That Girl Named Yuna

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(I fell in love to an ordinary person. A person who is beautiful not just physically, but also emotionally. A person who would sacrifice everything just for the sake of others, a person who understands, and a person who accepted me for who I am.

Her name was Yuna Arakaki.)

It all started when a cult was formed.

During the Edo period, it was them who do the dirty works of shogunates to keep the internal peace and political stability.

As centuries pass, they remain to do the dirty works of the government, especially in the modern era.

The government, along with the Yakuza gang, supported this cult that is why when the cult invited newly wed parents from all over Japan. They instantly get new recruits.

Whenever a newly wed coupleーwho were planning to have a childー is chosen to join the cult. They could either deny it and meet a dead end fate or they can sacrifice their first child in exchange for a better and peaceful life without anyone interfering.

Just like Ryu Akimoto. His parents sold him to the cult of the hoarders of the dark. His name wasn't given by his real parents, but was given by the cult.

The hoarders of the dark per city consist of an elder, an alchemist, and the followers.

These followers consists of assassins who received keychains as payments for doing the government and Yakuza's dirty work in exchange for a promised gift, immortality.

200 keychains must be collected in exchange for immortality.

Elders, used to be a follower who hoards keychains in exchange for immortality. Whilst the alchemists are powerful warlocks who creates these magical keychains. Basically, elders, as well as alchemists, are immortal and could live forever except when killed.

They all wear black-themed outfit, however, the elders wear a much more fancier than the rest.

As years passed, technology was introduced. With the elders distrusting its followers, they soon create a small organization of assassins of their own, the blood hoarders.

The blood hoarders does not need to hoard keychains, but rather hoard blood from their previous kill.

Unlike the followers, blood hoarders only do what their elder orders them to do. They are loyal, but they do not do the government's dirty work nor with the Yakuzas.

They only serve the elders and only the elders alone. They even have a higher hierarchy next to an alchemist, than those of the followers.