through a major realm. Your tribulations will be more lethal than normal. We brought you here out of our selfish reasons and now instead of making things easy for you, we might have doomed you. The universe is punishing us for bringing a lesser being to where he doesn't belong." Granoss said.

Alex didn't know what to say.

"The bloodline in me, the one that I awakened, is it that strong?"

"It was strong enough to suppress our blood. And that is only in its awakening stage if it grows stronger then." Grace said not knowing how to continue.

"Then that is a good thing for me, that's another trump card I can use."

"No, it is not, Alex that bloodline of yours is very harmful to you and anyone around you. It made your aura feel like that of death like you were the messenger of death. Just from awakening it almost killed you. Trying to use it will most likely get you killed. I fear that when you attempt to breakthrough a stage in your bloodline, it will cause you death." Daemon told Alex with a heavy tone.

"The usual fuckery. Of what use is the bloodline powers now?" Alex said as he facepalmed.

"I do feel stronger now though, a strength that I have never felt. I feel like I can scale small mountains at the moment." Alex said as he was feeling optimistic.

"Now that you are a Nirvana realm cultivator you should feel like… BULLSHIT!!" Voss blurted out.

"This isn't the aura of a Nirvana Realm cultivator, this aura is that of an Origin realm cultivator," Voss said as he felt like he had been wronged.

"This bloodline of yours only knows how to cause you loss. It even refused you your growth" Granoss said with a heavy sigh.

"Come closer, Alex." Granoss prompted Alex.


Voss quickly said. He waved his left hand and the impurities that were on Alex and the ground instantaneously caught on fire. Alex flinched immediately he saw the fire but calmed down quickly because he couldn't feel any pain or discomfort from the flames. It felt warm, like a thick blanket that you would use to cover your body in the cold hours of the night.

"Don't worry, flames cannot hurt you anymore, not even that of a phoenix or a golden crow. Unless the flame is from someone with a cultivation four realms above yours. As long as you are strong enough, you will be immune. This is what our blood has granted you, immunity to elements that are of our nature. Fire, Lightning, and the rare power of Space" Voss proudly said.

The impurities burnt quickly and disappeared, so did the unbearable stench that Alex momentarily forgot about. He steadily went over to where Granoss was.

"Give me your hand." Alex complied immediately and raised his right hand. Granoss held his hand and checked his pulse.

"There is not a minuscule drop of our blood that is dormant in you. Meaning that you merged with everything. But you are only at the first level of the Blood Awakening Stage." Granoss said.

"The only good thing is that, now, only a bloodline bearer at the third level of the Blood Resonance Stage and above can suppress your bloodline powers."

"That means the limits of my immunity against fire, lightning, and space attacks have increased. It should be seven realms difference now. That's a plus." Alex exclaimed joyfully.

"Alex that doesn't mean that you can't be hurt. There are martial skills that are able to bypass your immunity." Granoss killed his joy.

"Damn!! What is it with this world and all its complexity?! I haven't even been in this galaxy for a day and it's already fucking me over." Alex said feeling like the universe was already against him. He started getting a bit depressed.

Granoss raised his index finger and placed it on Alex's forehead.

"We still have our knowledge to pass on to you. I hope they help you in getting stronger."

Daemon and Voss did the same. Just like what happened to him when grace placed her finger on his head, the same happened again, the difference being that the information present in his mind were all scrambled. He found it very difficult to arrange them in the right order. He could only get the general contents.

The information he got from Granoss was about Swordsmanship. The one from Daemon was about the power of Runes and the one from Voss was about Alchemy.

"Why can't I put the information in order?"

"Because your mind and body are not strong enough to process such information. As you get stronger, it will get clearer. Even if you have all these knowledge you will still have to put in the efforts. Knowing will not be enough, you have to experience them."

"Here take this."

Daemon removed the black ring on his finger and gave it to Alex.

"Every treasure we own is in here. With what's in it you'll have to do a lot before you can be poor. This is a dimensional ring, where you can store any inanimate object in as long as there's space left in it. But don't fret, the space inside the ring is very huge. you'll just have to get stronger before you'll be able to access it. Grace will help you out with it."

"As usual, an unpleasant restriction, Thank you." He said and every bit of sarcasm could be heard in his tone. Alex collected the ring.