And change in character levels readjusted.
Magic is divided into levels according to RPG game.
LVL 0 - Able to feel elements in air. Can't use them yet. Just means that person can later train in them. Bruce is LVL 0 in each element due to his cheat. Not called a mage yet. Mana of LVL 0 is 0-1000 and HP equals mana for most mages.
LVL 1 - Apprentice. Can manipulate elements outside body. Cannot convert mana to attribute elements.
MANA - 1000-2000
LVL 2 - Master Mage. - Can conjure elemental particles from mana
Mana - 2k-3k
LVL 3 - Grand Mage
Mana - 3k-4k
LVL 4 - GrandMaster Mage - Mana 4k-5k
LVL 5 - Arch Mage - Mana 5k-6k
LVL 6 - not revealed yet.
The system need 100x to improve at each level.
The starting point may vary for different magic systems.
Like 1 gold for LVL1 Earth
Basic magic systems start with 1 gold for first level.
The magic casting is based on using mana to visualize runic diagrams. The diagrams are created by mages after years of experimenting.
Basic spell diagrams are sold by large magic store.
The meditation is just closing eyes and feeling the elements in the air. More concentrated elements lead to easier mediation.
As levels increase, due to more mana capacity, the person can cast magic farther away.
Highest is Queen Katerina who is LVL5
Bruce only has Psychic and earth as LVL2. Rest everything is LVL2 or LVL1.
Svetlana is low lvl2
Arshaya high LVL1
Margaret High lvl2
George Augustus Mid LVL4
Oliver Augustus LVL3
Stasha of Blue Inn low LVL3
Lierey high lvl2
Dolly Varad low lvl2
Duke Varad mid LVL3
Old John High level 2
Rose Low LVL3
Distance for drawing mana circle varies based on level.
10 metres for lvl 1
20 with lvl 2 and so on but can vary based on types of spells. Efficient spells using less mana can be drawn farther.