[ Ookay the only thing changing about my update schedule is that there will be a one week break every two weeks. - Insomniaddict ]
Oh no. God damnit, I forgot All Might worked here. God, he brings back so many bad memories. All right, it's one class. One class and then I will be fine. Well except for all the classes after today, but I am gonna ignore that in favour of optimism.
Well at least my hero costume looks good. It is a black button up with a white vest, it says hero on the vest. I have black combat boots, the combat boots have spikes that extend out the bottom. Nothing that'd cause any permanent damage, the spikes are small and coated in a sleep poison. It is more like a bunch of pins, it will just hurt like a bitch.
The Uraraka girl complimented my outfit and I smiled at her. She is actually gonna be my partner during the battle and I am going against Bakubitch and Iida. Okay, maybe the nickname was uncalled for, but meh, I don't care.
My plan is to hack the ear pieces and cut the connection between the two, while also making sure to mess with their hearing a bit by sending a sound that isn't noticable, but will interfere with what they hear around them. Kind of like mental suggestion. While if we don't attempt stealth they will hear us, but if we walk lightly through the building we should be fine. I have a plan B if Bakugo acts like he did when he was younger still, but I doubt he still acts like that.
• Bakugo's POV •
If I were a cocky child still I would probably go after them at the start and ignore Iida, but if my childhood taught me anything, it's that being like that doesn't bring anything good. So, unlike how I outwardly act, I decided to plan with Iida. While I set traps around the building and patrol it to make sure I can warn him if I see them, then get the two in a pincer attack.
Setting the plan aside for now, why does the green haired boy look so familiar. If it weren't for his eye bags, half dead looking eyes and darker hair, I'd think he was that friend I had when I was 4. I didn't catch the green haired guy's name, so I need to learn that later.
Kirishima: " You already have a plan, so manly!" Shitty hair compliments.
Katsuki: "Of course we did, Shitty hair!" I yell back.
• All Might's POV •
Young Midoriya seem rather sick looking, maybe it's because he is nervous. His face also contorts when he looks at me, did I offend him at some point?
• Uraraka's POV •
Mido's plan is so good! It makes so much sense, he also carries ant nausea pills for some reason. Odd boy, but he is so nice. Despite the fact his facial features don't change, the computer emojis make up for that.
• Iida's POV •
To be honest, I didn't expect Bakugo to actually help plan. He seems so out of control usually, I should revaluate how I think of things. I think I jumped to conclusions to quickly.
• 3rd POV •
Izuku and Uraraka were sitting outside the building. Izuku had the program ready so with the click of a button the comms for Bakugo and Iida will go off. When the game started, Izuku turned off Bakugo and Iida's comms, while Uraraka made their clothes light. She did this so stuff makes less noise and they can move more comfortably. Around the 2nd floor Izuku found a vent, so they decided to travel by vent.
Bakugo didn't hear Izuku and Uraraka vent, so he isn't sus of them yet. He successfully planted traps so he is patrolling the floor below the bomb and the floor the bomb is on. Iida is still in the room with the bomb and waiting for any confirmation that they got through.
You see, Izuku didn't make it obvious he cut comms, they will think they have comms still up till they try to use them.
Izuku and Uraraka dropped out of the vents 2 floors below the bomb. They lightly walked through the hallways. The traps weren't set off because of Izuku, he has a lot of practice talking people through a process. Anyway, they reached the floor with the bomb and Bakugo wasn't anywhere to be seen.
Bakugo was in a side room when he saw movement. He didn't hear anything though so he just slightly raised his guard. He hasn't heard anything from Iida for awhile so he decided to check in.
Bakugo: "What? Comms are cut, fuck!" He stage whispered.
Izuku heard a voice so he dragged Uraraka into a side room and brought out his pc.
Izuku: 'I heard a voice, let's split up here. Go through the vents, here is a screwdriver.' He handed her the screwdriver.
Uraraka: "Alright." She whispered, determined.